The Divide (Sawan Biang) :: Anne/Ken


sarNie Granny
:wub: ..we know wat jealous lead too *ahem* ^^^ i love ur style of writing ....witty and wild


sarNie Hatchling
I'm going on vacation this friday for a week so I'm trying to get as many updates out as possible..hehe...enjoy :D and let me know of any suggestions for the plot


Narin hummed happily. She didn't have a crush on Khun Tom but had decided to make him her current project. With a little bit of polish, the boy could shine. Their "relationship" would give him enough protection from her friends to escape teasing till he transformed in his own right. Then, Tom would just realize that they were friends, find a girl he truly liked and all would be well in the world. At least that was what was running thru Narin's hopelessly idealistic and naive little head.

"Narin dear, could you just run up and get the clothes to be dry-cleaned from the master bedrooms", Mai called and Narin happily obliged. Her hands full with clothes, she turned to open the last bedroom - Kawee's bedroom.

"Good, the lights are off! At least that jerk isn't around", whispered Narin softly to herself and giggled.

"Sorry to disappoint", a soft voice replied. Narin jumped and hurried to turn on the light. To her horror, lounging on the armchair in the corner was Kawee. She had seen a number of emotions on his face - laughter, arrogance, anger but right now, there was an ominously pleasant and blank mask on his face. He was too still, like a shark waiting for its prey.

"Just came to get the ironing", Narin muttered, trying to be as quick as possible.

"How is your new boyfriend?", Kawee began pleasantly

Naring gulped and kept her eyes on the ground. "Fine"

'Really....that's good. I remember telling you that you were my maid...mine", Kawee continued in the same silky tone

"Nee Khun, that's just in this house. We're equals outside of it. I can have a boyfriend if I want", Narin snapped back

"Oh, its good that you know you have to obey me in this house then.", Kawee smiled. Trap set and locked, he thought. "Close the door, lock it and come here, little maid. its your master's command", he motioned.

Kawee continued to wait calmly in the armchair while a million thoughts raced through Narin's head. The bastard wanted her to set herself up, thought Narin.

"No, I won't", replied Narin

"You do know there is consequences for not listening to me", said Kawee with a smirk.

"Just because I'm your maid doesn't mean I have to prostitute myself to your desires.", replied Narin

"Hmmm...your mom will be so disappointed. It will be hard to find a new job at her age and all those questions about why she got fired. And what about your poor ailing grandma...where will the money for her medicine or your tuition come from", questioned Kawee.

Narin paled at the thought and stood stock still for a few minutes. "No, I still won't come. My mom will understand. We'll be ok", she yelled as she ran out the room.


sarNie Hatchling
Update (Chpt 8)

As Narin placed the last dish on the dinner table, she looked up to find her mother stomping into the kitchen. Steam was practically coming out her ears.

"Narin, tell me its not true", her mother demanded, "tell me you didn't insult young master".

"Mom, you don't understand..", Narin began.

"What don't I understand", her mother cut her off, "how could you do this Narin? How? I have worked for this family for over 15 years. They have put food in your mouth, the clothes on your back, your education, grandma's medical costs. We should be grateful to them."

"Mom, you know what he asked", Narin interrupted.

"What could it have possibly been? We should be ready to give our very lives if needed." her mother continued her tirade.

Narin sat down exhausted. Kawee had been right. Her mom hadn't even stopped to hear what she had to say, she just automatically took the Worawhat side.

"Ok, Ok...I'll go apologize", Narin stammered with tears in her eyes as she flew out the room.

Outside Kawee's door...

"Can I come in?", Narin asked softly.

Kawee opened the door, smirked and walked to his desk. He sat with his arms folded and studied her. She looked flushed and distraught, evidence of tears splashed on her cheeks. He didn't want to play rough but sometimes, early in the game you had to set up the pieces or all would be lost, Kawee thought.

"I'm sorry", whispered Narin, "I am your maid and will be glad to be of service".

"Ok, little maid. All's well that ends well. Same command so it should be easy. Close the door, lock it and come over here", he replied.

Narin turned slowly to lock the door and walked with leaden feet to where he sat.

Kawee looked at her contemplatively. He wanted her...yes, very badly but he wanted her willing. With her large brown eyes dark with desire, those smooth cheeks flushed with want...not like the scared little rabbit she was now.

Kawee slowly slipped off his shirt as Narin gasped and looked away. Oh, god! What have I just agreed to, wondered Narin.

"My shoulder is sore from tennis practice. Massage it.", commanded Kawee.

Narin stiffened in surprise and slowly put her hands on his naked shoulders. It was the first time she was touching a man. His skin was warm and smooth, the muscles powerful and corded underneath. As she gently massaged, he relaxed and she tried to not let her eyes wander but Narin couldn't help seeing his powerful chest, the 6 pack of abs. She smelt his clean, citrusy cologne and the scent that was all his own. Dammit, why is it so hot in here?, Narin wondered.

Kawee smiled inside, he could feel the shift in her attentions. He stood up and walked over to the bed.

"Could you do my lower back too?", he asked innocently and flopped down on the bed. Narin walked over like a zombie, her hands itching to get back on all that smooth skin. His back was just as strongly muscled as his front and she tried to avert her gave from going any lower. But she would have to agree with the girls in school, boy did have one fine ass.

Narin was so preoccupied that she wasn't prepared when Kawee lifted himself up and flipped her over under him.

"Its only fair that I return the favor.", he smiled.


sarNie Hatchling
I'm back...hope you missed me... :D

UPDATE - Chpt 9

Kawee thought back to his first horse. Before then, he had been trained on ponies - docile, little things but King had been his first horse. King was ill-tempered, prone to biting and kicking and had never let anyone ride him for more than 2 minutes. But he was also a pure bred Arabian stallion - a black gleaming, heavily muscled, perfectly designed speed machine. Kawee had bene thrown off for months, broke his leg in one fall, still had a scar from one especially vicious bite but over the course of a year, he had tamed King. Only for him would the stallion heed and they made one hell of a team. When they rode, you couldn't tell horse from rider - just one smooth machine made for speed. Kawee smiled at the memories and was surprised by how alike his and Narin's relationship was his old one with King. She was just as high-spirited, just as beautiful and just as meant to be his. He planned to use the same strategy to tame her. Get her used to his touch, show her how dedicated he was to her, make her miss him and then she would get addicted to how a good team they were. Shame they got interrupted though, thought Kawee regretfully. Just as he had started to trail his fingers lightly down her shoulders, a servant had knocked on the door. However, there was plenty of time, smiled Kawee, the game was just getting started.

Meanwhile, Narin's makeover of Tom was going better than expected. She had forbid him to get his usual monthly crew cut, one that highlighted his egg-shaped head. Tom had gently protested but given in. Now, after a minor styling by Narin''s favorite hairstylist, Tom's hair hung sleekly, just meeting his jawline. It highlighted his beautiful oval face, making his eyes look catlike and a perfect juxtaposition of his delicate features and manly body. Narin had also purloined Tom's laundry. Ever since Tom's mom had died and with his sister busy with work, Tom had been doing the laundry - and very poorly at that. His shirts were a dull, aging ivory and his pants were always wrinkled. Narin bleached and starched to an inch of the uniform's life. But the results were worth it - Tom looked as lovely as a newly minted penny, sighed Narin with motherly pride. She still had to constantly remind him not to slouch and he had a long way to go in self-confidence but nowadays, Tom drew more admiringly glances than ones of disdain.

Now if only she could sort out her feelings about Kawee, thought Narin. She had definitely hated him at first but now she saw that he was a kind man, a little callous, immature and insensitive but def. not one of Leela's gang. She had hated his touchy-feely ways but ever since that massage, her feet went rather willingly to clean his room. Not that he had been there since that day - it almost felt like the bastard was playing a game with her.


sarNie Hatchling
Nice long long it should be considered two :D

Chpt 10

Kawee smiled happily to himself as he chowed through his lunch and tracked Narin in the cafeteria. His plan was going smoothly. Narin wasn't afraid of him, she was even eagerly going to his room to clean and he knew she was disappointed when he wasn't there. Whenever they made eye contact at school, it took her several moments to look away and there wasn't any distaste in her eyes...just a slow, swirling dark heat. Ah, those modest thai girls, you just need to get them started, smirked Kawee.

Meanwhile, another pair of eyes were obsessively watching Kawee. Leela thought that Kawee was smiling at her story and was briefly happy until she followed his line of vision over to Narin's table. Damn, that little bitch, snarled Leela, she was NOT going to take Kawee away. Just then, Tom was passing by with his drink from the vending machine and Leela took the chance to stick her foot out. Down went Tom and the whole table of hi-so kids started laughing. While Tom's outward appearance had changed drastically, he was still as timid and scarred inside as ever. He cowered in fear and slowly started to get up. Leela stood up and put her foot on Tom's hand.

"Wipe my feet, rat boy", she smirked, "you spilled soda on me". Tom's eyes widened in shock and he searched frantically for help in the crowd surrounding them. This was going too far, thought Kawee and slowly stretched his regal body out to stop the charade. But even before he could, an angry hand descended to pull Leela's foot off Tom so angrily that Leela tumbled to the ground.

"Get up, Tom", Narin whispered angrily as she helped Tom up.

"You are such a bitch Leela!", snarled Narin, "Its like your parents let you run with a pack of wild dogs".

Leela snapped up from her place on the floor. "What the hell are you doing", she sputtered in shock.

"Just helping Tom from getting attacked by a stray dog. I swear, you keep this up and I'm reporting you to Animal Control for rabid behavior", Narin replied as she turned to leave.

Leela was incensed and grabbed Narin by the hair. Narin tried to fight back but Leela had played dirty by picking on her when Narin's back was turned. To everyone's surprise, it was Tom who spoke up. "Please leave Narin alone", he whispered. His voice shook but it was the first time he had ever stood up, for anything or anyone.

"Or what, rat boy", Leela shouted. Tom placed his large hand over Leela's and easily took it away from Narin's head. While he was gentle, Leela took the chance to scream like he was really abusing her.

"OW, OW...stop. You'll break my hand", screamed Leela. Tom's eyes widened in shock. Meanwhile, Kawee had stood in the background getting increasingly infuriated. Who the hell was this long-haired freak and why was Narin always standing up for him? Did she really like him that much? Kawee stepped forward and wretched Tom's hand off Leela's. Then he punched Tom square in the face.

"You shouldn't hurt girls", Kawee lectured serenely. Tom stared even more shocked from the ground. Kawee motioned to pick up Tom for another punch when he was blocked by Narin heaving herself into the middle.

"You big bully! Leave him alone", Narin screamed.

"What? Now he has girls fighting his battles", Kawee smirked.

"Better than're just a pampered little rich jerk. You didn't earn anything in your life...not your money, your prestige, anyone's respect...not even good grades. Really, you're just a piece of trash", snarled Narin back.

"Really, just a piece of trash, huh? You really seemed to like this piece of trash when you gave me a massage. Couldn't keep your hands away, could you?", Kawee replied angrily.

Narin blushed and remained speechless. It only made her look guilty and whispers flew throughout the cafeteria. In minutes, rumors would be flying all over the school and probably only a worsened version of what really happened.

"Hey, pretty boy! did you even get a massage?", Kawee taunted Tom, "I guess a massage would be like second base. are you even on the playing field?".

Tom's head just bowed. I guess it was too good to be true, he thought.

Narin couldn't bare any of it - not Tom's disappointment, Kawee's gloating, all the whispers. She suddenly pulled Tom off the ground, grabbed his collar and pulled him down for a kiss on the lips. She was so infuriated that she gently tilted Tom's head to the side and softly licked his lips - asking for entrance into his mouth which he provided in shock. She only briefly tongue kissed him since Tom's tongue was much too shy to play. Satisfied she turned around to her shocked audience and smiled.

"That definitely counts as second base. We'll continue the rest in private but be assured, Tom is def. in the game and we're looking at getting to all the bases", smiled Narin before pulling a shocked Tom behind her.


sarNie Adult
damn she really stepped it up...he really shouldn't have said that in front of everyone, he just wanted to be harsh because he is jealous...great update!!!


sarNie Adult
update more....i cant already see kawee being super jealousy wanting to punch tom again....lolz....


sarNie Hatchling
Update time... Chapter 11 :lol:

By the time Kawee snapped out of shock, Narin and Tom were long gone. He was so mad, he was literally seeing red. The scene of Narin kissing Tom, tonguing Tom replayed over and over in his head. Kawee stormed out of the cafeteria. Fuck class!, he thought spitefully. As he tore through the streets of Bangkok in his silver Mercedes convertible, not even the insane speed could calm the wild, pulsing rage in his head. Before, he realized it, he had driven home - where he proceeded to break everything that wasn't nailed down in his room. Kawee paced too and forth. He wanted to see Narin but where would she be?, he thought frantically.

Narin for her part, was just beginning to enter shock. What the hell have I done?, she thought furiously, I kissed Tom in front of the whole school! This was wildly out of character for her. God, the gossip mill will have a field day with this. More importantly, she hoped that Tom wouldn't misunderstand. She only thought of him as a friend and had only acted in the heat of the moment. Narin juggled her various thoughts as she moodily walked home.

Just as she was about to enter the gates of the mansion, a silver Mercedes rocketed out. Narin had barely missed being hit but she was so dazed that she just proceeded to walk away from the car. She looked up in just enough time to see who the car's owner was. Shit! Shit!, she thought as she started walking faster. But Narin couldn't avoid the rough hands that went to catch her arms.

"If you know what is good for you and your family, you'll get in the car", hissed Kawee.

"Let me go!", Narin struggled in vain as Kawee just picked her up like a screaming toddler and dumped her unceremoniously into the car. Narin attempted to unlock the doors but they were already locked by the driver's controls. She eyed the window when Kawee roughly trapped both her hands with one of his, the other hand smoothly putting the car in drive.

"It hurts...stop, you'll leave bruises", Narin screamed.

"If you stop trying to escape, I'll let go", Kawee replied.

"Just let me go. I'm sorry if I made you mad this afternoon. I might have gone a bit overboard", whispered Narin.

"Sorry, Sorry...", Kawee sputtered, "you have no idea what sorry is but you will".

Narin looked around nervously. She could tell he was beyond enraged and her apology seemed to have no effect. If anything, it seemed to solidify his rage.

"I already apologized. I'm sorry, ok?", soothed Narin, hoping to appeal to his soft side.

"I was being too good to you, wasn't I?", Kawee snarled, "going to easy, huh? You don't like it when I'm nice to you."

Narin was getting increasingly frightened. They were getting farther and farther away from home. She eyed how far the jump from the car would be.

"It would kill you", replied Kawee shortly, "and if it doesn't, I swear to god that when I catch you, I will. Now sit still like a good girl or I'll rape you in that seat by the side of the road if I have to."


sarNie Adult
lolz....yes a beach house....lolz....this is getting intense like sarn said do continue...