Recent content by tiggerishy

  1. T

    can't believe it's already 12midnight :P good night! :D

    can't believe it's already 12midnight :P good night! :D
  2. T

    ugh, I just came back from working out and already ate a full meal >< damn, lost nothing from...

    ugh, I just came back from working out and already ate a full meal >< damn, lost nothing from that :P
  3. T

    The Aokigahara Forest is the most popular site for suicides in Japan. I think I agree with the...

    The Aokigahara Forest is the most popular site for suicides in Japan. I think I agree with the man in the video. <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a>
  4. T

    Panda eyes from stay up till 4am this morning just to finish my paper T^T

    Panda eyes from stay up till 4am this morning just to finish my paper T^T
  5. T

    today is not my day T-T

    today is not my day T-T
  6. T

    So it's 2am and I'm finally 1page away from finishing my essay summary! Almost there !!! (T--T)

    So it's 2am and I'm finally 1page away from finishing my essay summary! Almost there !!! (T--T)
  7. T

    okay, no more distraction, I have to finish my essay tonight! 14 font double space 3 pages...

    okay, no more distraction, I have to finish my essay tonight! 14 font double space 3 pages, shouldn't be too bad XD
  8. T

    good night!

    good night!
  9. T

    Just finished reading "Tuesdays with Morrie" and R.I.P. First man Neil Armstrong.

    Just finished reading "Tuesdays with Morrie" and R.I.P. First man Neil Armstrong.
  10. T

    Just bought $250 worth of textbooks all because of shipping/handling >< I need to rent one more...

    Just bought $250 worth of textbooks all because of shipping/handling >< I need to rent one more for $50 :P
  11. T

    but it's alright, almost done reading the book "Tuesday with Morrie" for my SOCL class and it's...

    but it's alright, almost done reading the book "Tuesday with Morrie" for my SOCL class and it's worth it too :)
  12. T

    Everyone! Vote for G-Dragon - One Of A Kind for Kpop Music Mondays! <a...

    Everyone! Vote for G-Dragon - One Of A Kind for Kpop Music Mondays! <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a> via <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">@eatyourkimchi</a>
  13. T

    It's so damn hot and it's 1am... where is the breeze when you need it... XD

    It's so damn hot and it's 1am... where is the breeze when you need it... XD
  14. T

    To chase after a dream is the most difficult decision I will possibly do in this lifetime XD

    To chase after a dream is the most difficult decision I will possibly do in this lifetime XD
  15. T

    second day of school and I'm super tired :P

    second day of school and I'm super tired :P