Recent content by Damaris

  1. D

    menstrual question

    sometimes your flow is different every now and then which is normal. It not just due to our eating habits, sleep and activity, how active we are..but also it's due to stress.
  2. D

    Do opposites really attract...?

    The best thing about being different is that it allows you to compensate for whatever quality or character trait you lack and wish you had A successful relationship depends on how different you are, what you choose to make of the differences, and what the differences make of you. Opposing...
  3. D

    Lingering Feelings

    Ah..guys can be as fickle minded as gals huh? Seems to me that he may have a change of heart  because he's not into you..just yet. Take it easy.. Give him time at least he's been honest enough about how he felt. Next time..don't give your heart out too soon.
  4. D

    How can you tell the difference between love and like?

    You love him or else you wouldn't stay together for 4 years! But you may have panicked on the thought of marriage. I've been a runaway bride 3 times I know the panic mode when a gal isn't ready or does not want  to marry yet. Just be true to yourself and accept his flaws.. we all...
  5. D

    Is he still in love with his ex??

    I know what you feel and it's sad because he doesn't..that jerk! excuse me...I didn't mean to be rude. But guys have an interesting way of looking at things,  their brain waves are different from  even if we try to figure out what they are thinking..we never really can..right? What I...
  6. D

    Lost Feelings...

    The only way to know if he's sincere or not is by going for it. Don't make your gal pal an excuse for your happiness. Geez..why do you young people make it so hard for yourselves? ha ha ha.. :yes: You got what you wish for..kill the dreamland girl.. face him and your feelings for him. Don't...
  7. D

    Signs He's Just Not Into You Anymore

    When he has less time for you. When he finds excuses for little things that you do. to start a fight or an argument.. Or having mood swings when you're together. OK..don't want to scare you with that.. But what I know is that guys need space. They need time to be on their own too. Just like you...
  8. D

    Unsure about Relationship

    I'll make it short.. Are you willing your so called BF to take this guy? Are you able to do that? can't.  Did you tell your BF that you like this guy?  If not, why are pushing him away for? What's all the drama honey? If you like him and vice versa..then go for it... Go and talk...
  9. D

    If you had something to do with your boyfriend what would it be?

    Kidnap him and take him on a trip to Greece. guys know what happens next..don't you? :beer:
  10. D

    Seeking advice for an age old dilemma, unrequited feelings

    Would you believe that I am exactly like you? Yes. You! The total opposite of my honey...who happens to be like..the guy you like. Don't give up too soon sweetie..stick to your plans, but what I can tell you is..have a life. Go out with your friends, mingle and get a hobby or interest that will...
  11. D

    My Secret Hideaway...

    My Secret Hideaway...