AFN (Asianfuse network)

Although I say I will accept anything but blaming my only one for how less work your favorite get. That's not so right I won't accept it plus you don't see how they treat my only one just because she has so many upcoming dramas. Do research first before you say something.
I have a feeling this is directed towards me. So I'll clear it up here. I've already apologized to two members on this forum about my comments made in the past that targeted their favorite actress. I haven't apologized to you yet since I've never personally exchanged opinions with you. But regardless, if your status was about me and my past comments, I'm sorry.
I realize that my comments made in the past about this particular actress were unnecessary. I haven't made any comments about her since then and I hope that you forgive me for what was said in the past. :)
Of course, I still adore my favorite actress so I will continue to express my wishes and desires for her to receive better projects. And that shouldn't be a problem. :) Everyone is entitled to supporting their favorites and voicing their support, just as long as they're not pulling down another actor/actress.
I understand your frustration. I get frustrated too when people complain about one of my other favorite actresses (Kim) receiving good work and promotion from Anne, and then blaming or making negative comments about her because their favorites aren't receiving the same recognition and promotion.
I still stand by what I said once that no one is perfect, including my favorites and your favorites (applies to everyone on this forum and their favorites). That's why I've come to a neutral mindset towards others' favorites. None of us know any of these celebrities personally so we are all in some way and to some extent clouded by our admiration and bias for them. This is true for everyone here. :) Honestly, no actor/actress is perfect or better than anyone else. We as fans and o...