
sarNie Elites
the braces will hurt more than the wisdom teeth getting my opinion. with the wisdom teeth, you at least get put to sleep and are offered pain killers after that. with braces, you will be awake and feel the WHOLE thing. plus, the week before you get them in, they have to put spaces/separators in your mouth. those hurt the most. haha i haven't been able to eat properly for the last 13 days, and i've lost some weight. but it doesn't look good at all....literally. my skin is pale and dried out, and when i smile there are those old lady type creases in my cheeks. it looks gross. the good news, however, is that my teeth will straighten out in about two to three months. the only reason why most people have to wear it for like two years sometimes is because the teeth needs to get use to staying the way it's being adjusted to stay.

as for the deep cleaning, i had to go through a lot of that crap too. thank gawd they numbed me...although i did still feel some stuff. but yeh, my mouth was horrible. gums were horrible, bone density was horrible, EVERYTHING was horrible. before i could get to this point, i had to see the dentist quite often..and for some big procedures.

just look at it with a big picture. your mouth is the key to all health. everything passes through there. if you have to take care of it, do it all the way or else it could come back and haunt you. lol


sarNie Oldmaid
yea ur supposed to get ur teeth checked every 6 months. get a physical once a yr and ur eyes checked once a yr. it's real important and if i had extra money i'd go but gosh i gotta pay my stupid bills. i just applied for insurance again i hope i can go get my checkups soon


sarNie Adult
ooh im a student nurse, i should practice what i preach. lol. the last time i went to the dentist was like 5 years ago. i did get a physical last year only because it was required for my nursing program. and i did get an eye exam last year because i needed contacts. so im due this year for my eye exam. and im really contemplating about the dentist. my husband wants to go get his teeth cleaned so maybe ill man up and go with him. lol. i just absolutely HATE the dentist. i know they are going to yell at me.


sarNie Oldmaid
u should go. it aint dat bad. when i lived in mn i had a real mean dentist. they made me swallow my blood and stuff and i thought it was like dat everywhere til my friends were like no they don't make me swallow they always let me spit it out in da sink


sarNie Elites
ooh im a student nurse, i should practice what i preach. lol. the last time i went to the dentist was like 5 years ago. i did get a physical last year only because it was required for my nursing program. and i did get an eye exam last year because i needed contacts. so im due this year for my eye exam. and im really contemplating about the dentist. my husband wants to go get his teeth cleaned so maybe ill man up and go with him. lol. i just absolutely HATE the dentist. i know they are going to yell at me.
hahaha yeh, man up. let them yell at you if it's going to save u. i've already gotten yelled out, but i feel a little better about my teeth and my health, in general. you can join the club. lol

u should go. it aint dat bad. when i lived in mn i had a real mean dentist. they made me swallow my blood and stuff and i thought it was like dat everywhere til my friends were like no they don't make me swallow they always let me spit it out in da sink
WTF. i would go back and kick their asses! lol


sarNie Oldmaid
i was little back then i didn't know i just did whatever they told me too and thinkin bout it dats real fucked up. i wonder if they made erybody else dere swallow too


sarNie Elites
i was little back then i didn't know i just did whatever they told me too and thinkin bout it dats real fucked up. i wonder if they made erybody else dere swallow too
i know!! swallowing blood is not good for you. it makes u nauseated too! bastards!!

OMG guess what happened these past two/three days??

three nights ago i dreamt something that made me want to do something i had never done before, and that was to play the pick 4 lottery. lol i can't remember what my dream was about but i remembered the numbers i wanted to play. there were two sets and i wrote them down. i was planning on buying them the next but then i thought about it after i wrote it...i mean, what are the chances of the stupid numbers actually coming out. right?? the next day comes, and i'm sitting in front of the tv watching the news. they show the lotto numbers and my FREAKIN' NUMBERS CAME OUT...not in the exact order...but it came out!! i would have won anyways because i would bought the mixed choice, not the straight...DAMN!

anywho, on the third day, i decided to go ahead and buy the other set of numbers that i wrote down two days before. i bought like 5 dollars worth...STRAIGHT this time. i was taking a chance. my numbers were 8157. the numbers that came out were 8155!!!!!!!! OMG straight in the exact order and everything!!! only the last number was off!!!!! i could have won like 31 thousand dollars!!!!! AND my mouth hurts!!!! i just want to die!!!


sarNie Oldmaid
awww thookatha. if u see numbers like dat in ur dream i think u should always take dat chance to buy lottery tickets lol my cousin always win dem pick 3 ones. she don't miss out if she dreams bout numbers


sarNie Elites
hahaha i know, i should stop being such a skeptic. i RARELY dream so when i do, i should take advantage of it cuz in my experience something good always happens.

anywho, my dreams are so weird. one time, i dreamt that i was swimming with this woman in the ocean. she had long flowing hair, and glittery fabric wrapped around her body. she wasn't talking to me or anything cuz we were under water but i could understand everything she was thinking and feeling. it was weird. the dream was a little scary too but kind of cool. haha anywho, close to the end of the dream, she started coming closer to me with her arms reaching out. her fabric started to wrap around me. i freaked out and ultimately woke up screaming n stuff. my mom runs over panicking, n asking me if something was wrong. i told her i had a weird dream that was scary, but it wasn't a nightmare. she was just like, 'oh weird', but then goes out and buy like 20 bucks in pick threes. her numbers consisted of the nuek number and paya nak number. she put together three numbers and bought the same set 20 times. she won a little over 17 thousand dollars.

that's not one of my weird dreams, by the way. that was just one that resulted in a very great outcome. LOL


sarNie Oldmaid
wowwwww 17gs? woww a couple of days ago i dreamt dat people were gettin possessed or becoming monsters and if they bite somebody dat person become one too and u can become normal after u bite somebody. it was scary lol


Professional Lakorn Watcher
2 nights ago, I dreamt that I ate my brother's girlfriend's dog. I even tried to come up with an excuse saying that I thought it was beef, but I knew damn well it was dog meat. That was so dam weird.


Mama Noy ♥️
awee Thookatha! You don't look ugly with the braces! You look hot! I feel your pain mama! When I first got my braces I was in pain! I couldn't chew anything hard! eating a piece of chip was a bitch! <_< What makes it worst was I had an under bite so they had to pull my front teeth forward so I had to have rubber bands hooked onto the back part of my braces attaching to the bottom teeth (hopefully that made sense... lol). That shit killed me! No medicine could ease the damn pain... <_<


sarNie Oldmaid
i had a friend dat had so many rubberbands on his braces dat he could barely open his mouth. at lunch he was eating fries and he put da fries through da holes of da rubberbands LOL poor boy


Mama Noy ♥️
awee poor boy... mine wasn't that bad but the rubber bands were annoying! After a while, eating becomes easier. :lol:


sarNie Elites
2 nights ago, I dreamt that I ate my brother's girlfriend's dog. I even tried to come up with an excuse saying that I thought it was beef, but I knew damn well it was dog meat. That was so dam weird.
hahahahhaha!! LD is my true twin. her dreams are just as messed up as minez.

awee Thookatha! You don't look ugly with the braces! You look hot! I feel your pain mama! When I first got my braces I was in pain! I couldn't chew anything hard! eating a piece of chip was a bitch! <_< What makes it worst was I had an under bite so they had to pull my front teeth forward so I had to have rubber bands hooked onto the back part of my braces attaching to the bottom teeth (hopefully that made sense... lol). That shit killed me! No medicine could ease the damn pain... <_<
hahahaha thannnnnks. but ever since i put the spacers in, i've just been so weak because i couldn't eat...wasn't taking in enough nutrition. with braces, it's even worst!!! if you look at my pictures, i look all dead and deprived. skin color's off, darkness under the eyes, and old lady creases on the cheeks!!! lmao

but OMG, i am having the same problem about the meds not doing it's thing!! wtf...i'm going to write letters to all the freakin' companies that make pain killers and aching medicine and tell them they are a bunch of idiot f*ck heads!!

I hear that to lose weight, some people wire their jaws shut?? What kind of doctor will do that for you?
um that sure ain't a good way to lose weight. hahaha not only are u uncomfortable but when u lose weight, you skin is gonna be all saggy and wrinkle.