

TVXQ wins 2005 Music Video Festival Award

The music group TVXQ has won the best music video award at the 2005 Mnet KM Music Video Festival for the title song of its second album called “The Rising Sun.�

At the award ceremony, which was held Nov. 27 for four hours from 7 p.m. at the Olympic Park in Bangi-dong, Seoul, TVXQ also received the People’s Choice Award.

The Best Picture Music Video Award went to Drunken Tiger for its song “All The Ostracized Stepping Forward.� The members of the disbanded female trio S.E.S., which won the Mnet KM PD’s Choice Award, performed together for the first time in three years.

credits: KBS + mishi @ tvfxqworld.cjb.net


is that a cat? looks like an alien o_O

man that looks like Naruto's 9-tailed fox =X

dude what is that? a sloth? an obese racoon? o_O;;

awwwsshhh :yunho:

END. :jeje:

credits: 사막여우 + frostedchinadoll @ tvfxqworld.cjb.net


DBSK opened the stage for the 2005 Korean Chinese Super Model Cometition
6pm on the 25th of November. After the 6 month selection 36 gurls were finally chosen...
24 Koreans and 12 Chinese.

credits: mishi @ tvfxqworld

Changmin is attending Kyung Hee University!!!!!!


(click to enlarge)

who says i rock?? raise ur hands hoo

hmm? you called? <33
mishi: youre blocking my view demmit sit low

>.< okay...

oh damn my pants are falling



ack! are u gonna clean up all those drools! yuk!
clean up yunho right now! LOL!
omg! i just watch they're perf of IYAH!
omg they totally rocked! man...
it made me miss HOT even more! T - T


aZn_FrEaK said:
LOL welcome back keomany ^^
u didn't miss out on much...i've been too busy to update anything these day anyway ^^
yup hero got a hair cut...kute as always...
MAN why do ukown and micky gets all the role!
i wanna see the other members act too!
girl i dont know what u are saying i mess soo many stuff that is going on...they are soo hott i dont want to miss any more news...

Hero is hot like always....stay away from him girl :shocked: ..

I know i really want to see max, hero, and xiah talent as an actor...they are hott too....

man girl i dont know what to say ^_^ ...thank for the welcome i miss you my dbsk angel.... :wub: ...

OMg im soo loving Hero hair...that baby always suprise me...thanks for uploading the picture like always to let us enjoy....

you are the girl azn freak :wub:


sarNie Elites
of course not!!! they are already good. whatever happened to that one member they added in. hes not in the group anymore. thats good anyways.


thanks keomany ^^
i'll give ur thanks to mishi + tintin they're the one that did all the work...
mishi all the translation *goodness she's the best*
and tintin aka mrs yunho *she's the one that got all the pics*
btw...i can't really hide news on my bois they're too hot to hide!
anyway...jaejae is geting better... he can stand without support now...as you can see in the iyah perf...they're most recent perf...
i have lottas hmwrk but i'll try to upload it for you guys...^^
oh yeah i think imma start with most recent to oldest...cuz i started uploading the old stuff first and it's just not up to date!
i know im pretty stupid to start with the old stuff first LOL
*blond moment kehehe*


of course tell them Thanks and I love them a lot...

yes i saw that my Hero is fighting till the end..baby will soon start dancing again :wub: ....they have soo many thing going on with them...they hit it hard this year....wish them the best

girl always do your h.w first...dont need anyone to tell you that education is important..and DBSK too lol :lmao:


helll NOOO>....adding another meember to dbsk is like breaking it up....no matter who good the other guy is...i dont care....

DBSK came a long way and when they are to the top they just want to make the band more popular...not really....they are use to just them...with the other dude would just be a stop....

if they add i have a feeling they wont last long