Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
GAH! I FOUND IT! hahhahah lmao at first i thought u didnt' even put my name in it haahahahahhahahha i see it now though ahhahaha
i am tooo good



sarNie Granny
Hey...who's hiding from me??? You three ghostly, invisible sarnies!!!!!!
WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH also from starry!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just gonna attribute that to my "bleeding" panda eyes making up things!!
I know van!!!!!!! Your bestest sisters weren't even invited???????
Ami~ I would have invited you to my wedding with Aum. Uh huh... my JLR bridesmaids. Forget the fact that I might have to put a cage around each of you to keep you away from Mr. Starry (aka Aum)... but you'd still be invited, isn't that all that matters? Hee hee... except Ami's a lover, not a fighter-- I might let her out of the cage and stand next to me.
hmmm i will use my ninja skills to beat the cage then lol


sarNie Granny
gaha ok well today we had a sub in french and remember how i told u about my nice harith lookalike lmao ahah well we learned how to say i love you Je t'aime well he looks at me and said it to me like 2 times! lmao i almost died hahahhahhahh but how he said it and the way he loooked was priceless hahahhahah i was like gahhhhh! hahah pretty great moment hahhahha
awwwwwwwwwww that's so sweet


sarNie Granny
ok another weird dream of mine from last nite
kk i dreamt that it was morning and i went to a ice cream store for breakfast and i invented a new ice cream cone thing and i was like a log type thing and u put ice cream in it hahah and i ate a shitload of ice cream for breakfast it was great! hahahah like there was this good turtle sundae and chocolate chip and oreo hahahhahaha