Talk-a-tive : Academy Fantasia 3


Yunho's GF~*
The one with the acordion in the last pix was so good looking but he CANNOT sing really LOL

- noy -

sarNie Egg
information: af3 stands for academy fantasia season 3, you can find many clips of them on, they are all contestants to become singers, they have to stay in the academy house for 10 weeks, and every week, theyare given a song to sing, and the one that gets the lowest vote (every week) get eliminated. The winner was tui af3. They also had acting classes, storytelling, etc. They can't go anywhere within 10 weeks and have to practice.........( most of them cried and misses their family) to know more,watch some of their clips(what they do in the house),their new music album(mv), you can find them online at There are also the first and second group that is af1 and af2 (academy fantasia season 1 and academy fantasia season 2)
Soon, there will be af4, academy fantasia season 4.....

v1=ta af3 <-boy
v2= pett af3 <-girl
v3= apple & cherry af3 <-girls,twins
v4= zara af3 <-girl
v5= mint af3 <-girl
v6=kaartune af3 <-boy
v7=dong af3 <- boy
v8=boy af3 <- boy
v9= kho af3 <- boy
v10=looktarn af3 <---girl
v11=bruna af3 <-girl
v12=tui af3 <---boy, most talkative one


sarNie Adult
They don't look Thai..they look like other kinds of Asians...


sarNie Juvenile

Tune is my favorite but true he's not a great singer. I think the best singer won which is P'Tui, he can hekka sing :) Mint is my fave girl!!



wow first time seeing them all and i love this magazine, they have some of the best results when it comes to pictures but then again some of them dont know how to pose/postion their faces to make it look nice...... anyways PETT V2 all the way, i love her voice :)