[ChannelA] Goodbye Dear Wife


Expired Sarnie
info will be added later

it has 20 episode and while im waiting for all the dramas that has been postphoned due to the sewol ferry incident, im just picking random dramas to watch.

and coincidently i came upon another drama involving a married couple going through a divorce. from all the dramas i have seen so far, i must say the lead guy here is a pain in the a**. although i give credit for him for not sleeping with the homewrecker.

lets see if he can redeem himself the second half of the drama. i am not rooting for second male lead either. he abandon her. i hope she files for divorce and travel around the world. her ex and current hubby are not deserving of her.


Expired Sarnie
Finally finished this. Geez I feel like I have no life. I don't even know how I am juggling through all these dramas yet I keep saying I have nothing to watch. 
This definitely milk a few tears from me. Not the best drama but it kept me entertain. Love the female lead, she's so cool. I am going to check out History of a Salary Man just for her. I looked at her past projects and none of them interest me since she didn't play a big role. History of a Salary Man, she plays second lead but no love triangle/square. 
It was sure a sad ending because I really wanted Seung Hyuk to live. Sorry for the major spoiler there but the title sort of gave it away anyway. I realize I didn't hate him after all lol although he did sort of cheat on his wife, he didn't sleep or touch with Hyang Sook. When he found out his wife ex return, he realize he loves his wife and told Hyang Sook he can't leave his wife. Kind of a jerk but he needed closure since HS left him.