did someone khnow how to install game

i just want to khnow if someone khnow how i can install a game on my pc because i don't khnow how to do or did someone khnow which pilot i need for that because i have a new game but i can't play it. or did someone have already try to play with Spell Force 2? thank u so much for ur answer


sarNie Adult
pleang sney said:
i just want to khnow if someone khnow how i can install a game on my pc because i don't khnow how to do or did someone khnow which pilot i need for that because i have a new game but i can't play it. or did someone have already try to play with Spell Force 2? thank u so much for ur answer
What do you mean "did someone know which pilot I need for that"? What pilot?

Spellforce 2 ah. I played the first one. Anyway my first question to you is is it a legit game? As in did you buy this game or borrow from someone who did? Does it have pretty graphics on the cd? If any of those are true then when you put in the game cd.. it should automatically popup a screen that asks you if you want to install it.

If that doesn't happen u'll have to manually click on probably "setup.exe" Go to your cdrom and right click and say "browse" and find the setup file in there and double click it.
Darvil said:
What do you mean "did someone know which pilot I need for that"? What pilot?

Spellforce 2 ah. I played the first one. Anyway my first question to you is is it a legit game? As in did you buy this game or borrow from someone who did? Does it have pretty graphics on the cd? If any of those are true then when you put in the game cd.. it should automatically popup a screen that asks you if you want to install it.

If that doesn't happen u'll have to manually click on probably "setup.exe" Go to your cdrom and right click and say "browse" and find the setup file in there and double click it.
thank u to take time on my question but i buy the cd and a window appear but when i click on install it say that it have an error occurred can't install the game that's why i want to khnow what i have to do and if i miss some programm because i ask the support online but no one can give me an answer they say that they don't khnow
thank u very much by advance if u can help me
here this is what i have on my screen when i put the cd

and then i click on install but the game doesn't want start and i have an error message


sarNie Adult
Ok thats not the important part.

I need to have a screen shot of the error. So I know what the error is.

Also try doing whta I mentioned above. Right click on your cdrom and find setup.exe and double click it.
ok, here the mess appear when i click on install and really big thanks for u help

this message is in french but when u translate it , it give:
" the installation are not success to install correctly. click on ok to off the application"
and i try what u do but can't find where is the error.
very very very big thanks


sarNie Adult
ah that is too generic of an error message. I can't help you with much if that is all you get.

And you see this when you click on "install"? Basically you haven't install the game yet right?

If I was over at your house I would try a few things but its hard for me to explain.

It seems to be some internal problem you have.

Did you really try what I told you to do? Browse to your cdrom and then click on setup.exe. See if that give you the same kind of error.

I'm gonna try to give you some generic thing to do. One thing I would try is to install the directX first.

Another thing I would do is to click "msconfig" on the run button. Then I would check off everything in the startup tab. Then reboot your PC and try installing the game again.

Also try installing the game in safe mode.. see if it gives you the same error.
thank u very much Darvil to take time to try to help me but i already install Direct x and i try to setup it. i think it's my pc which have some trouble because i restore it in a couple day ago and some of my files was lost ( around 20%) that's why i think i miss some components of windows to install this game but it's ok i really appreciate the fact that u stop on my question.....have a nice day
Darvil said:
you giving up already??

did you try anything I mentioned?
i just try last night but the game doesn't start but it's really strange because i can't play with my home's computer and i can with my laptop, i think it's a internal problem like u say, i think tomorrow i call a specialist to see that,... but if u want try it i can upload for u( and give u the product key), just tell me how to do... becauuse i think i don't want play no more and don't khnow how to do with.... ;)


pleang sney said:
i just try last night but the game doesn't start but it's really strange because i can't play with my home's computer and i can with my laptop, i think it's a internal problem like u say, i think tomorrow i call a specialist to see that,... but if u want try it i can upload for u( and give u the product key), just tell me how to do... becauuse i think i don't want play no more and don't khnow how to do with.... ;)

maybe you're missing a file that is causing this problem. did you read the game box that says system requirement and does your system have all those listed. it might simply be a .dll application file that you can download off the internet. but like darvil said, the problem is so broad, it's hard to target to one thing.

can i ask why you restored your system? and what were the file that you've restored, how far back did you restore?
yes, i think that i miss some files and to answer to ur question for why i restore my comp? it's because when i'm not here someone play with my comp and erase some of my files which it's really important for my work ...and then i have to do a restoration to find it , but when i do it, i lost 20% of my files and don't khnow what happen....now i try to find where is the problem and where are my files and what happen to it... but if u have some advice to give me i really appreciate to khnow that and i heard all the proposition.. :wub:


well if someone has deleted your files from your computer, restoring your computer won't do any good. maybe you would want to download something like r-undelete... this recovers the files that you've deleted. but if you've installed programs or uninstalled a program you didn't mean to doing a system restore can bring it back to the same stage it was in prior to u doing anything to it.

doing system restore will not help with u deleting files or changing settings to certain things, for example changing your configuration for your wireless router.

if you think that restoring your computer by doing a system restore did nothing to help you, you can choose to go back and restore back to the same condition prior restoration, if it hasn't been that long since the last time u've restored.

i hope this helps a little.:D
i do the restoration because the files i lost belong to windows and when i ask a technical support they tell me that i have to put the cd to restore my system but when i do that i get the files i lost but i lost 20% more and i try to find a solution because the windows try to give a solution but they don't khnow to what happen and in france it's not like in usa we don't have a lot of people khnow how to repair comp system..... and i try already to go with a restoration point but it do nothing


sarNie Adult
pleang sney said:
i do the restoration because the files i lost belong to windows and when i ask a technical support they tell me that i have to put the cd to restore my system but when i do that i get the files i lost but i lost 20% more and i try to find a solution because the windows try to give a solution but they don't khnow to what happen and in france it's not like in usa we don't have a lot of people khnow how to repair comp system..... and i try already to go with a restoration point but it do nothing
I think what you did was reinstalled windows. That will mess things up. YOu didn't really lose those files but rather they aren't linked inside your PC anymore.

I'd help you if I was around there. I don't think its that big of a deal to be honest. You just have to mess with it a bit.
Darvil said:
I think what you did was reinstalled windows. That will mess things up. YOu didn't really lose those files but rather they aren't linked inside your PC anymore.

I'd help you if I was around there. I don't think its that big of a deal to be honest. You just have to mess with it a bit.
thank u very much for all ur advice and ur answer i really appreciate that. And i will follow what u say Darvil, i will check my comp to find the files i lost. Another time thank u to Noungning and Darvil :D


yeah wow reinstalling windows, unless ur system was partitioned, it's kind of hard to restore anything if even possible. well i'm sorry this is gonna be a hard one. but with the game situation, i am at a lost of how u can use the game when it doesn't specify what error this is... well the code might be able to say something. i'd have to google that one.