Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
"what if he asks me for a date?"-Martin

"I have news for you, you are on a date"-Fraiser

I was channel surffing and this was a scene that came on from the show Fraiser.

Fraisers dad (Martin) pretended to be gay so that he wouldnt have to go on a date with Fraiser's girlfriends mom.
So then the girlfriend brought her uncle (Edward) over as a set up with Fraisers dad.
Martin had no idea that Edward was gay so the whole time he was pretending to be gay.
Edward asks Martin out on a date and Martin says that he's dating someone already.
So then Fraisers brother Niles comes over and Martin makes Niles pretend to be his boyfriend.
Of course Niles has no idea.
Fraiser, Niles, and Martin all go into the kitchen and talk.
Niles says "Now they think the best I can do is some old man with a cane".
Then later Niles breaks up with his dad and Edward says "the young ones never stay."

I just wanted to share! hahaha I thought that was funny! :loool:

:loool: it is funny


sarNie Granny
how are you moh? I'm glad your still awake..usually I didn't catch up with my sisters here...well except for RR who stayed up so late as well as bau and cikna who happened to be on the same timezone as mine...LOL
ahahahaha....yeah...stay up for my sister ellem


sarNie Adult
"this is for you."

"what is it?"

"take it."

"take this as a souvenir for changing your life.
life is like a game of gambling.
it's impossible to win everytime.
as long as you have a chip in your hand,
you will always have hope."

I randomly clicked on one of the parts for ep1 and gosh this caught my attention.
I so love this analogy! I'm going to steal it now.

Fated to love you.


Staff member
if writer want to take on that scene go watch eps 1 LMAO ....there missile , rocket , jet ...hhahaha
muahah. it was a bit weird.
when i saw this, it remind me of FUNFUN's metaphor, car and garage ..
except this time. it burst way higher up there b/c they took it to the extreme.
i mean, it's not explicit but you can actually imagine it

MOH go and watch it. it's very good and addicting to me .. at least much better than SB in this case :p
here's just that particular part : http://youtube.com/watch?v=7ijPcNnsBUQ ..
they thought they had their right partners but end up enjoying one another b/c their partners, one left to nyc, while the other it out chasing another woman in the cruise lol

ah. ELLEM/b]. i'm so desperate, i watch episode 6 without subtitle :loool: