[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


Live Love Laugh
Very quick and rough translation of the clip preciouskj posted above:
Reporters.....Fortune tellers had predicted that you and Nadech will not be a couple; you two are not soul mates.    Do you believe in prediction....the moon, the stars alignment, etc.?
Yaya.............I believe some like half and half but not 100%.   I view predictions as a part of life to be considering but not something to be taken too seriously.   I believe in two individuals if things would work out or not.
Reporters.....Fortune tellers predicted that you will end up with a much older man.    Is there any older men come and court you?
Yaya.............No, not at all.
Reporters.....Because Nadech was always by your side
Yaya............No, that's not it.
Reporters....Nadech said he believed his mom more than fortune tellers.    What do you think of that?
Yaya...........Good, very wise.
Reporters...Do you have plan for the upcoming holiday?
Yaya...........I will be taking a long vacation (2 weeks off).   If everything worked out as planned, I will be spending time with my family in Norway.   I have two brothers and relatives back there; if not, then we will spend holiday in Thailand.   I have requested this time off since six months ago.
Reporters..Will you be asking Nadech to join you in Norway?
Yaya..........No, this time of the year is reserved for family and Pe Nadech will be spending time with his family in Khon Kaen.
I couldn't hear clearly what reporters asked towards the end of the clip.


sarNie Adult
Congratulations our thread has reached 3 millions views!!! :bravo:  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:thanks: millions everyone for sharing :coolpix: , clips, news, translations and comments. I am very appreciated all your contributions :grouphug: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
Vimalee said:

This thread has reached 3 millions views and still going strong...!!!!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Yaya is so beautiful and gorgeous as a nangFah/princess on Sudsupda cover and at the event today. I love all the photos :heart: :heart:
I would like to share a video made by a Vietnamese fan, Hong Thuy
credit: Alex May
I also found an old but fun video.  I can only understand 'Yaya' and 'Pe Nadech' though


sarNie Adult
Yaya interview in Sudsapda vol. 32 no. 764 December 2014
'Yaya's Sudsupda Magazine's 'Hug of the Year'...goes to the hug with P.Nadech at the end of the show in 'Give Me Five' concert. Only the dance steps were scripted and rehearsed, other than that all was spontaneous. The hug was an unplanned reaction to our feeling of being overjoyed that we could really deliver the show! It feels great to hear a tremendous cheer from the audience.'
Credit @nyclub_pantip   http://instagram.com/p/wEXAluCHTe/?modal=true
Who will join me on :cloud9: ? By the way, does Yaya mean that their talking parts at Give me 5 Concert was not scripted?


sarNie Adult
fresh said:
Yaya interview in Sudsapda vol. 32 no. 764 December 2014
'Yaya's Sudsupda Magazine's 'Hug of the Year'...goes to the hug with P.Nadech at the end of the show in 'Give Me Five' concert. Only the dance steps were scripted and rehearsed, other than that all was spontaneous. The hug was an unplanned reaction to our feeling of being overjoyed that we could really deliver the show! It feels great to hear a tremendous cheer from the audience.'
Credit @nyclub_pantip   http://instagram.com/p/wEXAluCHTe/?modal=true
Who will join me on :cloud9: ? By the way, does Yaya mean that their talking parts at Give me 5 Concert was not scripted?
Meeeeeeee! I'll join you :cloud9: :cloud9:


hi Mrs Chums and fresh
i will join you in  :cloud9: ....yaya said before not all of their gestures were just acting and scripted some were for real that includes the tight hugs.....and i believe when nadech said from now on yaya will receive love from him this was a CLEAR SCRIPTED because he was loving yaya for long time already not just during the concert :wub:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:


wow amazing 3,001,662 viewership is not a joke :clap:  :thumbup:  :clap2:  :bravo:  :thumbsup:  :cheer: yadech is a certified record breaker.does anyone here knows that yadech is aware about us international fans are active supporting them here asianfuse? :scratchhead2:
i wish yadech will also break the record of all koo jin in the world they will become :heart:  real life couple :heart:(contrary to the prediction)  that will never get divorce :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:


sarNie Adult
yaya kugimiya said:
hi Mrs Chums and fresh
i will join you in  :cloud9: ....yaya said before not all of their gestures were just acting and scripted some were for real that includes the tight hugs.....and i believe when nadech said from now on yaya will receive love from him this was a CLEAR SCRIPTED because he was loving yaya for long time already not just during the concert :wub:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:
Totally agree with you @Yk
Welcome @MrsChum and Yk to :cloud9:  with me :grouphug:
 Yaya wore the 'mysterious ring' on her right ring finger (this photo was after the Give me 5 concert) :heart: :heart:


wow even GRGR and TNNKK are winners also have the highest number of viewership :clap:  :thumbsup:  :cheer:  :clap2: who on this earth that wont get yadech for another lakorn together,,,,,,they should strike while the iron is hot :D


Vimalee said:
Very quick and rough translation of the clip preciouskj posted above:
Reporters.....Fortune tellers had predicted that you and Nadech will not be a couple; you two are not soul mates.    Do you believe in prediction....the moon, the stars alignment, etc.?
Yaya.............I believe some like half and half but not 100%.   I view predictions as a part of life to be considering but not something to be taken too seriously.   I believe in two individuals if things would work out or not.
Reporters.....Fortune tellers predicted that you will end up with a much older man.    Is there any older men come and court you?
Yaya.............No, not at all.
Reporters.....Because Nadech was always by your side
Yaya............No, that's not it.
Reporters....Nadech said he believed his mom more than fortune tellers.    What do you think of that?
Yaya...........Good, very wise.
Reporters...Do you have plan for the upcoming holiday?
Yaya...........I will be taking a long vacation (2 weeks off).   If everything worked out as planned, I will be spending time with my family in Norway.   I have two brothers and relatives back there; if not, then we will spend holiday in Thailand.   I have requested this time off since six months ago.
Reporters..Will you be asking Nadech to join you in Norway?
Yaya..........No, this time of the year is reserved for family and Pe Nadech will be spending time with his family in Khon Kaen.
I couldn't hear clearly what reporters asked towards the end of the clip.
thanks Vimalee
i wish nadech will sneak and will go to norway to join yaya even in secret to celebrate new year just like when yaya went with him to japan of course with mae kaew  as a cover up :wub:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:  


Live Love Laugh
Thanks so much fresh for sharing this translation.
I will come back to share my feeling on this "Hug of the Year" from Yaya.    There is more to this interview and I want to translate it for Yadechers.   
@MrsChum, fresh, and others, I will join you gals on :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:  but I have to leave right now.  Bye!    :scooter: :scooter: :scooter:
fresh said:
Yaya interview in Sudsapda vol. 32 no. 764 December 2014
'Yaya's Sudsupda Magazine's 'Hug of the Year'...goes to the hug with P.Nadech at the end of the show in 'Give Me Five' concert. Only the dance steps were scripted and rehearsed, other than that all was spontaneous. The hug was an unplanned reaction to our feeling of being overjoyed that we could really deliver the show! It feels great to hear a tremendous cheer from the audience.'
Credit @nyclub_pantip   http://instagram.com/p/wEXAluCHTe/?modal=true
Who will join me on :cloud9: ? By the way, does Yaya mean that their talking parts at Give me 5 Concert was not scripted?


sarNie Oldmaid
Congratulations to our milestone, all because of our love for Yadech and every of your post, thank you ladies, you make it happened. This is where I have to stop by daily, three times at least, like taking routine meds or I'll feel unwell.

Hi fresh thanks so much. I'll join you, mc, yk, malee in the happy camp. It truly is the best and most amazing hug. Yadech don't pda so it was a rare and precious hug. On Give Me Five I feel Nadech delcared his love and adoration to Yaya openly. His stares, smiles, touches, words and tlc said it all. Yaya was all sweet smiles throughout receiving. His smiles were ecstatic and happiest in Give Me Five, he was so proud of Yaya❤ They were sensational synchronizing every moment to a perfect t, no hold back they gave their all. I am still not over Give Me Five, watch it on a daily, gives me so much joy recollecting.

Thanks malee for the interview trans. They asked the same questions, so crap. If all went well Yadech will be apart for a long time, aww thats long!


Keep On Smiling
Thank you everybody for sharing :coolpix: , clips, translation, and comments na ka.
to all of us!!! :toast: :grouphug:
:heart:  Yaya is gorgeous!!!  NangFah to Saichon, Princess Yaya to Prince Nadech, and mama Bear to papa Bear...... :wub:


cr:as tagged


Keep On Smiling
preciouskj said:
Hi my NY lovers!! How are u? Thanks for your shares and translation ! I really appreciate :)

Here yaya interview, is there any fin n jin moment our trio translators??


Love u ka
Thanks preciouskj & Vimalee for sharing the clip and translation na ka.

Yaya handled an interview very well.  I especially love the part in regard to the fortune tellers predicted that Yadech will not be a couple because they are not soulmates. And, Yaya told the reporters that she only half believe in the fortune tellers for it depends on 2 people. 
I totally agree that the fortune tellers didn't know everything as much as the two people who know what they want in the relationship.  Yaya has the Full Package.  She has the beauty, she can sing and dance very well, and she is a nice, kind, helpful, and down to earth person.  Oh...and she does amazing :heart: waffles!   Nadech is very lucky indeed!!!


Live Love Laugh
Agreed with you bubba!  
What you said about Yaya was very true and sweet.    Yaya does have the whole package:  beauty, talents, drives, responsibility, humanity, and integrity, but most importantly, she is truly a beautiful person both inside and out.
This picture was taken by Nadech for a magazine shoot....very simple but yet beautiful!

credit as tagged and Barry.Ya FB