Anyone remember Ann lakorn where she starred with


sarNie Hatchling
Anyone remember Ann lakorn where she starred with Jep Penpetch( i think thats how u spell his name), its like a scary movie and it has a spider or something. I can't remember, I remember watching it when I was very very young. Just curious if anyone have it on youtube? Thanks


sarNie Adult
yes i saw it..never finish it...she lived near the river..they were invited to the "bad" person mansion...ect...


sarNie Hatchling
yes i saw it..never finish it...she lived near the river..they were invited to the "bad" person mansion...ect...

I just bought shing char lee i don't like it...I think its like what you said but not sure...can't remember I was really young. I just know they were at someone mansion and was surrounded by evil or something...

thank you i'm not sure of the name of the lakorn.


sarNie Oldmaid
LOL omg i remember this mom so hate unrealistic she said..hahaha

dont know if anyone has uploaded to yt though...are you looking for the thai version or what dub version are you looking for?