[Movie] Twilight


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
Hey twilighters....and non-twilighters alike... go to youtube and type in "new twilight trailer" it's really awesome can't wait


sarNie Hatchling
I just saw the newest/latest trailer :D

...Edward :wub:

Hopefully Twilight is a big enough hit that they'll make New Moon, Eclipse, & Breaking Dawn


sarNie Adult
I was watching Entertainment Tonight the other day and they had clips of this newest trailer on. Totally made my day! :)

I can't wait for this movie.... gah!!!!!!!!!! My coworkers and I are counting down the days til the movie comes out: 39 days, 13 hours, 8 minutes and 25 seconds. :p


sarNie OldFart
^ oh my! you're really counting the days starry... :lol: I've also seen the Twilight clips on ET the other day... and also an interview of some of the cast on Daily 10... :lol:


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
bump...just wanted to keep this thread at the top....

since the premiere of the newest trailer I've watched it on myspace a total of

5465498 times.... :p


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
the newest one is my fav. trailer...it has a lot of Edward and Bella scenes... :lol: :wub:


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
Bump again....hehehe yeah I'm a dork...but a very dedicated and loyal dork...

So like on the 24th of October this Friday....Hot topic stores I'm not sure if it's every where but I live in Chicago and plan on going to my Hot Topic to listen to the TWilight soundtrack listening party. I'm super psyched b/c I want to hear Robert Pattinson's song that is going to be on there and also Bella's Lullaby(which another composer not RP composed) but I still want to hear it...I heard some really good reviews for the whole soundtrack album.
:D :D :D

29 days 3 hours 29 mins and 25 secs more....can't wait


Expired Sarnie
I just saw the newest/latest trailer :D

...Edward :wub:

Hopefully Twilight is a big enough hit that they'll make New Moon, Eclipse, & Breaking Dawn
Most people said that this is going to be the next Harry Potter!!! I agree for the older audience who enjoy romance!


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
So was anyone a dork and went to the Twilight soundtrack listening party like ME....LOL!!!

My opinion on the soundtrack... I loved all of the songs that are on there but especially Rob Pattinson's song...He's got such an amazing folksy, deep, voice...very sexy!!! Bella's Lullaby I have to listen to it again...once was not enough for me....I didn't quite get into the it that much listening to it just once so I'll have to wait until I can get my hands on a copy of the soundtrack and listen to it over and over again...hopefully it will grow on me. OKIES people only 25 more days until Twilight comes out....


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
yes...hey hanjieun30 thanks for the link to the site with all the cool Twilight themed avatars and wall papers...


sarNie Adult
20 days doesn't seem so far now!!! whooooo -hoooooo

i just finished reading the book and i totally picture rob to be edward... kirsten as bella was kinda hard... hehe, i think it's her voice... but none the less, their chemistry explodes!

i might even take off work on that day to go see it... i haven't been excited to see anything to consider taking off from work. :lol:


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
man I'm even more psyched about the movie now.... I'm officially in love with Robert Pattinson...and Bella's Lullaby has grown on me...because I saw the bootleg copy of 8 minutes of footage from the Rome Film Festival where Robert, Kristen and the director Catherine Hardwicke attended...the footage was of Edward bringing Bella to his home to meet his family...I thought it was so funny...I just can't wait anymore even though it's like only 20 more days til the movie comes out...