So what the hell happened just now


sarNie Oldmaid
i think i have been inspired to be a i can atleast understands that colorful graph!!! LOL


sarNie Oldmaid come i didnt think of that earlier..!!!...but then its not too late eh???


sarNie Egg
hahaha wow i feel bad now for bashing you when you where working on this. Man my P'Chai is such a geek but in a good way na =X


Staff member
:loool: ami and noy, you two are too funny, that's the easy route i want to take too but i came to realize, i need to be a geek myself to better suit my needs. but it doesn't hurt to have someone to depend on too ...

actually, darv have been doing great stuff for sarnworld or member's personal computer problem ..
for that, i am still graceful to have him in here for emergency need. **feel so bad for saying this but he really is someone we can count on :clap: **
i still don't get the pretty graph though --- it's all puzzle to me :blush:

Muddie Murda

I'll check the awstats later on but its probably something else. I used to be really paranoid but I think SW doesn't really have any enemies.

Plus you girls just piss of each other.. not the ultra uber l33t nerds on IRC.
....with me around, you never know.... huahuahuahua!

Marrying a geek? Dibs on Darvie! :wub: He'll do alllll the work =D


lmfao mud.

so i suppose i'll be expecting darvie jrs soon hahah. there are hot chicks waiting to marry the nerd.

i can find uber elite nerds/geeks to attack ur server darvil, but i can't be bothered. it'd just get u all excited after u try to fix the crap and succeed, or stress out for hours, and then tell me about ur nerdiness... lol :p