Anyone have an ipod??


sarNie Egg
hi just wondering if anyone has an ipod and do they like it? im thinking of buying the nano ipod for 140. student discount included. what do you guys think? is that a good price? thanks for the feedback.


sarNie Hatchling
i have an ipod nano..........and i got mine for yeah i would so thats a real good deal.........hahah.........and i love my ipod rite now..........hahah........i don't go ani where without it.........hahahah


sarNie Elites
i have it but not nano... just regular that has 60GB... OMG I FREAKING LOVE IT! i just can't go anywhere without it.......... :sweat:

i got it for $300... pretty cheap! :D


sarNie Elites
i can't really say if that's a good deal or not, since i don't know which nano your getting. the 1, 2, or 4GB? I got my sister a 2GB nano for christmas for $180.

i don't have a nano, just the regular one...and i love it! i always have to have it with me....


Mine came up to be more than that with student I guess that is the 1gb one? It's a fair deal I suppose,and yeah you can't leave home without it heh.


sarNie Egg
yeah im going to buy the 1 gb but everyone keeps telling me it wont be enough room. i dont think it'll have enough room for me either because i have so many songs. thai/english but the ipods cost so much.. i dont understand why they cost so much... sigh :(


i love my ipod nano ^_^ how do you get a student discount?!


sarNie Hatchling
To me 1G ipod mini , it could store atleast 1000 songs that 's alot . I got mine for less than 300 . I only managed to store only 180 songs.


sarNie Egg
KawaiiTennyo said:
i love my ipod nano ^_^ how do you get a student discount?!
you go to the site and look under education and go through all that process... if i was to buy the ipod i would save about 20 bucks.


sarNie Elites
jaimie said:
To me 1G ipod mini , it could store atleast 1000 songs that 's alot . I got mine for less than 300 . I only managed to store only 180 songs.
oh i see... 1000 songs seem few to me.. lmao... i have 60GB ipod and i only used up to 3GB now... i'm thinking transfering videos into it, too. hehe. pictures are unnecessary... really.... ;)