Diamond love!::Ken, Aum P & more [Chapter 8 up]


Ken Theeradeth –Niran ‘Ran’ Duongumnuayporn (28)
Aum Patchrapa – Saengdao ‘Dao’ Vahabhumi (20)
Wier Sukolawat – Virote ‘Vi’ Duongumnuayporn (20)
Pat Napapa – Chuenchai ‘Waan’ Vahabhumi (17)
Kwan Ussamanee – Pen–Chan ‘Pen’ Roberts (17)
Rome Pitta – Klahan ‘Han’ Duongumnuayporn (21)
Noon Woranuch (N’rai) – Nattaporn ‘Nat’ Panlertwongskul (26)
Por Tridsadee (P’rai) – Khemkhaeng ‘Khem’ Sahawong (28)
Niran (Ken) – Dao (Aum)
Vi (Weir) – Waan (Pat)
Han (Rome) – Pen (Kwan)
Niran (Ken) is 28 years old and is the oldest out of his 3 brothers. Niran Family is wealthy they own a Diamond shop in Bangkok. Niran, Han (Rome) and Vi (Wier) learn that they farther has heart Problem and that if there farther Die the Business will be split to the 3 boys but the only problem is that the boys have there own Dreams! Dao (Aum) is a 20 year old who lives in Chang Mai, when her mother was murdered; her mother left her soul custardy of her 17 year old sister Waan (Pat). Dao decided to move to Bangkok with her sister for a fresh start, But Was it the Right thing to do?
Pen (Kwan) is 17 years old she had to move form Portsmouth, England with her mum after her Dad died, Pen has to attend a Thai school which doesn’t help the fact that she writes and read little Thai, but that when she become friends with Waan!


Chapter 1
*Chang Mai*
Dao’s and Waan’s house:
‘Waan dear’ Jan, Waan’s mother called out.
‘Ka Ma’ Waan replied, turning round, to see what her mother wanted
‘Where’s Dao?’ Waan’s mother asked
‘I’m here, Ma’ Dao shouted out from a distance, Dao and Waan’s mother walked up to Dao. Dao Smiled and walked up to her mum to meet her half-way, and asked ‘Did you want something?’
‘No, I was just wondering where you were’ Said there mother
‘Oh!’ Dao and Waan just laughed, there mother just rolled her eye, Dao turned to her left and looked at Waan ‘N’Waan shouldn’t you be getting of to school it 8:30 now?’ Waan looked at the clock on the living room Wall.
‘OH No! I’m going to be late!’ Waan walked to her mum and gave her a kiss on the check ‘Bye I’ll be back at lunch time’ then Waan Got out of the door and started running, Dao starred laughing again and looked to the right of her where the sofa was.
‘Oh no! She left her school bag’ Dao said to her mother ‘Do you think she’ll realise and come back for it?’
‘She was in a rush I don’t think she’ll remember I’ll go take it to her’
‘No I’ll go take it you stay here’ Dao said to her mum touching her hugging her
‘It’s ok I’ll take it I need to go Shopping’ She replied touching Dao’s Head
‘Shopping? For what?’ Dao Asked
‘Food, we have none’ Jan replied laughing
‘Oh! I -’
‘No I’ll go, I need a walk’
‘Are you sure?’
Ran, Han & Vi house 8.30 am:
*Knock, Knock*
‘Hello’ a sleepy voice said
‘Vi it 8:30 classes started umm now’ Said Han
‘OMG! I’m late!’ Vi said jumping out of bed and ran to the shower *Bang*
‘WHAT WAS THAT?’ their mother shouted from the stairs
‘It was Vi mother getting out of bed’ said Ran coming up behind his mother and kissing her on the check.
‘Getting out of bed?’ their farther said
‘Yes’ said Han and Ran
‘Oh goodness it’s 9am now he’s late’ said their mother panicking rubbing her head. Quickly running down the stairs can Vi he ran to the dinning room table and drank a glass of orange squash and grabbed some food and ran out door. ‘VI!’ shouted their farther, Vi stopped and turned round he ran back and gave his mum a kiss and his dad and ran out the door shouting ‘I’m Late where talk later’ By this time everyone in the house started laughing.
Han started to get up ‘I better get off to now I have work’
‘Ok dear’ said their mother ‘What about you Ran do you have Work today? Any photos need taking?’
‘Photos!’ interrupted their farther shrugging his shoulder ‘You need a mans Job’
‘I’ve been telling him that for 10 year, Mr Duongumnuayporn khub’ said Khem an old family friend.
Ran shock his head and replied ‘Come on where going to be late’
‘Niran Wait let Khemkhaeng sit down and have a drink’ said Niran farther. By this time Han had already left the house.
‘Farther, we’re going to be late!’ Said Ran to his farther
‘Yes there going to be late dear I can’t have two sons in trouble, now can we?’ said Ran’s mother to his farther
‘Yes very well off you go.’ Said his farther, Ran went up to his farther and kissed him on the check and then kissed his mother. Ran and Khem walked out side sat on the stair out side by the front door to put their shoes on.
‘So were you working today then?’ Khem asked
‘I don’t know? I’ll have to go to the office 1st’ Ran replied ‘Do you want me to drop you off at the shop first?
‘Yes please if you could thanks’ said Khem getting up from the stairs giving his hand to Ran to help him up to.
‘Mother, Farther I’m off now bye’ shout Ran to his mother and farther but no reply but he could hear the bickering she just shock his head and walked off.
LOL, you used my imaginary Thai lastname, Vahabhumi. And you didn't even ask :D

Anyways, and the names. But don't worry, I don't really care haha.


:huh: Name oh yeh sorry forgot to ask hehe :p but i credited you know for the name hehe :D sorry again na ja :)


Chapter 2
*Siam Shop*
‘Niran...’ said this strange looking old man
‘Ah Chai...’ Ran replied sarcastically sitting in his car with the passenger seat window open.
‘Hmm what is with the sarcastic language?’ Ah Chai ask walking to the car window ‘Anyhow, Will your farther be joining us?’ at this point Khem started to laugh, Chai shot a look at Khem ‘What is so funny?’ Ran just stayed in the car laughing to himself Khem had shot him a look ‘Don’t look at Ran for the answer. What was so funny?’ Chai had asked Khem again.
‘Err...’ Khem said before Ran interrupted
‘Ah Khub, I think my farther might pop in later Khub, I can phone him if you like?’ Ran said to Ah Chai. Ah Chai turn’s round to look at Ran.
‘No it ok I’ll phone him later khub’ Ah Chai replied by now Ah Chai.
‘Ok khub, well I better go to work now khub, I might see you later Khem.’ Ran Said to Khem. By Now Ah Chai had worked into the Siam Shop.
‘Yeah. Phone me!’ Khem had replied
‘Khemkhaeng Sahawong...’ Ah Chai shouted from the shop door, ‘...Get you ass in the shop now we’re paid to sell diamonds not to talk to our future boss’
‘Yes Farther I’m coming now!’ Khem replied rolling his eye to Ran ‘Better go see ya later’
‘KHEMKHAENG SAHAWONG I WANT ASKS YOU AGAIN!’ Ah Chai shouted again but even louder.
‘You better go now’ Ran said laughing out loud ‘see ya’
‘Yeah bye’ by now Ran was driving away and Khem started to walk to the shop.
‘Khem, son I know you to are best friends but please don’t waste my time we’re late opening now’ Ah Chai said walking to the door to put the open sign on the door
‘Why do we have to open and close the shop farther? It’s their business not are!’ Khem asked. But Ah Chai did not reply he just put the open sign on and worked to the counter to put out the display, Khem didn’t repeat him self he know that his farther did not want to answer.
QA hospital, 1:30am:
‘MUM’ this girl around the age shouted out running to throw the corridors.
‘Pen, oh Pen darling come here’ said her mother sounding upset but yet calm.
‘Where is he, where’s dad? I can I quick as I could can I see him please mum?’ a very upset Pen replied, But there was no reply from her mother she just started to cry even more. A strange woman can up to Pen.
‘Pen dear come sit with your Grandmother I have something to tell you’ she said very calmly
‘What is it tell me please?’ Pen asked sounding very panicky but Pen’s mother looked at her grandmother.
‘Your mother should tell you!’ the Grandmother replied starting to walk to the seat next to pen mother.
‘SOMEONE TELL ME PLEASE!!’ Pen shouted, Pen’s mother looked at Pen then Pen looked back ‘NO!!’ Pen screamed and all of a sudden the long corridor started to look small to Pen ‘No! Please tell me it no true mum, please? But she did not say anything she just sat the crying.
‘Pen darling’ said the grandmother going towards Pen to give her a hug but Pen backed off and started to run toward the exit.
‘Pen–Chan’ shouted her mother, but there was no reply pen had already left.
‘Sy, Just leave it she’ll come when she get her head round it.’ Said the grandmother
‘Mary, what will we do? What will I do? She 17 years old she’s not a baby no more’ replied Sy
‘You have me.’ Mary Said putting her arm around Sy.
Pen was knees down in a puddle in the pouring rain shouting out ‘IT’S NOT TRUE HE’S STILL ALIVE! HES STILL ALIIVE’ she started to get quieter ‘It’s not true, it not, it’s not’ Sy had came out side now and was looking for Pen. She walked up to Pen and kneeled down by the side of her putting her arms around her. ‘It’s not true is it mum, it’s not is it’
‘Pen-Chan, you know this day would come?’ stated her mother
‘But they said he had 1 year not 3 day’ Replied a upset Pen
‘Pen darling he had bowl cancer’
‘But they said-‘
‘Pen-Chan, there was no was nothing they could do’ Sy stud up and lifted Pen up to stand to, she looked pen in the Eye and then gave her a big hug.

*Chang Mai’
Chang high:
Chang high is Waan’s high school which she has attended for a two and a half years. Her mother walked up to the gate and called out ‘Waan’ Waan didn’t turn round so she called her name again but louder ‘Waan’ she did turn round this time
‘Ma’ she shouted running towards the gates ‘What you doing here?’ She asked
‘You forgot this’ replied her mother handing over her bag
‘Oh I wondered where that was’ laughed Waan
‘Yes I know you where’ replied her mother messing up Waan’s hair.
‘Ma’ Replied Waan looking around her, her mother just laughed
‘I should go know need to go shopping’ said her mother
‘Ok Ja, I’ll she you later them ma’ replied Waan she gave her mum a kiss on the check and ran toward her friend.

*Fox’s Photos*
‘Hello sir’ said the receptionist ‘shouldn’t you been in Chang Mai?’ Ran looked at the receptionist confused.
‘Chang Mai?’ Ran asked the receptionist confused ‘why do I need to be their?’
‘You have a photo shot up their remember, you booked Chaing Mai hotel 4 months ago’ she replied but seeming a little confused on why he forgot
‘OMG! I forgot, I’ll go get my camera in my office then I’ll go to the airport could you get me taxi’ he asked the Receptionist
‘What about your car? Sir’ she replied
‘I’ll phone Vi to pick it up’
‘Ok sir’ she replied.
Ran, ran up the stair to get his camera ‘err where my camera?’ He said to him self, he crawled on the flour under his desk to see if it was there the all of a sudden his phone went off ‘Oh sh-‘ he started ‘Hello, who’s this?’ he asked
‘Don’t you ever look at you phone before you answer it?’ replied a strange voice
Ran looked at the phone and said ‘Vi’
‘Yes that my name’ VI replied
‘Great I need to talk to you?
‘Now I’m scared’ VI replied
‘Ha ha. Can you pick my car up from work please?’ Ran asked
‘Why can’t you drive it you self? Vi replied
‘Because, I need to go to Chaing Mai. Yes or no?’ Ran asked
‘Fine but I don’t see why Han couldn’t do it?’ VI replied ‘Anything else? Sir’
‘Ha Ha, your funny, yeah one more thing drop me off at the airport please.’
‘Ok I’ll be there in 1 minute’
‘Ok thanks’ Ran said. Ran found his camera it was where he left it in his desk draw for safe keeping, ‘Ok I’m all set now’ Ran went downstairs where VI was waiting for him out side.
‘Ready?’ VI asked him
‘Yes think so’ Ran replied the both went to the walked to the car. Ran chucked the keys to VI. VI started to drive the car out of fox’s photo.


Chapter 3
*Chiang Mai*
‘Waan what are you doing?’ Dao asked, looking at her sister with one eyebrow raised
‘Nothing absolutely nothing’ Waan replied putting her arms behind her back working straight on, Dao just laughed and kept on working leaving her sister to whatever she was looking for.
‘Waan, Waan, WAAN!’ Dao shouted as her sister just disappeared out of no where ‘Chuenchai Vahabhumi, where are you?’ Dao kept working looking for her sister before she know it she was on the floor with a man on her, then al of a sudden Waan came out of no where.
‘OMG’ Waan said not believing what she saw her sister on the floor ‘OMG! It not uncommon for you to be on the floor in a public, Saengdao Vahabhumi, but never with a hot person on top of you. OMG’ Dao looked at this man then looked at her sister and then looked around her where there where several people looking at them.
‘Can you get off me please?’ She asked the man nicely but he did not reply so she asked him again ‘Can you please get off me?’ but there was still no reply she laid there looking at him while he was looking at her.
‘He’s in wonderland’ laughed Waan
‘THIS ISNT FUNNY’ shouted a very annoyed Dao then she looked at the man again ‘GET OFF ME NOW!’ she shouted this time there was a reply
‘What did you say?’ he asked her.
‘GET OFF ME NOW!’ Dao shouted again getting even madder.
‘What sorry didn’t quiet get that?’ he stated this time like Dao was missing something Dao looked at him and then looked at Waan but Waan stood there laughing her head off.
‘Can you get off me’ Dao asked this time calmly
‘What sorry’ he said again. By now Dao couldn’t take anymore she decided to push him off, when Dao starred to lift her arms to push him he decided to get up and pulled Dao up with Him.
‘There you go’ He said
‘Saengdao Vahabhumi, you ok?’ Waan asked her sister while still laughing but Dao shoot her a look.
‘Saengdao, that your name?’ he asked her, but Dao did not reply ‘My names Niran but my friend call me Ran’
‘God he has friend?’ Dao muttered under her voice
‘Sorry what did you say?’ Ran asked
‘I SA-‘ Dao started before Waan interrupted
‘She meant to say everyone calls her Dao’ Waan interrupted
‘Dao nice meeting you, and who may you is?’ Ran asked Waan
‘My name is –‘ Waan started
‘None of your busyness’ Dao said to him ‘come on Nong, Ma will be waiting for us’
‘Well nice to meet you Dao and None of your busyness’ Ran replied taking is hand out to shake Dao and Waan’s hand, Dao looked at his hand then looked back up at him then at his hand again then she looked at her sister and got her sister arm and walked off.
‘I hope we meet again’ Ran shouted, but no reply then he laughed *ring, ring*
‘Hello, Niran Duongumnuayporn speaking’ Ran answered
‘Where are you?’ a strange voice asked
‘Who’s this?’ Ran asked not having one single clue that it was actually Khem on the phone.
‘Khem, its Khem, where are you? You farther at the shop asking for you because you said you’ll drop by later if your dad came in. Remember?’ Khem said
‘OMG, I totally forgot. I’m in Chaing Mai doing a photo shot, omg’ Ran replied
‘Fine I’ll tell him’ said Ran
‘Thanks I owe you when I get back’ replied Ran ‘better go running late. See you’ Ran hang up the phone.
‘By-.’ Khem said ‘He hung up!’
*Bangkok Siam shop*
‘So where is he then?’ Ran’s farther asked
‘Chiang Mai’ Khem replied
‘Chiang Mai, Whatever for?’ Ran’s farther asked ‘don’t tell me I know now.’
‘Khem’ Khem farther shouted
‘Yes farther?’ Khem replied
‘I need you to phone the airline’ Ah Chai said
‘No, no, no need Ran can get his own money for a ticket you have no need to pay’ Ran’s farther said
‘It’s not for Ran sir but my younger sister’ Ah Chai said
‘What wrong with her? No don’t tell me it’s getting late’ Ran’s farther said well I better be off goodbye’
‘Goodbye sir’ Ah Chai replied
‘What’s happened farther?’ Khem asked
‘Well....’ His farther replied then they both started to work in to the office to make the phone Call


Chapter 4
(Pen’s House)
[Ring, ring] Pen was sitting on her bed watching television, she didn’t hear the phone go till it rang for the second time [Ring, ring] Pen just ignored as she thought her mother would answer the phone, but the phone was still ring.
‘MUM’ Pen shouted from her bedroom
‘Yes’ her mother replied
‘Phone’ Pen said
‘Can you get it dear, I’m in the shower’
‘Fine’ so Pen got off her bed and walked down the stairs which were right next to her bedroom door.
‘Hello?’ Pen said
‘Hello, Is this Jantaporn ?’ the man on the other side asked
‘Who?’ Pen replied not knowing who he was on about but then realising ‘Oh, Mum you mean?’
‘Mum?’ this man said
‘Just wait a minute sir, I’ll get my mum’ so Pen put the phone down and ran upstairs
‘Mum there’s a strange man on the phone asking for you, I think he was umm well not English anyhow’ Pen told her mother
‘Ok dear, I’ll go see who it was’ Pen mother replied, so Pen’s mum went downstairs to see who it was while Pen went back to her room.
‘Hello, who this?’ Pens mother asked
‘It’s Chai, Is this Jantaporn?’ he asked
‘P’Chai, it’s so nice to hear your voice again’ she replied
‘Nong, how is everything?’ Chai asked
‘Fine I guess’ she replied
‘I heard about-‘
‘Yes, I know but everything happens for a reason and I have a 17 year old daughter to look after though so life must go on for her’
‘Ah, Pen – Chan, was that who was on the phone’
‘Yes, it was’
‘She sounds just like you, you know’
‘Yes I know just don’t let her hear that, anyway how that diamond shop you mange going?’
‘Fine, well more then fine it’s going great, Khem works here now so that fantastic can go down the family line farther and son managing the place’
‘Yes I, Guess so’
‘Anyhow, this isn’t why I phoned you, the real reason was I want you to come back to Thailand’
‘ I don’t know Pen want like that, plus we have a life here now I’ve lived he 20 year’
‘Jantaporn, we’re your family your only family apart from Pen – Chen!’
When Pen heard the words Thailand she got of her bed and sat on a step and listened to the whole conisation.
‘We can’t move there, Pen she would have to start school, learn Thai and everything else and I can’t afford it ‘
‘You can’t afford what?’
‘The school fees, a house, anything’
‘I’M NOT MOVING TO THAILAND!’ Pen shouted to her mother
‘Pen, I haven’t said yes yet’
‘Hello, hello’ Chai said down the phone but Pen’s mother just hung up.
‘Pen where are you going?’ She asked Pen
‘Yes it is if you’re under the roof’
‘But I want be under this roof by next week’ Pen’s mother slapped Pen of her right Check, Pen took her hand and put it to her check and looked at her mum and ran upstairs. Pen’s Mother looked at her hand and fell on the couch and started to cry, but there’s nothing she can do the damage had been done.

*Chiang Mai*
[Waan and Dao’s house]
‘Ma, Ma?’ Dao shouted out but there was no answer so she shouted it out again but a little louder ‘MA’
‘Eww’ Waan shouted out, Dao looked at her then looked at her foot and saw there was dark red stuff all over the floor so Dao crouched down and scooped some on her finger and smelt it but there was no smell to it to she tasted a bit.
‘It’s blood’ she said looking at Waan
‘Blood?’ Waan said looking on the floor ‘It’s too much blood to be mine’ then they both looked at each other and shouted out ‘MA’ they followed the blood trail to the living room and saw a body on the floor.
‘MA’ Dao shouted out ‘MA, wake up, WAKE UP’ Waan looked at her mother then looked at Dao then feel to the floor
‘Waan go phone the police’ Dao cried but Waan did not answer so Dao shouted it ‘WAAN, GO PHONE THE POLICE NOW!’ Waan noticed this time and looked at her sister then got up and ran to the phone.
‘H-e-l-l-o’ she said slowly as she could speak as she had been crying
‘How can I help you? Miss’ police man asked
‘My mother is dead she’s been murdered’ by now Waan feel on her knees crying ‘ someone’s killed my mother’ Waan replied
‘Miss, we will be right there’ Police man Said
5 minutes later the police had arrived.
‘HELLO’ the police men had replied
‘IN HERE!’ Dao had shouted out. The police walked in with a puddle of blood on the floor.
‘What happened?’ the police men asked
‘What happened?’ Dao replied looking at the police man like it was a stupid question to ask ‘She’s been murdered, THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED’
‘Miss we can’t say for a fact she been murdered she could have fell’
‘P’Dao’ Waan said looking at Dao
‘Nong’ Dao replied looking back at her Dao got up and walked to Waan and kneeled down beside her and held her little sister in her arm. ‘It will be alright, I promise’


Chapter 5
(Vi, Ran & Han’s house. Next day)
‘P’Ran, thank for telling me you were going to Chiang Mai’ Han said down the phone ‘You do know Mother doesn’t know and farther doesn’t know too?’
‘Hello Han, sorry it was a spear of a moment thing and yes I know they don’t know.’ Ran replied
‘2 days you’ve been gone 2 day mothers been going spear do you know that?’ Han replied
‘Yes I do and I thought I was meant to be the oldest?’ Ran replied.
‘Han dear who is on the phone?’ there mother asked
‘No don’t tell her I’m here!’ Ran begged down the phone ‘Please’
‘Why not? You’re only taking photo of hot women’ Han replied
‘Yes I know but she’ll go on about, I didn’t I phone her and if I’ve met anyone then she’ll go on about that Nattaporn girl and marriage.’ Ran said
‘Han dear who is on the phone for a final time?’ there mother replied
‘Its P’Ran mother he’s one the phone’ Han replied to his mother
‘Han. You dead when I get back!’ Ran replied
‘Give me the phone then’ there mother said reaching out her hand to get the phone ‘Ran, dear where are you?’
‘I’m in Chiang Mai’ Ran replied
‘Chiang Mai’ she replied with a little smile on her face, Han was still stood next to her and started laughing
‘What so funny?’ she said looking at Han
‘Sorry?’ Ran replied not knowing his mother was talking to Han
‘Nothing dear talking to you brother who’s JUST about to leave’ she said again but louder and Han walked out the door laughing.
‘What’s so funny?’ VI asked Han as he walked in
‘Mothers just about to ask P’Ran if he found a wife’ Han answered. VI started to laugh to when Han said that there mother heard then and then shoot them a look so they both walked back out laughing.
‘Anyway, have you found a wi-‘there mother started but couldn’t finish.
‘M-o-t-h-e-r I can-t h-ear y-o-u’ Ran said then put the phone down.
‘Hello, hello?’ she kept say but then she realised he hung up on her ‘He hang up on me on his own mother’
‘Who hung up on you mother’ VI and Han asked at the same time
‘You know who exactly’ there mother said shooting them a look
‘P’Ran, lol’ VI said
‘You where going to ask him about a wife’ Han stated
‘Yes, I was he’s 28 years old and he has no wife and I want a grandchild’ she said and then started to cry.
‘Don’t cry mother you still have me, I’m a baby’ VI said,
‘Yeah your such a baby that your 20’ Han laughed making their mother smile, ‘I made you smile
‘Oh shut up’ she said laughing ‘All three of you will always be my babies I only want what best for you boys, you know’
‘Yes we do’ VI replied
‘That wasn’t a question you idiot’ Han said laughing
‘Yes I know that’ VI replied, all three of them where laughing by know
‘You two stop it’ their mother said ‘VI don’t you have school?’
‘Nope it’s Saturday’ VI said smiling ‘but I did say I would go meet Win’
‘Ah Win how long you two have been friends now 11 year?’ she said
‘Yeh around about then’ VI replied
‘What about you Han, what’s his name the one your farther dislikes’ she asked Han
‘Mart?’ Han replied looking at his mother
‘Yes Mart. You not seeing him today?’ she asked
‘No I have work in an hour.’
‘Oh ok you two better get off then don’t want you two getting in trouble now’ she said smiling and both Han and VI went up to her and kissed her on a check each.

*Chiang Mai*
‘OK, on the count of three, 1, 2, 3’ Ran said to the model ‘Very good, but one more time to make it perfect ok’
‘Sure fine’ the model replied
‘Ok again on the count of three, 1, 2, 3. Perfect shoot that ok that that a rap for today’
‘P’Ran khub’ this 17 year boy called
‘Yes Tommy’ Ran Replied
‘The next location is set up’ he replied
‘Next location?’ Ran asked ‘I thought this was it?’
‘No there’s one more P’Ran on the shopping street’ the boy replied looking at Ran realising that he had no clue.
‘Ok what about the models?’ Ran asked looking a bit confessed ‘I just sent them home’
‘your photo shooting and actress’ Tommy replied ‘They didn’t tell you about this shoot did they?’
‘No, they Didn’t’ Ran said looking at the boy ‘Anyway we better be off then’ so they all got in they all packed everything away and walked to the car.
When they got to the cities shopping street everyone got out the car.
‘Hello, nice to meet you’ Ran said shacking the hand of the actress
‘Hello ka my name is Aff ka and your?’
‘oh I know who you are. I’m Ran khub so are you ready?’ Ran asked
‘Yes I am’ Aff replied
‘P’Dao, Where you going?’ A strange voice said and Ran lifted his head up and looked to the left of him and saw Dao and Waan, then he started to smile
‘I’m going to the travel agent’ Dao said stopping suddenly
‘Why?’ Waan asked
‘I can’t stay here anymore, know that person who killed are mother is here’ Dao said and tiers stared to come down her face
‘P’Dao but it’s, are home’ Waan said ‘and it’s only been 3 day the funerals tomorrow’ Waan said walking up to her sister to give her a hug.
‘I know bpah Noi has that done and ready’ Dao said looking at her sister, Waan didn’t say anything she knows that her sister would have her mind and part of her heart set on moving.
‘So, Where we going?’ Waan asked
‘Bangkok, I can get a job out there easy and you got school and Nah Dar said we can move in with her’ Dao said to her sister, Dao kept walking on straight not realising that Ran was right in front of her. Then all of a sudden she was on the floor again
‘God! Watch where you walking’ Ran said moving his hand to help Dao up
‘Sorry na, I wasn’t looking where I was going ka’ Dao replied lifting her had to let him help her up’
‘P’Ran’ Waan said noticing that it was Ran again ‘It’s you again?’ Dao got up and looked at his face.
‘YOU AGAIN!’ she said not looking very pleased
‘Yep me again’ Ran replied smiling ‘I should stop putting you on the ground I usually do that when I want to dump someone’
Waan started to giggle then Dao shot her a look then Waan stopped
‘HAHA, are you meant to be funny’ Dao said
‘Yes I was’ Ran replied
‘That wasn’t funny’ Dao replied ‘Come one Waan we should go it smells around here’ Dao grabbed Waan’s hands and walked off
‘BYE’ Waan shouted
‘BYE AGAIN’ Ran shouted
‘Waan, why did you talk to him?’
‘P’Dao. I can talk to people you know even if you don’t like them’ Waan looked at her sister then started to laugh, and kept on walking.


Chapter 6
[Bangkok airport next day]
‘Uh, sorry’ a lady said
‘That alright’ Ran Replied and looked up and this lady and asked ‘Are you ok?’
‘Yes, I’m fine thank you’ she replied
‘Well ok I better be going then.’ Ran started to walk off
‘WAIT!’ she shouted, Ran stopped and turned round
‘What is you name?’ she asked Ran seemed a little confused on why she was asking for his name, ‘I’m not being rude I just wondered in case we meet again’ she added
‘Oh, that ok, my name is...’ he started
‘Niran Duongumnuayporn’ Ran turned round to see who finished his sentence for him and it was his mother
‘Ran my name is Ran’ he added looking at his mother
‘What is your name?’ Ran’s mother asked
‘Mother’ Ran said shooting a look at his mother
‘Well someone need to ask you wasn’t’
‘My name is Nattaporn Panlertwongskul but everyone calls me Nat’ she Replied
‘What a beautiful name’ Ran mother said ‘But where have I heard Panlertwongskul before?’ she added, but not remembering where she heard that name before
‘P’Ran mother hunting wives again?’ Han said walking up to his brother
‘Ha ha you very funny Han’ Ran looked at his brother ‘Where’s VI and dad?’
‘Why does the whole family need to be here?’ Han and Ran’s mother asked
‘Well....’ Han started
‘I wasn’t talking to you.’ Their mother interrupted ‘Anyhow your brother was...’
‘Checking out some gi -’ Han started
‘Him and your farther are looking at flight’ she interrupted again,
Ran looked at Han whispering ‘Flight?’
‘Yes flight’ their mother said ‘Ah sorry Nat’
‘That’s ok Bah’ Nat replied ‘I better be off anyway I might see you round Ran?’
‘Umm...’ Ran said
‘Of course you will give write your number down and I’ll get him to phone you’
‘Yes of course here you go’ Nat wrote her number on the paper their mother gave to her ‘well nice bumping in to you?’ then she started to walk off
‘Mother!’ Ran said looking at his mother
‘Well you need a wife your nearly 29 years old Niran’ She said ‘Right where’s your farther?’
‘Flights’ Han said looking at his brother laughing
‘Why are you laughing? It will be you soon’ their mother stated. Ran laughed at this and Ran up to his brother and put his arm around him.
‘Ah darling, their you are?’ their mother said
‘Yes I’m here mother’ VI replied thinking his mother was talking to him
‘No not you, your farther’ she said looking at VI then turning to look at Han and Ran shaking her head.
‘What so funny?’ VI asked his brother
‘It will be you soon’ they both replied at the same time laughing.
‘It want be VI soon he’s to young’ their mother said looking at the boys
‘Mummy boy’ Ran said putting his other arm around VI
‘Have you heard of the name Panlertwongskul?’ their mother asked their farther
‘Panlertwongskul, Panlertwongskul. Hmm’ I recall a name like that but don’t remember
‘Isn’t That Ah Chai’ VI asked his farther
‘Where?’ he replied
‘Over there’ VI pointed to his farther
‘CHAI’ their farther replied but no reply so he did it again a bit louder ‘CHAI’ this time there was a reply Chai started to walk up to the Duongumnuayporn Family
‘Roy, What you doing here?’ he asked
‘Well we came to pick up Niran he was in Chaing Mai’
‘Whatever for?’
‘I was doing a photo shoot Ah Chai’
‘Oh how did it go?’
‘How did it go Ah Chai he got to take photo of AFF, AFF’
‘Ah Chai can’t believe you just said that’
‘VI I’m getting old I don’t know who half these stars are now I know the classics’
‘VI, shut up about this star, your never get her, she to hot for you’
‘VI, Han both of you be quiet.’
‘Fine, mother’
‘Anyway why are you here, Chai?’
‘My sister is here from England, with her daughter and mother in law’
‘Your sister, Jantaporn right?’
‘Yes the one and only she has a 17 year old daughter to’
‘P’CHAI’ a lady shouted
‘Just Sy please that what everyone calls me’ she replied
‘Well, where’s Pen-Chan’ Chai Asked
‘She here’ she replied turning round ‘Well say hello to your uncle’
‘Hello’ Pen said in a dull way
‘PEN – CHAN’ her mother said ‘say it probably’
‘Hello uncle Chai she said ‘Happy now’
‘Much’ her mother replied
‘You must be hungry Pen’ Chai asked her
‘I guess’ she replied
‘Well will get something to eat on the way home’
‘Ja-, Sy you remember Roy right?’ Chai asked his sister ‘and his lovely wife Jan?’
‘Oh yes I remember’ Sy replied taking her hand to shack both there hand ‘hello, this is my daughter Pen-Chan’
‘Hello, these are my sons, Ran he’s the oldest, VI the youngest and...’ She started but didn’t finish
‘And I’m Han the middle child’ taking his hand to shake Pen’s hand, Pen just laughed taking her hand to shake his.
‘Hi’ she replied laughing
‘Well we better be off’ Chai Said shaking Ran, Han & VI’s mothers and father’s hand goodbye
‘Bye’ Han said to Pen. Pen just looked at him and laughed
‘Panlertwongskul, I remember now’ their mother blurted out
‘What?’ their farther said
‘That girl she was Nattaporn Panlertwongskul’ she said ‘ She’s Tok’s daughter’
‘Tok?’ Their farther ask
‘Yes my friend’
‘So, she the famous Nattaporn?’ VI asked
‘Yes she’s the one’ there mother replied ‘you will have to phone her straight away’
‘Who me?’
‘Yes you Ran’
‘Not whatever’
‘We better go I can’t be in her for another hour’
‘Han, HAN!’
‘What’ he replied everyone started to laugh
‘What’s so funny?’
‘Nothing, except you’re a idiot’
‘VI’ his mother shouted
‘CAN we, get out of here i need food’ there farther asked for the final time, so they all started to walk out the Airport

[Chaing Mai next day]
‘Are you set Waan, I want to leave after the funeral’ Dao asked
‘Yes I guess, but it going to be hard to leave everything behind’ Waan replied looking at her sister, Waan started to cry
‘Don’t cry it’s for the best’ Dao said walking up to her sister and putting her arms around her ‘plus you will get settled at are new place’
‘Yes I know but it want be a luxury’ Waan said holding on to her sister
‘I know but Bah Na said it a close friend of her’s’
‘Yes I guess’
‘Hello?’ someone said
‘Yes in here’ Dao answered
‘AH, there you both’ she replied
‘Bah Na’ Dao replied
‘You all set then girls?’ she asked
‘Yep’ Waan replied
‘We better be off don’t want to keep people waiting’ Na said
‘No we don’t’ Dao said letting go of her sister and walking to the door with her suitcase ‘Come on then’ Waan got up after her sister and walked to the door looking at the house for one final time.
‘This is it start of a new life’ Waan said
‘Not yet not until we get to Bangkok’ Dao replied


Chapter 7
June 24th
[Bangkok train station]
The day before Waan and Dao did attend there mother funeral everything went to plan and Waan and Dao caught the train to Bangkok.
‘Hope your right P’Dao’ Waan said
‘Right about what’ Dao asked getting of the train stretching her arms
‘The new start!’ Waan answered her sister looking at her
‘Yes I am’ Dao smiled looking at her sister ‘a new start and new life, will be good’
‘So who’s picking us up?’ Waan asked getting her bags from the floor
‘Bah Na said it was a lady called Bah Matt and she’s coming with the lady we will be working for a Mrs Duongumnuayporn’
‘Oh but how will they on it us?’
‘Where the only one here with a basket full of fruit and the only ones who look clueless’
Waan laughed
‘Uh, you must be Saengdao and you Chuenchai, am I right?’ this lady asked
‘Yes I’m Saengdao and this is my sister Chuenchai, and are you Mrs Duongumnuayporn?’ Dao asked this lady
‘Oh no I’m Matt’ She replied ‘But you to lady can call be Bah Matt’
‘Ok, can I ask how did you know we’re the right people?’ Waan asked
‘Well you two are the only ones with a basket of fruit and look clueless’ she said ‘No I’m joking Na send me a photo’ she started to laugh
‘Bah Matt’ and boyish man said walking up to her
‘Oh yes I should introduce you to VI Duongumnuayporn, he’s the youngest son of Mr and Mrs Duongumnuayporn’ Matt said
‘Nice to meet you both’ Vi said taking his hand to reach for Dao and Waan’s bag, but Waan flinched backwards and found her self on the floor. ‘Are you ok?’ he asked
‘Umm, fine’ Waan replied. VI gave Waan his hand to help him up but Waan did not take it and got up herself
‘Thank you, for letting us stay with you again.’ Dao said
‘No problem’ Matt replied ‘anyhow we should get going.’ So they all head to VI’s car which was parked in the parking lot.

[The Duongumnuayporn’s house]
‘I still can’t believe I forgot Panlertwongskul’ Ran’s mother said ‘I should have remembered’
‘The dead is done now’ his farther said
‘But still’ she replied
‘But nothing, it’s done’ she replied
‘What’s done?’ VI asked his mother walking into a the leaving room
‘Your back that was quick’ his farther said
‘Not much traffic’ VI replied
‘Well where are they?’ His mother asked
‘Who?’ Ran asked walking in the room
‘My new husband’ his mother said sarcastically
‘Really?’ Ran said being sarcastic him self
‘No for course not we have a couple of new umm what the word?’ she said
‘Maid’s?’ Ran finished
‘Yes Maid’s’ she said
‘Mrs Duongumnuayporn’ one of the maids said
‘Yes?’ she replied
‘Khun Matt asked me if you want me to send them in?’ the maid asked
‘Yes please’ their mother replied, so Dao and Waan walked in with their heads down. ‘You must be umm’
‘Dao’ Ran said getting up of his sit with a big grin on his face,
Dao looked up to see who called her and replied ‘You?’
‘You?’ Ran mother asked ‘Have you two meet?’
‘Yes mother in Chaing Mai’ Ran said ‘It was fate’
‘Chaing Mai’ his mother said,
His farther was confused at this point and butted in ‘Wait you met in Chaing Mai how?’
‘Well long story, I was on a photo shoot’ Ran said
‘Oh she on of you models, well this down hill step then’ his farther said looking at Dao
‘No I wasn’t one of his models, I was just working and I bumped in to him, sir’ Dao said
‘It was fate’ Waan laughed, Ran and VI’s farther laughed long her
‘Waan’ Dao whispered to her sister ‘Shut up’
‘I have a headache, Pat show them their room’ Ran mother said ‘I need a rest’ so she started to walk up there stair then stopped ‘Ran phone Nattaporn and invite her round for dinner tonight and Roy dear invite Chai and his family’
‘Yes dear’ his farther replied
‘Yes mother’ Ran said after his mother.
Dao and Waan left the room with Pat when they got to there room they started to unpack there things
‘I can’t believe where working for you future husband’ Waan said laughing
‘Husband, no way I’d rather it worms from ground’ Dao said throwing the pillow next to her to her sister
‘But it is fate you meeting like this’ Waan said
‘Like it fate you flinched when VI went to grab you bag?’ Dao said
‘Don’t change the subject’ Waan said looking at her sister
‘Now who’s changing the subject?’