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    Tiam no ntawv tsis Txog

    ok sorry about that i forgot to check the size. this one is 4. 50 mb. is it small enough? well let me know the link is below
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    Tiam no ntawv tsis Txog

    here is the link to it! if you listen to the girl and guy verison it is like they are sanging to each other like they are replying to one another! thats just what i think enjoy!
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    [MBC] Sweet Spy

    ok i do not know if anyone post this question up yet sorry if someone did! i was wondering if there is going to be a part 2 because it really bug me when an ending end like that!
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    i wrote a paper on the hmong history for my high school! there are so many different point of views to the history of hmong that i do not know where to believe so yeah! if you live in mn i can tell you a place to go and find out more infor. on hmong people!
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    Cua Yaj is married

    Ok i do not want to sound mean or anything however in the movie she seem to be older than 16! well congrat to your cousin! i wish them the best of wish for their future!
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    A Xiong Man & A Lee Woman

    yeah that true!
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    A Xiong Man & A Lee Woman

    I think it is funny how we are talking about this! :lol: however, I did hear that the same story about the husband got tired and put a spell on his wife and her lover. Also, what is weird is that my older brother and mom were saying that we have a uncle (I think) where he have many wives and...
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    Music Downloading: TONS!!!

    i became a member to support you but right i am using the school computer so I can not really do anything i will upload whatever i have of any hmong stuff. sorry im not much help.
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    The Hmong Julia Roberts

    I think she not a bad actress she alright but than some other hmong actors and actress.
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    [Taiwan] The Prince Turn Into Frog

    this movie is funny I love I was watching it on youtube and so far it is going great.
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    Hey I am sorry if anyone ask this question but my niece say there a new movie or drama made by one of the guys from Shinwan and I was wondering if it is out or when will it be out. I do not know who or which one it is. Anyway sorry abou this. Thanks.
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    Miss Hmong International 2003

    Yeah can someone give more information about her.
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    Donnie Yen

    I grew up watching his movies and I think he is a very good actor. I love his movies. Thanks for making a thread of him.
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    One Litre of Tears

    I finish this movie and it was sad I mean I cry in this movie. I dislike how the man she like treated her after what happen to her. I as angry. This is a good movie. By any chances is her story writen as a book instead of a movie. If there is can any of you let me know thanks.
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    Cat woman

    Thanks for sharing the story. I mean not all cats are have something wrong with them. I just mean it depend on the person who those ghost or spirited wanted. We are all Hmong here and we know pretty how the Hmong believes system works. I just hope everything goes well for him and nothing like...
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    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    thanks for sharing like all of you ladies said I can not wait to see if he is a good actor. I hope this movie is hit since he is talented.
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    The Twins Effect

    I like the first one but the second one I see there was no point of calling it Twin Effect 2 it seem more likely to be the first part plus the story line was not as good as the first one. I was disappointed in the movie.
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    Jessica H.O.

    I'm sorry but can someone upload her music agian. Thanks. Do any of you notice that these many young artists is coming out? I was just like wow.
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    Emperor Of The Sea?

    I saw it on cable too my sister have been watching it but I do not know now since softball practice started I haven't been watching it plus somehow it got kind of slow. Just to make sure is one of those girl is from Love Letter right?
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    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Wow... I did not know his third album is out already thanks.
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    I love Naruto he so funny and I love everything about him. My brother have the Japanese verison with the english subtitle and I watch that one and when it come on cartoon net work with enlish speaking. I can not get enough of watching Naruto. The animation rock! :w000t:
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    hello, i was just wondering if it is possible if anyone can upload the tom yum goong drama. i heard it is very good and i really want to see it. if it is possible will someone please upload it. thank you very much :loool: :loool:
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    whats asian are you???

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    I never saw any of their pictures so I can not make any comment I didn't even know there is any
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    A Love To Kill

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    Pagnia Xiong: Singer

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    Do you speak white or green?

    I am WHITE!
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    I never hear of this band before do you have any of there music if you do you upload some ofr me thanks.
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    Sorry, I love you.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Chae Rim, Hee Sun, or Jang Nara

    they are all very beautiful in there own kind of way in these pictures so I have to say that they are all equally match.
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    what's your favorite tv show (s)?

    I watch King of the hill, The simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Spongebob, Jimmy, Kim Possbile, future something made by the same guy that made the simpsons, American Dragon, Power Ranger (OLD SCHOOL) YEAH, and someother that I can not think off.
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    Sorry, I love you.

    sorry if this is a stupid question but do anyone of you know where I can download this movie i heared that it is really good. Thanks
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    Jun Ji Hyun

    Anyone Know When Her New Movie I Heared It Is Called Dasiy Come Out?? If You Do Please Tell Me Thanks.
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    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    I do not know if you ladies agree with me but I am really hoping for Se7en make a movie so I can watch him.
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    A Love To Kill

    I can not get enough of this movie. I love it. I wanting for it to come out on DVD so I can get it.
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    Want to Download Hmong Songs?

    I am never much of a big hmong songs fan because I never seem to find any good one in the past but since I keep dl from all of you some are really nice and now I have a couple hmong cds and songs. Thanks for the website.
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    What do you want for Christmas!

    that is nice of how all of you hope your family and so. I really do not know what I want for christmas I when I can just buy it for myself since I got a job now. I guess for everyone in the world to have a happy christmas and new year.
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    memoris of a Geisha

    have no one heard of this book and seen the preview of the movie? Well people that I know who have read this book and heard about the movie coming out are not to happy about how the chinese chick is going to play a japanese girl role. So I was wondering what do you ladies or guys think about the...
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    Dang Sawan Sarb

    PLease please Phew can you upload it for me. :w000t: Thanks you very much...
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    Hmong Girls Soccer

    hey this sound cool I love to play soccer but I have not play for a while and I do not think we hae anything like that in Minnesota that I know of.
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    How old are you?

    se7enteen and still getting old
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    Dang Sawan Sarb

    hey i was wondering if any one of you have the sound to this serie, the one they put it on the wedding when por came to take kob hand in marriage. I would be very happy if anyone could post it it for. I used to have it but my bros lost my sound track. Thanks much. :)
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    my boyfriend is type B

    This is not as good as sweet 18. But it's kind of cool. I copy their scene when they were acting like superman... it is quite nice. It's so funny...its work...well kind of. All of you should try it if have not.
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    Eugene Official Thread

    Hey I'm sorry but I was wondering how many movies she have make. I was wondering if she make wonderful life and save the last dance for me. Also I am sorry if this have been already post but if anyone know please let me know. Thanks
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    I didn't like this movie. It was not like the old one. It was more about Bee finding out how Shoua die than how the old zeb and sua. It was not scary or anything at all.
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    Jun Ji Hyun

    I agree with all of you she is such a cool person. :D cant wait to watch or get her new movie.
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    I like the old one where Louis and Carman were in it after that I have not seen the other remake of it as cool as there. The remake seem uninteresting to me.