Diamond love!::Ken, Aum P & more [Chapter 8 up]


i got a little confussed on this chapter so hope it's ok ;)

Chapter 8

Same day
[Ran, Han & VI’s House]
‘Bah Matt would you like some help?’ Dao asked, walking into the kitchen
‘No its ok you should get some rest you had a long journey’ Bah Matt replied while chopping some meat up
‘I want to help that is why I’m here to work to earn some money’ Dao replied walking to Bah Matt
‘Fine you can help Pat set the table’ Bah Matt said point to where the dinning room was so Dao Could help Pat.
‘Thank you’ Dao said, walking in to the dinning room.
‘P’Pat ka, Bah Matt sent me to help you.’ Dao said.
‘Fine, go and get me some plates from the kitchen’ Pat said
‘Ok I’ll be right back’
So Dao started to walk into the kitchen when shouted out ‘DAO’ so Dao turned round she saw that it was Ran so she kept on walking into the kitchen but Ran still followed her in to the kitchen
‘Bah Matt I’m going to see if my sisters ok’ She said to bah matt the walking out the kitchen back door with Ran still following her.
‘DAO’ Ran shouted again but louder, this time Ran started to run to catch up with Dao, when he did he grabbed Dao’s arm.
‘Let you hand off me!’ Dao said looking at Ran then Ran’s hand on her arm,
‘Oh sorry!’ He replied taking his hands off her, Dao kept looking at him with evil eyes, then she started to walk off but before she could Ran grabbed her arm again.
‘Let go of my arm’ Dao said again trying to pull Ran’s hand off her arm
‘LET GO OF ME’ she said again but a bit louder, but ran didn’t listen he took Dao’s other arm, Dao looked, at Ran again then at her arms ‘LET GO OF ME’ she shouted, but Ran still didn’t listen and pulled her to his chest, taking his hand of her arm and putting his arm around her, Dao looked straight into his eyes and Ran did exactly the same.
‘Niran’ his mother shouted from the kitchen door ‘Where are you? Nattaporn’s here with her mother and Khem and his family get you bum here now’ but there was no answer, his was still with Dao. So she shouted a little louder ‘NIRAN DUONGUMNUAYPORN ‘ this time there was an answer and suddenly Ran let go of Dao still looking at her and smiling.
‘Coming mother’ he shouted walking away from Dao and up to his mother.
‘Crazy Man’ Dao Said
‘Who’s Crazy?’ Waan asked walking up to her sister from behind. Dao jumped like she was in shock
‘Don’t do that’ she said to her sister turning round to see her
‘Well you never answered my question’ Waan continued
‘What question?’ Dao asked
‘Who’s Crazy?’ Waan asked again
‘You!’ Dao said but really talking about Ran. Waan laughed ‘Well we can’t stand her we do have to work’ Dao finished walking with he sister in to the main house
‘Hello, Nattaporn, and Khun Lek’ Ran’s mother said walking up to Nat and her mother ‘this is my son Niran he the oldest out of the 3’
‘Hello’ Ran said walking up to Nat
‘Hello again’ Nat said ‘And Bah Jan just call me Nat please’
‘Ok fine Nat’ His mother said
‘So this is Niran I’ve heard so much about Khun Jan’ Nat mother said
‘Well I hope all good’ Ran said
‘Yes very good P’Ran my mothers been telling me exactly what your mother said to her’ Nat said walking up to Ran
‘Khem’ Ran said walking to Khem who was standing at the front door with Pen, Sy and Khem’s farther.
‘Ran, hello, you’ve met my little cousin Pen and her mum?’ Khem said
‘Yes I have, hello again.’ Ran finished ‘Would you like a drink?’ Ran Asked as well.
‘Umm yes please’ Khem replied
‘Ah Chai? Ah Sy? Ran asked them
‘No I’m fine, Pen would you like one?’ Sy said
‘No thank you’ Pen replied looking around the living Room of the house
‘I’ll have a beer Ran’ Ah Chai Said
‘Don’t even think about it Niran’ His mother said ‘DAO’ she shouted out
‘Yes Mrs Duongumnuayporn?’ Dao said walking in to the living room. At this point Khem lifted his head up and saw Dao and couldn’t keep his eyes off her, but Dao didn’t notice.
‘Go and get some drinks from the bar’ Ran’s mother said
‘Please’ Ran finished as he know his mother wouldn’t say it, but Dao looked at Ran then turned round to get the drinks ‘You not going to ask what everyone want?’ Ran continued laughing
‘Yes’ Das replied turning round ‘What you like?’
‘Well me I want a hug no sorry a beer’ Ran said trying to be funny
‘Crazy man’ Dao said under her voice
‘Make that 2 beers’ Ah Chai said
‘4 Beers and an orange’ Ran’s farther said walking into the living room with Han and VI.
‘Is that it ka?’ Dao asked
‘Yes I think so’ Ran’s mother said, so Dao turned round and walked to the bar to get the drinks.
‘So Nat, what was studding abroad like?’ Ran’s farther asked
‘Great, I was in England and it has a great education system out there’ Nat finished looking at Ran’s farther then looking at Ran who was starring at Dao.
‘Really?’ Ran’s farther asked
‘No’ Pen interrupted
‘Is that true then N’Pen’ Ran’s farther asked Looking at Pen
‘Well you have money you can afford all the private schools in England I just went to a normal state school where and English man taxes go to’ Pen said
‘Is that true now’ Ran’s farther said starting to laugh ‘so you new school is a State school then?’
‘Well no’ Pen said
‘Oh really then what school you going to?’ Han asked her
‘I actually dunno yet?’Pen replied looking at her mother
‘I’m still looking round’ Pen mother said
‘Dao’ Ran’s farther said ‘what school you sister going to?’
Dao started to walk up to the living room with the drinks ‘Umm Bangkok international school’
‘Is that the one I’m paying for?’ Ran farther said
‘Yes sir and I am very grateful as is my sister’ Dao replied
‘Yes well there no need you sister should go to a good school from her report I’ve read she is very clever’ Ran’s farther said
‘How is you sister from her fall?’ VI asked her talking about earlier that day
‘Why don’t you ask her you self she over there’ Dao said putting the drinks on the table, so VI got up and walked to the dinning room where Waan was standing helping set the table.
‘How is you bum?’ VI asked
‘What?’ Waan said
‘You bum, how is it?’ VI asked, but Waan took it the wrong way
‘YOU PREVERT!’ Waan shouted everyone looked at Waan
‘Nothing it’s a joke’ VI said ‘Sorry if you took it the wrong way I meant are you ok from your fall yesterday?’ but Waan didn’t answer she just kept setting the table.
‘Bah Matt should I call them over?’ Waan asked Bah Matt who was in the kitchen
‘Yes please, Waan’ Bah matt said
So Waan walked over to the living room walking straight pass VI looking at him up and down before she walked on.
‘Umm dinners ready’ Waan Said, While Dao was looking at her smiling
‘Waan just the person’ Ran’s farther said
‘Yes sir?’ Waan asked thinking she was in trouble
‘How is your new school?’ He asked
‘My new school? I dunno I haven’t been yet’ Waan Said
‘Oh yes you’ve only been here 4 hours, anyhow you get off to what ever you where doing, Dao you go with her’ Ran’s father Replied, Dao and Waan walked out of the living room, and everyone else followed.
‘What was the shouting for?’ Ran mum asked VI
‘Huh?’ VI said ‘Oh nothing a joke’
‘Right one of his flirting techniques gone wrong’ Han said
‘Shut up Han’ VI replied kicking Han under the table
‘Well it true!’ Han said
‘Like your yesterday you mean?’
‘Han, VI shut it’ there mother shouted from the other side of the table
‘So P’Ran what’s your job?’ Nat asked trying to change the subject
‘I’m a photograph’ Ran replied
‘Really?’ Nat said
‘Well maybe one day you can take some photo’s of me’
Pen laughed out loud everyone turned and starred at Pen to see what was so funny
‘What’s so funny?’ Han asked
‘Nothing’ Pen replied
‘There must be something’ Han said
‘I was thinking about something my dad us to say to me when I had photos taken’ Waan said looking around her, but Nat shoot her an evil look.
‘Well that was a nice dinner’ Ran’s mother said
‘Yes thank you for the meal’ Nat’s mother said
‘You’re welcome Lek’
‘Next time you will have to come to my house’
‘Yes you will Bah Jan’ Nat said
‘We should go your farther will be home from work anytime now’ Nat’s mother said
‘Yes’ Nat replied ‘Well I’ll see you later Ran’
‘Oh yes later’ Ran replied getting up from his sit to go to the bar to get a drink.
‘Well bye’ Ran’s mother said at the front door
‘Well they’ve gone’ Ran’ farther said
‘Thank goodness’ His mother replied, Ran’s farther just rolled his eye’s ‘Well Chai your going to have to stay here’
‘No I can drive home’ Chai said
‘No your sleep here tonight’ Ran’s farther said ‘Pat’ he called
‘Yes sir’ Pat replied entering the room
‘Go and set up a couple of rooms for Chai and the family’
‘Yes sir’ she replied walking up the stairs
‘Well I’m going to hit the sack’ Ran replied
‘Sack what sack?’ His mother asked
‘Bed I’m going to bed’ Han said looking at his mother laughing
‘Yes we might do that our self, well night everyone’ Ran’s mother and farther said going upstairs to bed.
‘Night mum, Night Dad’ Han and VI said
‘Night’ Chai repeated,
‘Your beds are done’ Pat said coming down the stairs
‘Thank you me and Pen are going to bed them’ Pens mother said
‘Yes I am to night boys’ Chai said following pen and her mother to bed
‘Night’ all the boy replied
‘Yeh I’m going to Night’ Khem said.
So everyone went to bed except Ran, Ran Walked out in to the garden where it was dark and the only light is from the street and lamps in the garden, and right in front of him was Dao so he walked up to Dao and sat down next to her.
‘It’s beautiful isn’t it?’ Ran said
Dao turned her head to see who was next to her and replied ‘It was’ then she to get up but Ran pulled her down again
‘I think it’s beautiful’ Ran said looking at the stars
‘Do you want something?’ Dao asked thinking he must want something.
‘Well come to think of it yes!’ Ran asked
‘Well go one...’ Dao said
‘Marry me’ Ran asked
‘WHAT!’ Dao said getting up from the ground
‘M-a-r-r-y me’ Ran said again
‘I don’t even know you and I don’t like you’ Dao said again and she started to walk off then she suddenly stopped ‘Wait. Wait! why do you want me to marry you?’
‘Well because I want to prove a point to my mother’ Ran started
‘Well why not ask friends?’ Dao said but Dao didn’t want him to answer the question so she started to walk off,
But as Ran started to walk off Dao turned round and asked him ‘Why?’ Ran just looked at her not saying anything at all


sarNie Granny
omg you finally update yay...wow he just came out and said that he want her to marry him...i can't wait to find out whats going to happen next^^