Playing with Fire- A Pretty Little Liars FF-> COMPLETE

A Pretty Little Liars FanFiction- ONE SHOT
Playing With Fire
Original Main Cast: Aria, Emily, Hannah, and Spencer
"You what?!"
"Oh my god!"
"Please tell me this is an April Fools' joke!"
Aria, Emily, and Hannah stared at Spencer in shock, their jaws dropped and eyes widened.
"No, seriously Spence?" asked Aria, reassuringly.
Spencer nodded.
"Unfortunately, it isn't a joke," she said softly. "I'm pregnant with Toby's baby."
"You're pregnant with A's baby?!" exclaimed Hannah.
"Hannah, seriously," said Aria. "She's been through enough."
"We've all been through enough," said Hannah.
"Does he know?" asked Emily.
Spencer shook her head helplessly as tears glistened in her eyes. Aria sat down to comfort her as the other two stood there arms folded with pursed lips.
"What do I do?" Spencer asked them.
She tried to fight back those tears but the thought that she was carrying a devil's child was indeed sad and worth crying about.
"Well you definitely can't tell your parents," said Hannah.
"Well they don't even know that Toby is A," said Emily.
"What am I going to do with this child?" croaked Spencer. "First of all, I don't want to carry A's child and second, I'm going off to college so I can't be pregnant!"
"You should tell him," said Emily.
"What? No!" gasped Aria. "She can't tell him. He's A!"
"Well I'm sure sooner or later A is going to find out anyway," said Hannah.
"Hannah, you're not helping," said Aria.
"It's true isn't it?! A is like capable of everything! How is it that they're capable of everything?!" exclaimed Hannah.
"God! I'm so lost right now!" cried Spencer.
She buried her face in her hands. Aria patted her back and hugged her. There really wasn't anything they could do. Whatever they did and said, A caught up to them. In fact, A was always a step in ahead of them. What if Toby already knew about it? He is A after all.
"Hey Mom, what do you think about abortion?" asked Hannah the next morning.
Ashley was stunned.
"Are you telling me that you're...are you what I think...
"Mom, gosh no," Hannah answered quickly. "It's not what you think. I am, uhm, writing a paper on this topic and I'd like to know what you think about it."
"Oh...kay," said Ashley slowly, nodding her head. "I uhm...
She cleared her voice as Hannah listened on.
"...think it is a bad thing," said Ashley.
"Go on," urged Hannah. "You have to tell me why. You know, state your opinions."
"Well there are a lot of reasons to why I think it's wrong," began Ashley. "One, if a couple isn't ready for a family, then they should know better to Two, I think adoption ideas should come before an abortion decision. You can't simply kill an innocent, unborn baby because you can't support it for whatever reason because there are childless couples out there that wants a baby but can't have one. So before abortion, think adoption."
"Oh," said Hannah. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense."
"I'm guessing I helped a little," said Ashley, looking at her daughter suspiciously. "Are you sure you're not...
"Mom, no," replied Hannah, automatically. "Well I gotta go now, bye."
"Wait, when is your paper due?" asked Ashley.
" week," Hannah blurted instantly. "K, bye now."
"You seriously didn't ask your Mom about this?!" exclaimed Aria, over the lunch table.
"Yeah, I did," said Hannah. "What, I just wanted to know what she thinks."
"Well you know abortion is the last thing on Spencer's mind," said Emily.
"So do you think she is going to walk around with a huge belly for nine months and send that child to an adoption center after delivering it?" asked Hannah.
"I don't know," said Aria. "I definitely hope not, though."
Emily rolled her eyes and took a bite of her yogurt.
"Where do you think Toby is now?" Aria asked in an almost whisper so that other students around them wouldn't be able to hear.
Hannah shrugged.
"I sure wished I knew where he was," said Emily. "Maybe I could talk to him."
"After knowing that he is A, I don't think I can face him," said Hannah.
"Honestly, I think it is much more to it than that," said Emily. "Why would he do that though? Why would he be...A?"
"Because he was tortured by Ali and don't forget that we were Ali's friends so he had the reason to hate our guts too," replied Hannah.
"Do you think he really loves Spencer?" asked Aria.
"Who knows?" asked Hannah. "Maybe that's all part of his A plan too."
"Alright, I'm gonna talk to him," said Emily finally.
"How are you going to find him?" asked Aria.
"Don't forget that he lives down the street from me," said Emily. "He must comes and goes to his house every once in a while. Other than that, I have no idea."
"Or next time you get a text from A, text back and ask where he is and maybe he'll tell you," said Hannah.
After school that day, all three girls went to the Hastings' residence to visit Spencer. Surprisingly, she actually seemed a tad bit better than yesterday.
"So I was thinking," began Spencer.
Aria, Emily, and Hannah sat on the bed next to her and listened.
"I think I know what I should do," said Spencer.
"What?" asked Hannah.
"I'm going to Wren," said Spencer.
"What? No, you can't do that," said Emily. "Why would you want him to know about it?"
"I didn't mean for him to know now," said Spencer. "Maybe I can surprise him in two months."
"Wait, you're not saying..." began Aria.
"Yes, I am," said Spencer.
"Oh my god," said Hannah.
"Spencer, don't," said Emily.
"Why?!" exclaimed Spencer. "It's either that or I screw up! Oh, I forgot, I already am screwed up!"
"I know Wren is a good guy and will take care of you and all but I still don't think you should you know, play with fire," said Aria.
"I already played with fire once!" exclaimed Spencer. "Now, I want to play with water to put out this fire. This fire that's burning me alive! It's killing me!"
All the girls were silent. Hopefully, Spencer didn't mean what she said. People can say anything out of anger and this was probably one of those times.
Emily pulled up at home around early evening and after closing her car door, glanced down the street at the Cavanaugh's house. She wondered if Toby was home. Wondering wasn't going to get her anywhere unless she walked up to that porch to find out for herself. Emily took a deep breath and walked slowly down the street. She rang the doorbell and seconds later, Jenna appeared at the door.
"Oh it's you," she said to Emily. "I wasn't expecting you."
"Well...I uh...just wanted to know if Toby was home," said Emily.
She gulped and hoped that Jenna would say yes.
"Unfortunately he isn't and you know why," said Jenna. "All you girls do. You're all guilty."
"Alright then," said Emily. "Thanks."
Without saying goodbye, Emily started towards the street back to her own home. Where in the world was Toby? She suddenly came up with the slightest idea to text him but hesitated on whether or not it would be safe to do so. It was worth a shot.
"Hey Toby, this is Emily. Please call or text me back. This is very urgent. It's about Spencer."
The following day was Saturday and unfortunately, Emily had to work. Aria and Hannah were going to stay with Spencer for the remainder of the day. Emily decided to meet up with them afterwards.
Toby never returned a text or call, which lead Emily to be even more suspicious. She couldn't help but to think about where he was and how he was doing. Even though he was A, Emily still thought that there was much more to it than Toby harming them.
"Emily, decaf, not Americano," said her boss.
"Gosh, I'm so sorry," said Emily. "I was carried away with something for a moment."
"Well carry on with work," snapped her boss.
Emily nodded. She messed up the entire day but luckily, customers didn't complain. Only her boss did. At the end of her shift, Emily lied that she wasn't feeling well and thank goodness, her boss bought it.
After clocking out, Emily decided to grab Chinese take out for dinner with the rest of the girls. Just as she opened her car door, someone behind her had kicked it shut and covered her mouth shut with their hands. The person dragged Emily into a nearby alley and released her.
"Toby!" gasped Emily. "Oh my god! Where have you been? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," replied Toby in a neutral tone. "How''s Spencer?"
Emily scanned the area to make sure no one was around.
"She...she isn't feeling well," said Emily. "She's...pregnant."
"Wh...what?" asked Toby.
"She's pregnant and it's yours."
Emily decided not to tell the other girls that she had talked to Toby about Spencer's pregnancy. Hopefully, Toby will understand and come back without the A mask.
Spencer decided to go to school the next day but her mind floated around. Due to the lack of concentration, she walked out of her fourth period class and left school for the day.
"At least she tried," Aria said to Hannah.
"Should we follow her?" asked Hannah.
"No," replied Aria. "We'll meet up with her later."
Spencer got into her car and started the engine. She leaned back and thought everything over. Just then, a hooded person quickly got into her car.
"What're you...Toby!"
She tried to fight back her oncoming tears.
"It's over Spence," he said. "I know everything."
"Of course you do," said Spencer.
She began to cry.
"You're A," she said.
"No, not anymore," said Toby. "I'm the father of your child."
Spencer turned to him and threw her arms around his neck.
"You promise?" she cried.
"No, I swear," he replied. "This game is over. I just wanted to say that I never meant to hurt you. Any of you."
Spencer didn't want to believe it. She got out of the car and ran. Toby got out and followed her. She tripped and fell but he caught her. She fell freely into his arms and looked into his beautiful blue eyes.
"I love you," said Toby.
He pulled her up.
"And I promise I never did let you go or ever will let you go," he said. "When I got that text from Emily, my heart raced. I couldn't think straight...thinking that something bad might've happened to you. And I realized that I am the reason that all of you are in this state of panic and fear but I swear though, I never meant to hurt any of you. I tried to protect you."
Suddenly the whole world stopped and he pulled her into a passionate kiss. That's when she realized that Toby never left her. He was always there for her.


No, I have never seen it before, but i just like your writing. You're a really great writer. :) So as I read, I just imagined random people in the character. LOL