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  1. D

    Ipod nano?

    the nano ipod will come in different colors, you just need to have the patience to wait...this is where the apple market industry will get you, first they introduced the nano only in black and white, then they'll wait for a few more months or so, then present the nanos' in different colors, like...
  2. D

    vang's trial

    "brick may break my bones, but words can't hurt me" all chai vang had to do was walk away from it and show them who was the better person, but instead of walking away he chose to kill...killing isn't that the answer; chai vang may have said that they were the ones shotting at him first, but who...
  3. D

    [QUIZ] Your Ideal Gentleman

    interesting :lol: Name realname Age 22 Fav Color white Your Gentleman will be Sexy ... An Amazing Kisser ... Has a Villa in Tuscany Have A Nice Ass Annual Salary $475,591.30 Will Spend the Rest of Your Lives Together (8) - My reply is no. - (8) Name duck Age 22 Fav...