Everlasting Tears of Love - Short FF - COMPLETE.


sarNie Adult
awh;i thought
that bie was gnna end
up with best.suckss.but i still
love the ENDING<3awhh;that was sad and romantic.
They had to choose.well,i'll be waiting for yourr upcoming one then:))


sarNie Granny
oh, why!!!! no...totally agree with ur sis on the end. omg, such...omg i can feel the heart ache. awh, so sad how best decided to let bie go then crossed him at their workplace. omg they went through so much hardship and all they need to say to one another to have their "happing ending" was just the words i love you. awwh, great work! love this fanfic, very sweeet, romantic and touching, hope u'll write more short stories in the future, hopefuly with an ending that's happy. ^_-


ah...well anyway i suspected the ending was gonna turn out something like this anyway. hmm, actually i prefer this coupling. i'm actually happy Best didn't end up with Bie cuz Mark is totally a HOTTIE lol and he's just so sweet n to me it seemed he does love her more too. and Man if Best n Bie would ended up the only person i'll be pitting is Peung, cuz well you know she's just left out. but i'm glad they all have there happily ever after though it'll probably break their heart each time they see each other but well thanks for writing such a sweet but yet heartbreaking and good ending short fic :D XD

can't wait for more....hehe

kab hnub

sarNie Hatchling
like Jeeja. i kinda guessed out an ending like this.
but thanks for writing this fic. i'm always thankful for all the writers out there for having something for me to catch up on. thanks and hope to read more fan fictions from you.


- Marina ♥

After I read all your comments,
I felt bad about the ending. Although, it'll make readers be surprised by how the ending closes && that's what I intend to do.
I like to make people shock && I like writing twists. Although, thanks for reading this sad-ending fanfic.
In the future, my writing will surely consist of happy, sad, shocking, and other different ends.
Teheee ;]


sarNie Egg
it is short but really great work...*yay*... you're always bring something surprised ever... :blush:

ending up with their lovers... :wub: :wub: