p. Zoua
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  • OH GEEZ...when you need a job badly and apply like crazy..no job calls you. But when one accepts u, another calls too and now i'm stuck between medical assembly for better pay or helping elderly with lower pay and part time only...ugh...help me out guys. lolXD
    Omg, that's so true! I know how you feel. :) Just choose what's best for you. :)
    Be careful, pick what would make you happier.
    Now I'm the only girl left in the family that's not married yet....eh....
    Ridin solo isn't a bad thing. You can do what you want and go where you wish whenever without anyone starting something with you.
    I am too. 27 and never been married.
    Should I go with a job that's kinda far but pays well, or a Job that's close but pays little? I don't have a car yet neither...BWah...
    Pick the one that you think you would enjoy more or get along with the people there well.
    Money may be an issue, but you have to enjoy what you do as well.
    URGH...what did I ever do to deserve such a horrible sibling...
    p. Zoua
    p. Zoua
    ya, tell me bout it...urgh. This time it's one of my youngersibling....
    haha im the 3rd oldest tell me about younger siblings i have 4 ergh all annoying, greedy, nagging, u name it there all of it!!
    Each sibling tends to thing they're better & do more than the other. It's family craziness.
    Stupid program finally worked for awhile and I stayed up all night working on a fanmade mv but then it stops working...URGH.....AVID is a Pain....
    "if i'd known i was going to get known i wouldn't have stepped out of the house..." what an idiot XD
    ugh........why do some people repeatedly do the same things just to piss you off........
    haha never once told a guy I liked him...to this day my heart still beats whenever thinking of him or seeing him....lol
    Cupid Candy
    Cupid Candy
    People always call me strange that i never tell anyone or the person i like how i feel. Why embarrass myself? I'm great at hiding my feelings.
    Awe! Hehe, I know that feelings. ^^
    I've told two and now I learned my lesson: Never tell a guy you like him 'til he feels the same. LOL.
    urgh...living under someone else's roof is a pain....you either do what they want and be like a damn slave or be a stuck up and get talked shit about or even get kicked out....ugh...why me...
    always laughing....even in the down times ur still there to pick me up...even if it's not ur fault.....I'm grateful to have u in my life.....
    ever since that stupid dumpling horror movie, i no longer have the same tastes for dumplings....
    OH yea...time to start editing fanmade MVS again..
    Sucks for me. :(
    p. Zoua
    p. Zoua
    lol I'm kinda feeling lazy too so we'll see. XD
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