Top Awards 2008


sarNie Adult
I know most of these awards are based on popularity, but are any just based solely on acting skills? Well i know most stars that are popular have great acting abilities, but there are some who are brilliant at acting but aren't recognised for it...


sarNie Oldmaid
yea there are awards based on skills. i don't remember da names of those awards

thanx do u like the fact tat
my avatar is Ken kissing Aff
and my banner is Ken kissing Nott lol :lol:
for some reason i didn't even notice ur avatar til u pointed it out LOL i like ur sig better cause i like tee rak lol


sarNie Elites
I would have to agree that a lot of these awards are based on popularity, which I feel is a ridiculous reason as to why someone should win an award because they are not necessarily the best because they are popular. I mean, some of the winners are very talented, but at the same time, some of the winners are very popular and not so great at acting. Without looking at who is going to be nominated, I can already guess who will be nominated. LOL. I would also have to agree that several great actors/actresses are not recognized. Maybe because they are not as popular? Sorry, I do not want to sound bitter, but I am just stating my opinion.


Staff member
the 27th .. that is so fast.. just a few more days.. this is gonna be exciting.. lol.. cant state the obvious eh lol..