[Ch3] 365 Wan Haeng Ruk (Makers J)


sarNie Adult
I agree with a2k, don't believe right away when you read it because it has not been confirmed yet by the people themselves. We'll have to wait and see what she has to say about the news. I think KA don't really think much about it because they already knew the ratings and feedback during the lakorn. Many people liked it and many didn't. It's just what you think about the lakorn that counts. We love it and that makes KA happy knowing we will always love them together.


sarNie Egg
365 Days received the lowest rating among all of their lakorns together. It ended with a rating of 8 compare to Oum Ruk, Sood Sanae Ha and Sawan Bieng. Sawan Bieng raked in the highest. Another thing, I believe with Ch3 they care more about feedback instead of the ratings. Again, with Oum Ruk, Sawan Bieng and Sood Sanae Ha all those three lakorns received a very good feedbacks and was very popular too unlike 365 Wan Hang Ruk that's why 365 Wan considered a flop lakorn. It wasn't popular and the feedback was poor.
Hi, Anonymous_blue
Are you the same as Anonymous_2001 right ????
if yes, I love your job very much. I had followed up you long time.


Expired Sarnie
That is true Jin, but I like to vent out my anger toward the article whether P'Da confirmed it or not lol

But I don't hate P'Da. I'm just really disappointed if this was to be true.


sarNie Oldmaid
lol..I just love KA sooooooooo much that i can't stand hear people talk bad about them..Especially if they compare KA to others..

Btw,a2k,did you go meet Ann at calender signing??


Expired Sarnie
I'm off to watch All My Love. Jo Kwon and Ga In forever! Need to release some stress. I need to take another break from studying. I still have a few hours in the morning to cram in some studies.


sarNie Adult
Yeah I was disappointed reading that too! We'll just have to wait, but don't you think that the news is getting weird these day's because for Ann's next lakorn they confirmed and then went on to say that it was unconfirmed. Things are going back and forth.

@ a2k, yep that is the same Anon!


Expired Sarnie
One last comment before I get to All My Love lol... Dila comparison is unavoidable. But it's obvious that no one comes close to Ken and Ann. Although I love Ateam and Rteam, no one can surpass KA talent and their lakorns that they had made together.


sarNie Adult
@ fun, good luck on your studies!

I also don't like it when they talk bad about KA too. It's almost like they are insulting me. :coverlaf: I made them apart of my life. lol.


sarNie Oldmaid
Yeah I was disappointed reading that too! We'll just have to wait, but don't you think that the news is getting weird these day's because for Ann's next lakorn they confirmed and then went on to say that it was unconfirmed. Things are going back and forth.

@ a2k, yep that is the same Anon!
its true what a2k said,they want to sell the news..
its been a week since 365 ended but there's still news about that even its a bad news..


sarNie Oldmaid
Yeah fun..i love to see other couple too but i only watch KA lakorn not others team..
But i admit that i like to see RTeam,ATeam,Pong-Bee,Pong-Aom,Por-Punch but its just in magazine.. :coverlaf:
i think they all are beautiful pairing but KA are PERFECT PAIRING!! :thumbsup:


sarNie Egg
lol..I just love KA sooooooooo much that i can't stand hear people talk bad about them..Especially if they compare KA to others..

Btw,a2k,did you go meet Ann at calender signing??
No, I'm working. 555555555
Just waiting AK fanclub post the picture. very excite.

Ajart AKfc

sarNie Egg
i agree with a2k...we can't believe 100% that news.. if it true i'm really disapointed with p'Da...
why they compare KA lakorn with other...
i know KA is the best pairing and perfect... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


sarNie Adult
a2k, If there is any news about Ann, let me know I want to meet her! I already missed her once at Siam Paragon.

Although KA team is the best for me I also like Rteam. Pteam, CF team, and other ones.


sarNie Oldmaid
ajart ; signature yg ke 2 tu sgt sgt sgt cute la..suke tgk ann time tu,tambah plak lagu bird tongchai kan background nye.. :grouphug:


sarNie Adult

Love Ann's face! Don't cross her when she is trying to get Toon! :coverlaf:

Credits: KA @ Pantip

Ken having fun before ordaining. He's just as playful as his kids.