I just started watching this as a filler lakorn while I wait for Leh Lub Salub Rang and it seems pretty good.
I keep screaming Khun Daniel (or should I say Khun Daniol) whenever Lak comes up

The aunt & her kids are so flipping annoying

Pong is the most annoying out of them.
I'm slowly falling for Massaya's character (I love her spunk)
As for the difference in ratings, I was hoping LLSR would have better ratings than it does atm but oh well I guess it isn't everyone's cup of tea *shrugs* Maybe it would be higher if channel 3 stopped with all the ads people would actually bother watching it on TV instead of waiting for it to be uploaded on YT (no joke, watching LLSR live is the most painful thing I've ever experienced because of all the ads)