Bollywood Movie


sarNie Adult
I've been searching for a Bollywood movie that was dubbed in Hmong a long time ago around 1991 or so....I can't find it or remember the dubbed title so hopefully my Hmong peers here can help me find it...

I can't remember much about it, but a few scenes....There's a scene where the main guy's friend is trying to court a girl and he hides under the rose bushes and waits for her to come out. As the girl is about to come out, the mother comes out and waters the same rose bush. The friend doesn't know this and thinks that it's his girl and so he feels up the mother's leg....

I sort of remember the ending scene: The main girl decided to marry the guy her father wants her to because she thinks that the main guy betrayed her or something and on the day of the wedding, the main guy kidnaps her from her wedding as the father follows....

I can't remember much of it, but hopefully someone will remember it...Thanks!


sarNie Elites
that movie sounds sooooo familiar!!!! i remember the scenes you mentioned....hmm.... i think my sister might know b/c she's a big Indian movie freak...i'll get back to you...