[Ch3] Padiwarada (Good Feeling)


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
Another brownie point to Saran - whisking Rin away from the whole awkard situation at home. It might be thought of as avoiding the problem, but it feels more like he and his mom are actively trying to solve the problem. I'm glad he's even open to being with Rin in his work space, some "alone time," as nai Ner called it heh. Pleasant surprises in the first few episodes.
When he forced Rin to start packing, and then grabbed her bag, I thought he was going to walk out of her bedroom and then into his bedroom and declare that they're going to attemp to live a normal spousal life together. I can dream, can't I?


sarNie OldFart
Yes, she has gotten very pretty. I love how pretty she looks in Boran clothing despite being mixed. It's like she has a soft mixture of both ethnicities so she can fit any role.

And I never noticed the breathing. Please don't let me start noticing it. Lol.


sarNie Adult
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Lol now people are going to start trying to hear it. Sorry ladies lol.
Had to put my babble in a spoiler tag to avoid making people try to hear the breathing through the power of suggestion! hahahaha
Well you know in interviews or BTS you won't be able to hear it even when James JI talks a lot and fast too. His Pra'ek voice is actually deeper than his normal voice so he kind of has to modulate it so I think that's why he breathes weird when he tries to maintain the tone, as I said earlier. Sorry I keep on going back to NNS (this is for purposes of illustration only! hehe)  but the difference between his pra'ek voice and his normal voice was so obvious in the Today Show where the host asks him to read lines from the lakorn. It's at 11:20
I watched clips of him acting again and I realized he breathes heavily in other scenes too, not just in arrogant and angry scenes (although it's most awkward and obvious in those scenes.) in other times, he actually "breathes" in context, if that makes sense at all. He tends to sigh a lot when he's being pitiful (so he'll be exhaling a lot and be so he has to breathe in deeply to make up for it his delivery of lines also tends to be a bit "breathy" like when Duang dumped him, his voice was like a falsetto). he gasps when he's "hurt" (he'll actually kind of breathe through his nose then hold it in before he finally delivers his lines. This was actually more obvious in Puttipat than in here. But you can see it in that scene in episode 1 where Saran's mom leaves him with the monks),  then he puffs up when he's supposed to be angry (then you'll hear him breathing more often. of course he does it a lot more in NNS, obviously, his angry scenes in Padiwarada are explosive angry, he actually shouts so it isn't as awkward)
Sorry. Extreme fangirling had me analyze JJ's breathing pattern.  :sweat: But after saying all that, I still agree with you Ncmeowmeow35m, he has to work on his breathing. Other actors breathe differently when they emote but when JJ breathes before he delivers his lines it is more obvious. He is improving, hopefully he would not let you down Ncmeowmeow35!
Step said:
I'm sooooo happy reading good thing about JJ and Jiranee   :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: I was anti JJ before. In magazine section I quoted P'040156 and told her he is not talented :facepalm:    :bhehe: and she said its hard for me cos I already like one James. Liking another will be funny  :lol2: I did not know why he got compliments for NNS cos I was anti then and saw bad things only :p I have not watched this lakorn. Im still busy. In ost Jiranee is sooo cute and JJ's acting improved so much. Its tireful to travel to japan and Thailand always and do work without break.  Im proud of him that James is improved and working so hard   :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:   :clap:  :clap:  :clap:
Hahaha Thanks N'Step! Well, let me end my fangirling tirade with this, I think the common sentiment about James Ji is that he comes off as cocky or arrogant, or that people in English speaking forums say he is "overrated". I've been following the kid for more than a year now, and I could say that he is a work in progress but he does work hard.  He is far from perfect and he always acknowledges that he needs to learn more and improve more. That's why I love this kid so much. He was suddenly thrust headfirst in the industry and got pitted against the main players, when really he was, three to four years ago, just an ordinary, albeit extroverted, country boy. When he's acting all confident, I think he is actually just trying to convince himself that he could do it, he is one of them, and he has no choice, it's either sink or swim. The investors/management/fans put him there, so he has the duty to go with the flow and act the part and try to catch up with the big boys. But you know, he is still that country boy at heart, as you can see by the way he fanboys other fellow celebs, and even himself.  :lol:
I'm glad that people are opening up to him more and seeing his potential. I hope he'll gain more fans after this. so I invite you all to his page in the forums so Mayji, Step, Bieluvr and I would have more people to talk to! hahaha. 


sarNie Adult
Mahalo said:
Yes, she has gotten very pretty. I love how pretty she looks in Boran clothing despite being mixed. It's like she has a soft mixture of both ethnicities so she can fit any role.

And I never noticed the breathing. Please don't let me start noticing it. Lol.
It's strange really, she looks even prettier here when she's supposedly a "Plain jane" than when she was playing a beauty queen, or even a glamorous It girl. Like her eyes really pop and she's so sweet and adorable with her plain clothes and her pony tail. She is pitted against Mint who is channeling a "modern woman" type bombshell when really Rin is just making Duang look like a ho. I really applaud Good Feeling for executing this really well. I could forgive them now for giving James Ji a hideous mustache.  :lmao3:


sarNie Adult
040156 said:
It's strange really, she looks even prettier here when she's supposedly a "Plain jane" than when she was playing a beauty queen, or even a glamorous It girl. Like her eyes really pop and she's so sweet and adorable with her plain clothes and her pony tail. She is pitted against Mint who is channeling a "modern woman" type bombshell when really Rin is just making Duang look like a ho. I really applaud Good Feeling for executing this really well. I could forgive them now for giving James Ji a hideous mustache.  :lmao3:
Mint is pretty but I thought Bella is always more prettier.  Anyway, I like Bella looked as Rin a lot because though she is suppose to be plain.  But she's is very eye catching to me.  Is nice to see her onscreen


sarNie Adult
Apparently there is a Padiwaradda meet and greet day event today! Those in Thailand .... I envy you  :cry: go go go!!! Please share your experience with us here! 

the stage had been set up complete with Standees! 
Photo cr: ammyjb via lalita_may

also, there are spoiler pics coming up from the Photobook. Those who could purchase it.... I envy you too  :cry: I already asked Good Feeling if they accept international orders and they said they don't. *sigh*

Thus I leave you all with a happy picture of Jiranee from their Today Show Guesting (not sure when it will come out. 28?) which was shot the in the morning before the first episode aired. 
Photo cr: on pic

hehehe note: Bella does have gorgeous shoulders. and her stylists know it too. Mahalo you really have an eye for detail!


sarNie OldFart
I like unexpected surprises. This one caught me by surprise. It's refreshing to watch. Lol. I really like the acting and overall plot. You know I'm all for a good production. It's very rare to have a nice balance of everything now and days.


sarNie Oldmaid
Agree! I didn't think I was going to like this one either. Bella has been such a great edition to ch3. I want to see her in a more feisty and deeper emotional roles to complete my opinions of her.


sarNie Adult
Holy guacamole. I have to stay away from instagram for a while. All the spoiler pictures.
Photo cr: Photobook

James Ji is shouting KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!! okay sorry. I can't help it. #trekkie 
And this is for you SarN
photo cr: Photo book and Ibees_Ipr





sarNie OldFart
She'll be a bit feisty in Wimarn Mekala. Plerng Boon will also be a challenge and she'll start off evil in Boopae Saniwat with Pope. Plenty of roles to make future judements. But I think she kind of won me over in here after only liking her in the lakorn with Boy. Gosh, both she and Weir are lucky to have each other. Their babies will be gorgeous. Lol.


sarNie Oldmaid
Lol wonder what he got her for her birthday . He was asking the reporters what is currently in trend lol. How sweet is that?! He seems to send her lunch almost every week too. Omg bf material!


sarNie OldFart
How do you guys even know all these inside details? Lol. Bella dear, I like you and all but I'm also jealous. Haha. Weir's my baby too. He sends me lunch in my dreams. How sweet of him!


sarNie Granny
Ohhhh , soo many spoiler picture , skin ship , skin ship everywhere ! I'm a prisoner of my own desire lolll. I like force/arrange/inconvenience marriage plotline b/c 70% of conversation bwt N'ek & P'ek are in the bedroom ! Also, if Rin suppose to be "plain Jane" I'm America next top model HAHAHA , I think she look pretty & homey , fit the good wife look.


sarNie Oldmaid
Mahalo said:
How do you guys even know all these inside details? Lol. Bella dear, I like you and all but I'm also jealous. Haha. Weir's my baby too. He sends me lunch in my dreams. How sweet of him!
Oh do you not know? Rao mai chai krajok na ja bok hai, rao gaw mee kao wong nai muan kan. Lol jk jk


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
Oh my gosh. I want to be there at the meet and greet so bad. I also want the photobook and shirt too!! If only they were willing to sell it internationally, they could be making more than they already are! lol What do they do with the cutout standees after the event anyways, because I want them! 555


sarNie Adult
I just watched the first 3 episodes with subs and it was already good when I couldn't understand anything, it's better now that I understand the dialogue! Wow! The parallelism between Duang and Rin and how much it is affecting Saran was so well made. Right from the first episode, the two of them were already being compared, with all their similarities and stark differences. What's more is that right off the bat, we are told how crazy Saran was (and how goddamn mushy. "Angel of Strength" "You are my goddess" WHO THE HELL SAYS THAT?! he's so goddamn mushy I wanted to slap him) with Duang that he was willing to die for her - what more when every molecule of his heart is captured by such a sweet girl as Rin who is just as selfless as Duang is selfish. I suppose Saran was also immature when he was with Duang. Although he's being a total jerk to Rin, he also starts to have that endearing alpha male quality about him that he's starting to love like a man instead of a lovesick puppy.
The part that struck me the most was the sunflower scene, which was the first scene James Ji and Bella shot together (I may be wrong but it also seems to be the first sequence shot for this whole lakorn since the blessing was also done in the same place where the sunflowers were.) Anyway, it was that point where Saran finally reveals his current predicament. He's confusing Rin and Duang in his mind. He knows that Rin lied to him about being Bralalee but at the same time he's starting to think that Duang's pretty face hid her evil heart and he was thinking that she lied to him too (that their puppy love was all a lie and he just fooled himself) - It was like how earlier his mother was saying that he was under Duang's "spell" - in the same manner that Rin's housewife prowess were viewed by Saran as "enticing" or seducing him (hence tricking him to liking her).  He finally looked at Rin and realized she was beautiful, just like the posh Duang and he figured she'd be tricking him too, just like Duang but then Rin put him in his place and he was brought back to his senses when Rin said that she was there as she did not want to be an ungrateful child to her parents - the same reason Duang had for dumping Saran. He realized the stark difference between the two. Duang followed her parents (as a scapegoat) to have a good life, and Rin followed her parents to be in a living hell. I think when he repented that was when he finally acknowledged that he is starting to like Rin and he was ready to move on from Duang. I wanted to slap him when he asked if Rin was sure she didn't do any of those household chores for him (or if really she did it for her parents)- I mean, he was so pathetic and yet so vulnerable at the same time when he asked that. I think at that point he actually cared enough to be worth her affection for real. When Rin replied "If you can't forget your woman then I also cannot forget my home!" Saran looked like he just got punched. Logically, it would be at that point where Saran would start forgetting about Duang so Rin can start doing house chores FOR HIM for realz (i.e. Rin would do it out of love for Saran and not for missing her family). 
So I think it was why after that he finally said that if he had been asked if he liked her, he would say "MAYBE." 
I was just laughing so hard when Saran was starting to ask for Chili Paste for dinner. ("I already gave you my salary! You should do your wifely duties............i.e. chili paste for dinner!" HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA well, he wanted a hot hot evening, i bet. He was just being wholesome about it, taking it one step at a time! Well played Khun Palad, well played.) It was so childish and yet so endearing at the same time. It was like him begging her to do work for him, to make her do something because he willed it and not just because Rin was being a dutiful daughter to her (fake) parents. I like how Rin and Saran are bringing out the worst and the best from each other. Like Saran was riling up Rin and making her furious while Rin was getting Saran out of his controlled/emo self and making him childlike. They really are so adrobs! I can't wait for Rin to fall in love with Saran. That boy better bring out all his cards. 


sarNie Adult
this lakorn reminds me of Mia Teng with Chompoo and Rome but James's character in here is so much better than Rome's so far.  Rome was a jerk from the beginning to the end and I hope James's character isn't like that.  I like him so far so please don't make me hate him 