Bruce Lee after “the shadow”


sarNie Egg
If you know about the nightmare of Bruce Lee you may also know that some doctors called that it was “the shadow”, but if you do not you can read about it in the articles we have written before.
Soon after this incident Bruce embarked on a deliberate course of self-improvement. Because he hadn’t completed his education in Hong Kong he made that his priority, aiming to gain a high school diploma that would make him eligible for admission to the University of Washington the following year. Edison Technical Vocational School wasn’t too far from the restaurant, and on 3 September 1959 he enrolled and began attending classes three weeks later.

In his room at Chow’s, Bruce used the radio as a way of practicing his English pronunciation and slang expressions by imitating the DJs. He also worked at his handwriting skills, refining the elegant, flowing style that became so instantly recognizable and practicing signing his name for hours until it had the symmetry he wanted. Any extra money that he made from tips in the restaurant or that his mother occasionally sent him was spent on new clothes.