[Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee


Samee's wifey #42
I think I'm going to skip KSTD tonight for LRT. Hahaha. I'm right at the part Ram just arrived at his home after he learns the truth about his father's sickness!! It was a great cliffhanger last night.
Which episode is that he's duped into thinking she's made him tea & cookies & he raced to visit her thinking she's sweet on him already? He begged the maid so hard he promised to see her & quickly come back down. She started to count from 100, he was up there in the middle of "1" !! haha.....


sarNie Oldmaid
Which episode is that he's duped into thinking she's made him tea & cookies & he raced to visit her thinking she's sweet on him already? He begged the maid so hard he promised to see her & quickly come back down. She started to count from 100, he was up there in the middle of "1" !! haha.....
Wasn't that a little while after they got married? Kratin was gone watching over somebody...


TruBPSFan Test #39

Extended/Deleted Scenes:
- Date and Kade flirting by themselves in front of the whole fan while talking about twins.
- Flashes of King Narai in bed while they're bringing Faulcon in to be executed.
- Kade's afterbirth scene, needing to itch her back not wanting to drink her medicine.

- OMG KaDate are tooo cute! I can't remember what Date said to Kade, but it's too cute!
- Idk about you guys, but why do I feel bad for Faulcon. All these guys ganging up on him.
- So King Narai actually didn't die yet when Faulcon was being executed.
- Don't be giving my hubs the dirty look Sorasak. @MissPK control your hubby. Haha.
- Huhuhu. Louis totally owned that crying scene of his when he asked Maree to see his sons for the last time! I cried. . .
- Poor Louis was sweating like crazy! You can see the sweat on his face and neck.

Guys. . .. .the finale is tomorrow. Huhuhu


sarNie Coma


Samee's wifey #42
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie here.
It's really late to join this tread but it's fun to read all discussion and I really would like to join.
Tonight I will watch the rerun ep so let's have a chat about it later :)
Hi Marin!! What newbie, if you've been reading up on us..... Welcome to the gang! You know our pledge so be prepared to be like that hehe!! So now you're officially wifey number #39


1) @phatman
2) @Starsapphire
3) @milquety
4) @Rosi & @Rosi2
5) @lakornkiki
6) @pangiaxiong
7) @leemyis
8) @KitKat516
9) @Koy123
10) @hdee
11) @Chario mintmario
12) @MKfan132
13) @CPY (plus 57 others, Malaysian lakorn fans)
14) @Tresor Moi
15) @Mikii
16) @DaoRisa & @Hana Dang
17) @Amata
18) @ladylia257
19) @varda
20 @neenavaj
21) @Falonglakorn
22) @Thookatha
23) @jeanie1
24) @SuzieJ
25) @MissPK
26) @wuzhangs
27) @Neyiah
28) @Rachfull
29) @Barbie Princess Jasmine
30) @chievi4tennis
31) @putri
32) @momolove
33) @greenmangoes
34) @Katelyn
35) @naimisha
36) @PBfan894
37) @lovenk
38) @Calligraphy
39) @Marin
40) Who else in the Bhuppae Sanniwat gang please add yourselves in - thanks!!



Wow, this thread is still alive and well plus over 1000 pages!? You guys are dedicated
Haha. That's cuz we had BPS rerun to live for.
What will we do when it ends?!?

Which episode is that he's duped into thinking she's made him tea & cookies & he raced to visit her thinking she's sweet on him already? He begged the maid so hard he promised to see her & quickly come back down. She started to count from 100, he was up there in the middle of "1" !! haha.....
Not there yet! Haha.


@Rosi @Rachfull I'm crying so hard for Ram right now. Pope did such a good job in that scene. . . my eyes are swollen.
Do you guys think Khun Thaan has ever had feelings for Mae Nim? I feel like he does have romantic feelings for her, not sexual like how he does with Putkrong. Like if he were to have survived he would've moved away with her and grow old with her like he promised.