Gae Roy Ruk(Bangkok Drama)


Expired Sarnie
the two teasers were so good. i cant wait for the lakorn. i am so excited and thrill!!!


sarNie Coma
yay, just 7 more days to go!..2nd teaser is quite intense. wonder whos gonna be the killing. maybe it might be a twist

thanks wishbone


sarNie Hatchling
Im so excited that I am counting down the days until it airs!! I can't wait to see both ROme and Rita again! woohoo!!!


RujRasa Fan
the t-sers are wonderful. I can't wait to see rome and rita again. According to the t-sers, did boy kill annie? It seems like he might of because maprang was telling him to kill her. Someone please confirm that he did not kill her or if he did, he is the bad guy in this one, right?


Expired Sarnie
its getting hotter by the days. oh i am so excited and thrill. just a few more days. :D


sarNie Hatchling
Thanks for the awesome pictures Wishbone! im so excited I can't wait for it to air! Still counting down the days!


sarNie Hatchling
Two words to describe Rome + Rita 'perfect match'. Thanks for updating new photos, wishbone! I'm looking forward to seeing the 1st episode.


sarNie Coma
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh romes sooo hot in those suit and rita's gorgeous. they are so perfect for each other. too bad its not another romance drama

thanks wishbone