Save Me :: Kristen Kreuk/Johnny Depp


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ACT 24

The games they played
After checking on Annie and only to find that she is still sound asleep, Kale quietly left the room and closed the door behind him. Outside, the clouds were moving quickly from the ocean. It threatened to pour all of the moisture that it picked up along the way. And by now, Kale knew that there is probably an alert going on again for a missing Annie. They were now racing against the clock to unlock the mystery behind Reilly's poisonous treatments.

Sasha - How is she doing?

Kale - She's okay now; not as cold as last night.

Sasha - I'm glad we were able to save her, Kale.

Kale - Me too; I still can't believe Dr. Reilly did that to her. I've known him for so long and never thought in a million years, he'd do something so evil like this. If I have known a long time ago, I will kill that bastard!!!

Sasha - Thank God, we got to Annie in time.. or else, those drugs could do a lot of damage. She could have become dependant on it, or even worst.. she could have died. Whoever is behind this probably wanted to intentially kill Annie, and all the while cover it up, claiming to be related to her mental illness.

Kale - But who could be so heartless and cruel to do such a thing??

Sasha - I'm asking the same questions too, Kale. Hopefully Annie will open up...

Kale - Why don't we go to the police now? And turn in the syringe, they'll pinpoint it to Reilly since, he is supposedly her doctor???

Sasha - I'm sure whoever is behind this is running a very elusive operation. I'm sure they've gotten a plan B, where they are able to cover up their dirty tracks. We've got to get more evidence.. and right about now, I think Annie is our best bet. She probably knows something, that's probably the reason why she was driven to escape that place.

Kale - I hope they're not able to track us all the way here.

Sasha - The only person I know in this town is you, and no one knows I'm here, and I don't have any connection to Annie..... Kale. I'm sure they are looking for you right now...

Kale - Shit!!! We should get out of town for now..

Sasha - I don't think that's a good idea. They've probably got police searching and blocking the city limits. Besides, I used a psuedonym when I travel; I also checked into this hotel using that psuedonym. So we'll be safe here for the time being.

Kale - I dunno how to thank you enough, Sasha.

Sasha - I'm not just doing this for you... I won't allow someone to die, not on my watch. I've already got myself into this, and I intend to finish what I started.

Kale - Thanks again...

Suddenly they could hear a vigurous cough coming from the bedroom. Kale didn't waste a minute and quickly swung the door open and went to his precious Annie.

Kale - Annie! Are you okay?

Sasha - I'll get her some water.

Sasha scrambled to the little kitchenette to fetch water as Kale held Annie and patted her back. She coughed and tried to catch a breath. Sasha came along with the water and Kale took the cup and held it to Annie's mouth for her to drink. Her dried broken lips finally touched moisture and started to retain its normal color of a pink shade. The water soothed her throat and she was able to talk again.

Annie - I'm sorry.. I .. I was so thirsty.

Kale - It's okay..

Annie looked from Kale to Sasha and looked down. She couldn't meet anyone's eyes, as she felt so helpless and defeated.

Kale - Annie.. Everything will be fine, okay? Sasha and I are here for you. I won't let them take you back to that awful place again; they would have to cross my dead body first.

Annie smiled weakly and nodded. She then glanced over to Sasha and uttered, thank you, inaudibly. Not too long ago, she was angry that this woman was going to evaluate her. But after everything's been said and done, Annie realized that she is genuine.

Sasha smiled at her warmly, and left the room to allow Kale to explain the whole situation, hopefully, she will trust Sasha to allow her to proform a hypnosis session.


Mr. Tinsley was practicing a round of golf in his back yard when Marry, the maid notified him that there was a phone call. Marry is a young maid who just started working at the Tinsley mansion not too long ago. Other than the constant bickering and nagging of Mrs. Tinsley, she was beginning to like her job. Not only does she get a good salary, Mr. Tinsley fancied the young thing. He'd sneak off into a corner when he thinks Mrs. Tinsley wasn't looking.

Maid Marry - Mr. Tinsley. Sir, You've got a phone call!

Mr. Tinsley - Marry, can't you see I'm busy??

Marry - But, Sir.. the caller says that it's urgent. It's about your daughter, sir.

Marry walked over to Mr. Tinsley to give him the phone. When she got there, before taking hold of the phone, Mr. Tinsley grabbed at one of Marry's buttocks and whispered in her ear, "tonight my dear...hehe."

Mr. Tinsley, careful.. Mrs. Tinsley may be watching
, Marry whispered and giggled.

Fine, but tonight, you must obey me again, he chuckled and slapped her buttocks as she walked away to continue with her duties.

Mr. Tinsley - Mayor Tinsley speaking, this better be good.

Dr. Reilly - Uhh...Ermm.. Sir, this is Dr. Reilly.... uhh... I dunno how to say this, but..

Mr. Tinsley - Reilly? Why are you calling??? I told you never to call me here! My phone could be tapped! If I needed you, then I'll find you.

Dr. Reilly - But, sir.. have you heard yet?? Annie....Annie..

Mr. Tinsley - What about my daughter??

Dr. Reilly - She's..she's missing again, sir. I'm so sorry.

Mr. Tinsley - What??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you mean she's missing? Reilly, God damn you!!

Dr. Reilly - Sir.. someone must have helped her leave the premesis!! She was retrained, she couldn't have possibly left on her own.

Mr. Tinsley - You incompetant fool!!!!!!!!! I don't care how she managed to escape..!! If you were serious about the job I gave you to do, then she wouldn't have escaped! Reilly, you disappoint me over and over again. I have no choice, but to...

Dr. Reilly - Sir, please!! I can fix this. I think I know who took her! I heard that one of the orderlies, Kale Lamar is out on bond..

Mr. Tinsley - That son of a bitch!!!!!!!! I'm going to have to eliminate that pest. Reilly, I'm going to give you one more chance.. if you cannot finish the job, then I will destroy you!! Do you fucking hear me?? Now go back track everything you've done and make sure you clean it up, and nothing traces back to me; you hear???!! Or... I'm sorry.. but you are done for, you weak incompetant bastard!

Dr. Reilly couldn't help, but shiver and stutter. He now realized what kind of monster he'd been working for.

Dr. Reilly - Y..yyyyes sir.. I will do everything in my power to keep our operation in secrecy.

Mr. Tinsley - You stupid fool!

Mr. Tinsley threw the phone on the ground and started to beat it with the golf club. The rage coming from him was like a hurricane. He cannot risk having his secret exposed, or it's all over for him. Who is this Kale Lamar that's been testing him?? And what relations does he have with his daughter? All these thoughts ran through his mind as he lit a cigar. He reached inside his pocket for the cellphone and dialed Joe, a personal hit man that he calls upon in time of need. Kale Lamar needs to be wiped out as far as he's concerned.

As Mr. Tinsley stood in his putting field, the rain drizzled down. It was a sign of something bigger coming his way.


As darkness approached, the rain became heavier. Silence was louder than ever in the Tinsley home. Marry had already left for the evening, when Mr. Tinsley had sent her off, changing his mind about the night.

Mr. Tinsley sat inside his favorite room and smoked a cigar as he waited for updates on Annie. Everyone around him was frantically working to search for his missing daughter, wanting to return her to such a loving father, but little do they know that Mr. Tinsley has got his own hidden agenda. He pressed the button to open the hidden door and he retrieved the yellow envelope and removed it's contents. Ahh.. his favorite item will surely bring him much satisfation. A victory of some sort. Mr. Tinsley chuckled evily to himself, not hearing the crack coming from the door behind him. The old bastard had forgotten to lock the door. As he held the cigar to his lips and sucked at its sweet contents, he then felt something cold and hard pointing against the back of his head.

Mrs. Tinsley - If you're smart, you won't fucking move, you son of a bitch!!

That's when he knew what it was; Mrs. Tinsley has a gun pointing at his head in close range. But instead of fearing for his life, he only chuckled evily. Mr. Tinsley stood up slowly and was able to turn around to face his wife. Mrs. Tinsley got startled and backed up, but still pointed the gun at him.

Mr. Tinsley - You don't have the guts! You never had the guts for anything, you weak woman. The only thing you had the guts for was spreading your leg to the many gardener that I hired.

Mrs. Tinsley - Don't tempt me! I wil blow your fucking brains out!

Mr. Tinsley - Go ahead.. hahaha.. I dare you.

Mrs. Tinsley - Don't make me! I will kill you.!!!

Mr. Tinsley - What do you want, then??

Mrs. Tinsley - I want my daughter back!!

Mr. Tinsley - Hahaha, your daughter? Oh, so she's not our daughter anymore?? You don't deserve her back, you're a sorry excuse for a human, let alone a mother. And you don't exactly deserve the best mother award you know.

Mrs. Tinsley - You shut up!! SHUT UP!!! What do you want from her! Leave my daughter alone! She'll never be your daughter! I shoud have told her.. I should have told the world that you're not her father!!

Mr. Tinsley - Haha.. but you spared yourself the embarrasment of being a two timing whore didn't you?? Huh?? Didn't you! You want to be the good and perfect Mrs. Tinsley, great wife.. good mother.. but wrong!! All you are is a fucking whore. And so is your daughter!! And your spawn of a daughter... she's a bastard child from your dead lover. How sad, that sure deserves a toast!

Mrs. Tinsley - He's dead because you killed him!!

Mr. Tinsley - You should be glad that I didn't kill you instead, you whore!!

Mr. Tinsley grabbed the yellow envelope that was on the desk and held it towards his wife.

Mrs. Tinsley - What are you doing!! Don'tcome any closer! What's in that envelope??

Mr. Tinsley - I've been saving this for you, my dear. Let's just say it's a reminder of what you did to me.

He threw the enevelope at her, and she caught it, but was still pointing the gun at her husnand.

Mr. Tinsley - Well?? Open it, dear wife of mine.

Mrs. Tinsley - What is it, you son of a bitch!! I don't have time for games.

She kept the gun pointing towards him and reluctantly open the open and pulled out it's contents. When she saw the contents, Mrs. Tinsley gasps, staggered backwards, and she had to cover her mouth with her arm, trying to hold back the nausea that suddenly erupted from her.

Mr. Tinsley - HAHAHAHAHA........... what's the matter, dear wife? How does it feel to be on the other side?




sarNie Oldmaid
ahhh lome..dont tell me that mr tinsley is smart enough to stage the death of mrs tinsley lover to make it seems like mrs tinsley killed the exlover..or yet maybe it was annie who killed the gardener who is also her father!!! mr tinsley might have brained washed her to commit such a crime?

ahh this is getting really intense..awww and just one more chapter!?... :( & :) at the same time! *sighs

thank you as always.


sarNie Oldmaid
i dont know lome..i dont know if i can be as good as you guys!!!

im truly amazed cause everyone has their own unique style..!!!

where i on the other hand..can only give feedbacks.. ^_^

and im more of a reader ...have not tried to be a writer.. yet :p


sarNie Granny
LMAO...perfect . It the gardener that she had affair with ....Desperate House Wife 's


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ACT 25

Liezel, the whipping girl

The sound of rain drops sounded like the rythmn of their hearts as Kale held her tightly in his arms. They were uncertained of what the next few hours will bring, but one thing's for sure, they'll be together, at least they hoped so. The warmth and color in Annie's skin has returned since Kale's been feeding it compassion and love. He kissed her forehead while stroking her hair and embracing her, this was what he needed.

Annie has agreed to allow Sasha treat her with hypnosis, perhaps there are other things lurking in the back of her mind that she herself doesn't know about. Perhaps she can finally unlock the reason behind her mother's hatred. And the focus can finally be steered away from the pain. It was odd how she hasn't seen Liezel since Kale took her away from Reilly. In a way, she was both sad and happy that Liezel left her alone, for the time being anyway.

Kale - You know how much I ached thinking of you? You kept me awake at night.. no matter how hard I tried to stop the thoughts.. it only came on stronger. I wasn't going to let a wall or any doctor to seperate us, Annie.. I love you too mich.

Annie blushed in in his arms and relaxed, trying to enjoy every minute of their time together.

Annie - .. I love you too..I don't ever want to part from you again, Kale.

Then suddenly Annie thought of Liezel, and felt a bit guilty for laying comfortable in Kale's arms while Liezel could be somewhere dangerous right now. She sighed deeply, but sank into his chest, happy to be away from the white walls, the stench of medicine, needles, and Reilly. The monster in the white coat, but little does she know that the bigger monster was the man she knew as her father. The might mayor who supposedly will bring prosper and great happiness to the people of Sea Side.

Sasha knocked on the door to see if Annie was ready. She cracked the door open and poked her head in.

Sasha - Hey guys... are you ready Annie?

Annie - Yes.. I am ready.

Kale gave her a smile and kissed her lips, reassuring her that he'll be close by. Sasha led Annie into the living room and signalled for her to seat on the couch as Sasha sat on a chair in front of her while Kale stood by.

Sasha - Okay Annie... here we go..

Annie - I'm scared...

Sasha - Don't worry... it's going to be very relaxing.. you'll feel no pain, Annie.

Annie - I'm not afraid of the pain doctor.... I'm afraid of what's inside... I'm afraid of what's been hidden.. I'm afraid of...

Sasha - That's what I'm here for.. don't be afraid. Kale will be here too.

Annie nodded and smiled weakly. She relaxed on the couch and did as Sasha instructed.

Sasha - Alright.. Annie.. I want you to lay back, close your eyes and.. take a deep breath. Listen to my voice and think of a water stream flowing ever so softly down the hills. The soothing water glistens in the sunlight on this calm cloudless day..where nothing and no one can hurt you again. The only person in your surrounding is you, and you are weightless...your spirits have lifted... Soon... as you relax, you'll start to feel weightless, as if every stress you've ever felt and every hurt you've felt was nothing, but a figment.. something nonexistance in your perfect world... by the count of 3... you are free... and nothing can hold you back anymore...... 1....2...3....

Kale watched Annie as she appear to be in a trance like state. Her body relaxed and went limp against the sofa. Sasha was pleased that Annie went under hypnosis right away. She continued speaking in a cool and calm voice as she went on with the session.

Sasha - Annie... can you hear me?

Annie - Yes...

Sasha - How are you feeling right now?

Annie - Happy...

Sasha - Okay, now that you've free yourself.. I want you to go back in time, Annie.. take a moment and take yourself into a time that you can remember..

There was a brief pause.. and then a smile erupted from Annie's face.

Annie - My birthday party.. I remember how beautifully decorated mother had it.. there were pink balloons and cake.. and a lot of toys...

Sasha - How old were you Annie?

Annie - Six...

Sasha - What was so special about that party, Annie?

Annie - Mother.. she brought home a big pink box. It was bigger than I could hold, so Father had to help me carry the box. And then when I opened it.. something licked my face.. it was a golden puppy... Right away, I loved him.. and he loved me too.. and I knew that Jeffrey would be his name. So that's what I called him.

Sasha - Was there something else you remembered about the party?

Annie paused and then the calmness of her voice became a bit raspy, as if she was afraid of something.

Annie - Yes... when all my friends went home, and when Jeffrey and I went to my room, I heard Mother and father yell at eachother. And.. I heard glasses shatter and things being thrown around. They said mean things to eachother.. and I was scared.

Sasha - Do you remember what they said, Annie....

Annie - I..I.. remember, but I don't want to say it..

Sasha - It will help you Annie.... go ahead and tell me what they said.. try to remember..

Annie's voice became shakey and fearful.

Annie - I heard Mother throw something and then.. father called her a whore.... and that she will pay for keeping me a secret.

Sasha - Keeping you a secret? How so, Annie?

Annie - I.. I.. don't know. Father said he will kill someone... I dunno who.. but he was very upset at Mother...

Sasha - I see.... So.. after that day, did your father speak to you?

Annie - Not as much as he used to.. he also stopped playing with me..

Sasha and Kale glanced at eachother and realized that perhaps Mr. Tinsley wasn't her biological father, according to Annie's story.

Sasha - Okay.. now I want you to think back to another time you can remember ..

Annie - Summer break when me and Jeffrey hung out.. I didn't have school so I stayed with Jeffrey all day..

Sasha - How old were you?

Annie - 14..

Sasha - Was your father speaking to you by then?

Annie - No.......

By then, Annie's voice became eerie and her breathing seemed to become rapid.

Sasha - So your father never really spoke to you since your 6th birthday party?

Annie - Yes... that was also the last time I ever had a birthday party. And.. that was the last time Mother allowed me to go anywhere, so I stay with Jeffrey..

Sasha - Did they say why, Annie? What else happened?

Instead of answering Sasha, Annie's voice became more eerie as if she was speaking in another person's voice. The tone was lingering and frightening. She also seemed to be in deep thought and distress and she continued on.

Father never speaks to me.. so I was sad. I would go to his office and try to speak to him, but he'd tell me to go away.. So at night I would cry.. But then one night when Jeffrey already fell asleep, I was so happy when I saw father come into my room. He just smile at me and said he came to read me a book. After that night, when Mother and Jeffrey went to sleep, he would come to my room every night to read a book. At first, I was happy, because he'd read me my favorite book called Hansel and Gretal, but after that.. he stopped reading to me. He still came into my room late at night.... that's when I wanted him to stop coming, because.. he wasn't the father I liked back when I had my last party, but I still love him and I wanted him to be happy..

Sasha - Annie.. go on.. don't stop there.. what did your father do??!!

He.. He.. makes me touch him in places I shouldn't touch, but he said we were playing a game so I thought it was okay. Father came and played those games with me every sngle night till now.. but then he not only made me touch him, he .. he... he... tried to touch me too. When I try to scream out for Mother, he said he would get mad at me, so since I love him, I obeyed him. Whenever he comes into my room at night, I started to cry cause sometimes when he touch me, it hurts. So, I beg him to not play those games anymore.. but then he said he had another game he wanted to play.. He told me that if I was scared.. that I could pretend to be someone I agreed. From then on, when he comes to my room, he made me pretend that my name was Liezel, so that the real me would stay safe, so that the real me wouldn't feel the pain when he touches me!! So then everynight, I would cry when I see father hurt Liezel. She promised to be my whipping girl forever, but I didn't want her to hurt anymore. I try to tell Mother about Liezel and father, but she's scream at me and called me crazy. One night, he was hurting Liezel so bad that.. that.. I threatened to tell Mother again, but he said that if I don't keep my mouth shut, that he'll kill Jeffrey. I should have never tried telling Mother again, because the next day.. Jeffrey was dead!!!!!!!!!!! His throat was slashed.. It was all my fault that Jeffrey died! And then, they sent me to that hospital where the doctors poked me with needles after needles. They said I needed to go there because I was crazy, but I'm not crazy!!! Liezel is real.. Liezel is me..


Mrs. Tinsley started sobbing after she saw the contents of the yellow envelope. She also wanted to throw up. She couldn't believe this monster would have the heart to hurt her little girl, the little that he once thought was his own.

Mrs. Tinsley - How could you, you sick bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She thinks of you as her biological father! You're a sick bastard!!!

Mrs. Tinsley tried to rip up the photo that was in the envelope. She couldn't believe this man she once loved was capable of something so cruel and dispicable. How could he capture such a horrible photo of him hurting Annie? The girl he once thought was his daughter???

Mr. Tinsley - I've been meaning to give that to you, Katherine. Let's just say it's a reminder of what a whore you are. Your daughter paid your debt tremendously! Pay back's a bitch, Katherine. No woman shall fuck with another man and get away with it! No, not while you are married to me!! Do you understand!

Mrs. Tinsley - Fuck you!!! How could you!! She' was just a child! Why didn't you take it out on me, instead!!!!! And all this time I was angry at her for having her with another man! Angry at her for our failing relationship, and all the while I'm married to a monster! So that's why you put her in that mental institute, so you can get away with this!! I should have listened to her.. I should have listened to my daughter when she told me she wasn't crazy!! I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!!!!!!

Mr. Tinsley - You wouldn't dare!!!!!

Mrs. Tinsley - Watch me!!!

Bang!! The gun went off, but Mr. Tinsley just stood there and chuckled, thinking that he didn't get struck since he couldn't feel a thing. When he noticed that Mrs. Tinsley's body shook uncontrollably, he looked down and realized that his blood and guts was spilling out of him. His eyes rolled in the back of his head and he collapsed, leaving Mrs. Tinsley to sob hysterically as she dialed 911.


Kale and Sasha was in total shock as they listened to Annie. Sasha then stopped the session and tried to snap Annie out of the trance, but Annie seems to be in shock and kept trembling as she remembered the horrible events. Kale rushed to her side and held her, trying to calm her down. And suddenly Annie opened her eyes, but she appeared to be in another world that Kale and Sasha wasn't in. They could only watch as Annie weeped and reached her arms out in thin air and began to speak to the figments of her imagination.

Annie - Liezel.. don't go!!! Come back... I..I.. need you.

Liezel - You're safe now, Annie.. so now I must go.

Annie - No!! Don't leave me.. I'll miss you.. don't go..

Liezel - You don't need me... he can't hurt you again, Annie.. you don't need a whipping girl anymore. Besides, you've got a little one inside you. He will take care of you and love you forever. Goodbye, Annie. I love you..

Annie - I love you too, Liezel..

Annie weeped and reached out to Liezel, but LIezel disappeared along with the hurt and the monster that Mrs. Tinsley killed.

Annie - She's gone...!!

Annie shouted and broke down and cried as she clutched tightly at Kale and sank into his chest. Liezel's gone forever. The falling rain subsided as Liezel vanished before Annie.

*Save Me is based on a short film I made a few months ago, called The Sisters. Click to watch*


sarNie Oldmaid
OMG lome that was soooo good!!!!...awww the disappointment and the feeling of relief came rushing to me all at once.....

aww that mr. tinsley is a sick arse bastard!!!..i dont understand how an adult can do such an inhumane act upon a child!?..

arghh..but anyhow awww you even added our lil bundle of joy!..but kale doent know it yet! ..ahh that was great..i so can wait to read more of your work..

oh and i will watch that short film of yours when i get home..its not so safe here LOL

thank you for keeping me entertained! :wub:


Staff member
Ooo i knew it .. and awesome Lome lucky I didn't post I would have spoil it like my guess with gae roy ruk :loool: brilliant story Lome i love your writings :wub:


sarNie Oldmaid
im just waiting for lome to post the really anxious bout it!!! :dude: <--that lil dude didnt really pull it off but i dont have my smilies so im stuck with him..


Professional Lakorn Watcher
OMG lome that was soooo good!!!!...awww the disappointment and the feeling of relief came rushing to me all at once.....

aww that mr. tinsley is a sick arse bastard!!!..i dont understand how an adult can do such an inhumane act upon a child!?..

arghh..but anyhow awww you even added our lil bundle of joy!..but kale doent know it yet! ..ahh that was great..i so can wait to read more of your work..

oh and i will watch that short film of yours when i get home..its not so safe here LOL

thank you for keeping me entertained! :wub:
I'll let you name the baby. :D

Ooo i knew it .. and awesome Lome lucky I didn't post I would have spoil it like my guess with gae roy ruk :loool: brilliant story Lome i love your writings :wub:
thanks, Tina... lol.. you guys are good..

love this story!!! lome my love you made my day!!!
hello Jenna... hehe... I hope you like the next fic... it's more like a lakorn type.. this one was more like a movie, I guess.

im just waiting for lome to post the really anxious bout it!!! :dude: <--that lil dude didnt really pull it off but i dont have my smilies so im stuck with him..
epilouge will be up tomorrow morning... :D


sarNie Granny
wow you finished it....oh no...i'm going to have to take off a day of work to devote to read this^^


Professional Lakorn Watcher

One year later, the circus is in town!

The news relating to Mayor Tinsley's death and scandal finally subsided in the town of Sea Side. Everyone seems happier ever since the old bastard died, everyone including Mrs. Tinsley who is now serving a 35 year sentence for manslaughter. She awaits parole, but in the meantime, she's content with herself and with what she did. It was the least she could do for her daughter, with everything that's happened.

Once again, Annie's favorite time of the year is here. It was the season when she met Kale, the season when she was able to break free from the demons that haunted her. And best of all, the colorful circus is back in town. Annie is jumping with excitement, wanting to go back to that place where she rode her first ferris wheel with her husband Kale. And now, she has a new addition to their little family to bring to the circus, their beautiful baby boy named, James.

Kale cradled James in his arms as he waited for his wife as she was the next customer in ine to buy apple candles. Annie gleefully as she paid the vender and took a hold of two apple candies, one for her and one for her husband. As she was walking back to Kale and her son, she ran into chubby boy whom she stole the apple candy from last year. The boy was on his way to the apple candy line.

Chubby boy - Oh, excuse me. Sorry..didn't mean to-

The boy's sentence stopped when he realized it was the same woman who stole his candy. Annie chuckled and smiled at the little guy.

Chubby boy - It's you!!

Annie - Hello kid....... I'm sorry about before....

Chubby boy - Oh.. it's okay I guess.

Before the boy bounced his way to the line, Annie handed him one of the candy apples that she bought. Immediately the boy's face lit up as he took the candy from Annie.

Chubby boy - Wow, thanks lady!! Now I can save my money for hotdogs!!

Annie - No.. it's you I want to thank.

The boy gave Annie another smile and thanked her again and ran off happily as he took a bite out of his candy. Kale smiled at his wife as she approached him and the baby. She gave her husband a kiss and then gave James a kiss.

Annie - Come'on darling... let's stroll around, so James could look at all the beautiful lights.

Kale - Too bad we can't ride the ferris wheel this year, baby. This little man needs to get bigger first.

Kale chuckled and kissed his son. As they were walking around, Annie caught a glimpse at the tent she once toured. The faded sign stood in front of the entrance, Side show freaks.

Annie - Darling, let's go in there.

Kale - Side show freaks? Hmm.. interesting.

She gestured to her husband as she walked towards the tent. Kale followed behind. When they got in there, the atmosphere was as dark and cold as before. This year, the tent was empty, not too many spectators. Kale looked around and showed his son different things here and there as Annie walked to the 2000 pound Balloon lady on display. This time she wasn't eating a turkey drumstick.

Annie - Hello again..

Balloon lady - Hey.. I remember you...

Annie - I remember you too..

Balloon lady - Nice to see you again... enjoy the show.

Annie thanked her and went to the next display.

Kale - Baby? I'm gonna take James outside okay? I'll wait for you out there.

Annie - Okay darling.. I'll be a minure.

Kale - Take your time.

Kale kissed his wife and went off with James leaving Annie in the tent to enjoy herself.

Annie went to the displays one by one and greeted them as she made her way through the tent. And then finally, she approached the last display, Sally the imaginary girl. A few of the spectators complained about how all of the displays were such a rip off.

Spectator #1 - Dude.. this sucks. They call this side show freaks?? Man.. I have a fat aunt! I could just put her in a cage and call her balloon lady too. And Sally, the imaginery girl??? Hahaha..... what a joke!!!! That cage is empty!! That's why Sally is imaginery. What a waste of money.

Spectator #2 - Haha... well, I have a friend who knows the owner of this tent. That dude's crazy.. balloon lady is actually his mom.. and Sally is his dead sister. Ahh... speaking of crazy.. I'm getting goosebumps, let's get out of here!!

Annie ignored them as they laughed their way out of the tent. She stood before the last display, the imaginery girl. That was very rude, she thought to herself. How can they say that Sally is dead when she's sitting right there in that display? She thought. Annie shrugged and turned her attention back to Sally.

Annie - Hello there......

Sally - Hi...

Annie - How are you?

Sally - I'm fine... and you?

Annie - I'm good.. just enjoying the show.

Sally - I see....

Annie - Well.. take care Sally... See you next time. Bye.

Sally smiled and waved goodbye to Annie as she walked out of the tent to join her husband and baby. Annie took a deep and long sigh, she never felt this free and joyous in her life before. In a way, she was glad that she was once a psychiatric patient at Sea Side Women's hospital, ironically it was the path to her happiness.


*Thank you guys for reading... stay tuned for character updates and trivia.* And now, I could work on "the undying love." :D



sarNie Oldmaid
aww that was great...i knew it lome..i knew she would still see sally the imaginary girl in that cage still..she recovers from liezel..but i dont think she can recover from herself..*i dont know how to explain that part.. :)

but anyhow im happy that they got together and all..awww baby james! :wub:

now for undying love.. :D

thanks lome!


sarNie Granny
omg ...dat is ahhHHHHh sicken of him !! to a child ?!! *faint* ...great fiction !!! ...awww the ending :wub: :wub: :wub:


Professional Lakorn Watcher
aww that was great...i knew it lome..i knew she would still see sally the imaginary girl in that cage still..she recovers from liezel..but i dont think she can recover from herself..*i dont know how to explain that part.. :)

but anyhow im happy that they got together and all..awww baby james! :wub:

now for undying love.. :D

thanks lome!
.. I guess you can say Annie is special.. she isn't crazy, but... she can see certain things. that's why she saw Liezel, cause when Mr. Tinsley abuse her... she felt dead.... like Liezel was the spirit that comes out to protect her whenever she is being violated by that monster. .. I hope I make sense...

omg ...dat is ahhHHHHh sicken of him !! to a child ?!! *faint* ...great fiction !!! ...awww the ending :wub: :wub: :wub:
thanks sarN... good thing James' mother recovered... so no crack baby after all. :loool:


sarNie Oldmaid
yea i got it lome! thanks..

hahah yea no crack baby... :lol:

i love how you throw in that fat boy back at the he even remembers her too!

i cant wait for the trivia part!