Ghost Game...?


sarNie Hatchling
Is it me or is Aof [AF singer] really in Ghost Game? I think it's him, but not quite sure. Will someone correct me? & did anyone watch the movie yet? Is it good? I heard it caused a big roar between Thailand and Cambodia because of the location or the concept of the movie.


sarNie Hatchling
<_< Never mind, I read on one the sites that the 11 contestants in Ghost Game are the real life contestants on Academy Fantasia.

White Lotus

sarNie Elites
yeah....but i didn't like the movie. i thought the ending was stupid. i was very disappointed. it's suppose to be a scary movie but not as scary as i had expected.


Media Fanatic
^ yep all 11 AF season 1 was in the movie ghost game. basically they had a choice between a lakorn or a movie they ended up going with a movie and AF season 2 went with a lakorn ;)


sarNie Juvenile
It was controversial because they were going to film it at the real location which was in Cambodia... I don't know which province, but the gov't there refused. So, Thailand got concepts of what the place looked like and then made one up in their own country and filmed it home. It sucked... I thought Aof, Jeen, and Namtarn would survive at the end... but..............