Story 1: Losing You - Part 10.3 -- COMPLETE.


- Marina ♥
Losing You
Written by: yoopeurtur & huajaikaungtur
[A Sister Fanfiction]
The Fanfiction idea was thought by yoopeurtur. BTW, this is a short FF.

^^poster credit to: tubbytinker. Thanks so muchos.
This poster is exactly what I hade in mind ^^

Bie Sukrit
Fang Pichaya / Ploy Thanida

Part 1
[Arranged Marriage, Bie never knew that this would actually happen to him. He knew exactly what he had to do. The night before, he had planned a routine of how the wedding was going to go.]

Lowat, Bie’s friend: [Lowat peered through the door] “Bie, are you ready? They’re waiting just for you.”
[Fixing his collar, Bie glanced over at the door and nodded. Lowat smirked walking over to his friend with a funny expression.]

Lowat: “How is it big boy to marry such a pretty girl?”
[He patted Bie on the shoulder once he realized that Bie’s face was flush red.]

Bie: “I’m just a bit nervous. Please forgive me for any actions I do.” [He frowned at his friend. For once, he was hiding something from Lowat. Lowat knew almost everything about Bie from his favorite drinks to the what way he liked his hair. He felt uneasy.]

Lowat: “O-okay.”
[Lowat said stumbling a bit on the words. He was going to ask why although didn’t want to make Bie feel any more nervous so he just simply answered.]

Bie: “Kay, I think I’m ready now.”
[Bie clasped his hands together feeling a bit relieved after talking to Lowat. Lowat nodded giving Bie a comforting pat on the shoulder. Then Lowat stepped out of the room leaving Bie alone.
Bie sighed one more sigh. A long sigh. He tried to smile so that it wouldn’t show how he really felt. Walking out of the room and down the hall, people passed him giving him big smiles.
The noise sounding like a thousand people talking was coming closer and closer until Bie finally saw the sight. Tons, maybe even hundreds of people were sitting down in the main room. The wedding was being held at Soonsai Church, a famous church where a lot of wealthy people attended.
Sighing again, Bie walked down the aisle on the flawless red carpet which seemed like it lasted forever.]

Random person: “Good luck.”
[Bie ignored the crowds of people and kept his gazed fixed before him. From the corners of his eyes, he noticed that he didn’t even know half of these people. Thinking to himself, this was a wedding where anyone could attend.
Going up the three steps to a higher level, Bie stood next to the Priest standing still. Once he noticed that all the people’s eyes were stuck on him, he couldn’t help but feel a little queasy inside. Impatiently waiting for the bride, he was imagining how she would look.
Lowat walked up to Bie on the higher level standing beside him.]

Lowat: “Psst. Psst.”
[Lowat continuously poked Bie from the back so that no one could see what he was doing.]

Bie: “What?”
[He was a bit annoyed that Lowat was poking him at this time.]

Lowat: “Someone told me to give this to you right now. Someone very…special.”
[Lowat said, saying “special” in a very angelic way. Handing over a folded piece of paper to Bie, Lowat exited the high level disappearing into the crowd.]

Bie: “What’s this?”
[Asking himself, Bie unfolded the paper knowing that the Priest beside him was annoyed by what he doing. Staring at the text, he immediately knew who it was from,……]


- Marina ♥
Part 2
Written by: yoopeurtur

[The priest stared at Bie, awkwardly as if Bie said something inappropriate to him. Bie shoved his hands into his pockets, trying to look casual. Once the priest looked away, Bie quickly pulled his hands out of his pocket and unraveled the letter he got earlier. Reading quietly, Bie began to read the letter to himself.]

As much as I love you, our relationship will probably end sooner or later so I’ve decided to be the one to end it. I have another guy who loves me even more than you do. Please, don’t come to find me and continue the wedding. I know that you’re probably planning to cancel it. Losing you was probably the hardest choice I will ever make, but it’s for the good since it’ll make everyone happy. Even though we aren’t together, I will still have you in my heart.

[Bie trembled. His actions hopped all over the place. First, he was confused. Fang wasn’t the type of person that would send him a letter. She was the type to actually go up to him and talk. Then, he was sad. His eyes were feeling teary. Was this actually happening? The most important step he was willing to take was shattering into pieces. Bie inhaled and exhaled heavily. What choice would he choose? To go find Fang and disappoint everyone or to continue the wedding and make everyone happy. As Fang said it herself, she thought it was the right path for them, but Bie knew there had to be something wrong. He then gave a final thought.]

Bie: “Okay this is it.”

[Minutes later, when everyone walked down the aisle, like the flower girl and ring boy, the wedding music started playing. Bie sighed deeply, ready to make his decision.]

Lowat: “Read the letter yet?”
[Lowat snuck up beside Bie. Bie turned to face him and nodded slowly. Lowat could tell something was wrong. From his knowledge, he already knew about the letter and what was in it.]
Lowat: “Get ready. Your bride is coming. Look.”
[Lowat gestured before them pointing to the beautiful bride who was walking down the aisle. She kept her head down, her face was turning bright apple red, and her slow walking made it seem like she wasn’t going to ever get anywhere.
Unexpectedly, Bie was dazzled. He couldn’t help himself but to keep staring at the beautiful bride. Her white long dress was super pretty with laces. Her hair was nicely put up and her face was breathtaking.
Finally, after minutes, the bride finally reached the high level standing beside Bie. Bie turned to face her, their eyes still looking somewhere else.]

Lowat: “So beautiful.”
[Lowat spoke in a pleasing manner. Bie didn’t put on a smile, instead, he just stood there still not looking at her.]

Bie: “You look……pretty.”
[Bie managed to speak. He decided to comment her so that maybe it would make her less shy and it did.
She looked up at him, eye to eye and smiled.]

Ploy: “Really? I thought it was a bit too revealing.”
[Ploy said quietly, so quiet that even she couldn’t hear herself.]

Bie: “What?”
[Bie asked not catching what she said. Ploy gulped.]

Ploy: “I think this dress is a bit too revealing.”
[Ploy said…a little too loud.]

Priest: “Ehem, we shall start.”
[Ploy smirked at Bie as he did the same. While the priest was talking, Bie and Ploy kept their gaze fixed on each other. Ploy’s eyes fluttered as she shyly looked up at Bie. Bie continued smiling, basically forgetting about his worries.]

Priest: “Do you, Ploy Thanida, agree to marry Bie Sukrit?”
[The priest said. You could tell from his tone that he was bored and didn’t actually care about the wedding. It seemed like this was a daily routine to him.
Ploy turned to the crowd realizing that there was so much people. She had kept her head down the whole time and didn’t see the people.]

Ploy: “Uhhh…..”
[Ploy nervously spoke mumbling out the words “ummm.” Bie studied her lips wondering how she would answer.
He barely knew anything about this girl except for the fact that they were only getting married because it was an arranged marriage.
Bie already knew what his answer was going to be although wasn’t sure about Ploy’s.]

Ploy: “Y-yes.”
[Ploy answered staring back at the ground.
Bie wasn’t really surprised by her answer. From what he knew, Ploy looked like the type who obeyed parents. He knew that Ploy was probably agreeing to do this just for everyone’s benefit.]

Priest: “And do you, Bie Sukrit, agree to marry Ploy Thanida?”
[The priest spoke again in the this-is-so-boring tone.]

Bie: “Yes.”
[Bie blurted out. Suddenly, Bie didn’t know who was more shocked by his answer, was he more shocked or was his parents more shocked?]

Bie’s Mom: “My goodness.”
[Bie’s mom was sitting in the front row hoping that Bie would answer that specific answer. She smiled. After weeks of convincing him that Ploy was best for him, it finally worked, she thought.]

Priest: “You may kiss the bride.”
[Everyone in the crowd was getting ready for the slobbery and cute kiss.
Bie and Ploy exchanged glances. Ploy was trembling not knowing what to do. Then, Bie made the first move. He leaned closely to her face pecking her lips for a second and then backing away.
Even though it was just a peck, the crowd was satisfied.]

Person in Crowd: “Aww, they’re too shy.”

Another Person in Crowd: “They’re the perfect couple.”

[Ploy was even more red now. She could feel her face basically burning.
Bie, holding out his hand, smiled at her.
Ploy looked up at his hand. Grabbing his hand was the next step that she was willing to take.]

Bie: “Let’s go…cutie.”
[Ploy blushed grabbing his hand and they walked down the aisle which was now covered with flower petals.
Both of their faces were covered with smiles.
At the end of the red carpet, a huge crowd rushed over to them.]

Reporter: “Can we take a picture of the bride and groom, please?”
[Without waiting for an answer, the group of reporters held their camera up to eye-level and started to take tons of photos.
Minutes later, when the reporters had gotten enough photos, Bie led Ploy into the dining room which was filled with tables of food such as the wedding cake which needed to be cut by the groom and bride.
He led her over to one side of the room where the crowd wasn’t at.
Leaning in closer to Ploy’s ear, he whispered something.]

Bie: “You see this smile? It’s fake. This is all just an…..act.”


sarNie Adult
Aww,,bie and ploy are so CUTE!!!!!
but Bie is just faking :( hope bie really falls for ploy in the middle of the story :D
like it so far..please write more and update me :D


sarNie Adult
awhiess;it's SO good!
I'm so blind!i saw losing you but i didn't see your name.SORRY for reading so LATE.
tehe.omg.LOVE it.Fang is so mean:/BTW,'s so mean,but i can imagine that cutie.
It's just an act...Write more HJK and Yoopeurtur,i love both of your writing/stories;]



You're Average Person :)
ugh fang is so mean...hope bie falls for ploy soon


- Marina ♥
Part 3

[Ploy, not knowing what to do, just looked up at his face to see if he was serious.
And Bie was. His stern face was serious with sharp eyes.]

Bie’s Mom: “My goodness!”
[Bie’s mom yelled running over to the two. She embraced Ploy into her arms.]
Bie’s Mom: “I’m so grateful for you two. By the way, why are you both here alone at the side of the room?”
[A smile spread onto her face after she said that.
Bie’s Mom: “Don’t tell me you guys want alone time….”

Bie: “Mom!”
[Bie yelled feeling embarrassed. His mom was always embarrassing him at all events.
Bie’s mom chuckled.]

Bie’s Mom: “Fine, I’ll leave you two alone…for a moment. Although, the wedding cake is not going to get cut on its own. Hurry, you two.”
[Bie’s mom walked away and over to a crowd crowding the wedding cake and waiting for the groom and bride.]

Bie: “Let’s go.”
[Bie said gripping onto his arm. Ploy shoved his arm away knowing that Bie was just putting on a silly act. She knew that this was all just a joke to Bie.]

Ploy: “I can go myself. I’m not a kid anymore.”
[Ploy spoke sharply. She started walking until Bie’s arm grabbed hers again.]

Bie: “Remember what this is, we’re supposed to act like…we like each other. Stop fussing and obey my command.”
[He grabbed her arm dragging her over to the table where the crowd was. The crowd with shining smiles watched the two walk over to the cake.
As Ploy’s dad handed Bie a knife, Bie gave it to Ploy and put his hands over hers so that both of them would be holding the knife.]

Ploy’s Mom: “Be careful.”
[She whispered. Bie smiled at the elders surrounding them as Ploy and him lifted the knife and cut the cake smack dab in the middle.
Ploy’s hand was trembling knowing that the hand’s owner that was holding her hand was just there to make everyone else happy.
Marriage was an important step in life and Bie was just taking it as an act. Ploy wanted to run out of the room. She felt so stupid being the bride of a guy who didn’t care about her. It was ridiculous.]

[A couple hours later, they reached home. Everyone was exhausted from the whole morning. Walking into their home, Bie was getting ready to walk up the stairs.]

Bie’s Mom: “Wait.”
[Stopping, Bie turned around to face his parents.]
Bie’s Dad: “At the wedding you were fine and smiling, what’s wrong now?”
[Bie put on a bright smile to hide all the worries going on in his head.]

Bie: “Nothing. I just want to know…..when is Ploy coming to live here?”

Bie’s Mom: “Oh, that’s all your concerned about. I thought you were worried about something else. Any who, she’ll be coming to live here….after the honeymoon.”
[Bie’s Mom spoke in a happy tone not helping with how Bie was feeling. He rolled his eyes when his parents weren’t looking.
Walking up the stairs, this time no one stopped him. Bie walked into his room sitting on his bed, with his legs dangling from the side. He sighed.]

Bie: “Where are you, Fang?”
[Very worried about her, he wondered. He had to find her.
But when? With the honeymoon in the way, he was already having a busy schedule.]
“Fine, after the honeymoon, I’ll find you….”

The Thanida’s
Ploy: “Mom! Dad! Why?”
[Ploy yelled angrily as they stepped into the house. Shocked, both of her parents turned around to face her.]

Ploy’s Dad: “What, dear?”
[Putting her hand up to her head to swipe her bangs away from her face, she frowned. From her reaction, her parents already knew that there was something wrong.]

Ploy: “I can tell that Bie doesn’t like me. Why don’t we just divorce right now?”
[Ploy spoke walking into the main room where all the couches were aligned. Her parents followed staring at her reaction.]

Ploy’s Mom: “Bie does like you. Didn’t you see his smile?”

Ploy: “It’s fake. I can tell.”
[Ploy sat down on the couch slumping. Ploy’s Mom walked over to her setting down her hands onto Ploy’s shoulders.]

Ploy’s Mom: “No, it’s not. I’m your mom, I can tell what is fake and what’s not. He actually cares for you.”
[Ploy, rolling her eyes, reached her hand for the remote which was right beside her. Ploy’s Mom took the remote away not wanting any distractions at this moment.]

Ploy’s Dad: “Anyways, tomorrow’s the honeymoon. You should be packing up right now.”

Ploy: “Sure, pack up to move away.”

Ploy’s Dad: “Running away won’t help do any good.”

Ploy: “Fine. I’ll pack up.”

Ploy’s Dad: “That’s my girl.”
[Ploy stood up still upset. She walked out of the room and up the stairs and into her bedroom. Surely, her parents weren’t making anything better.
Oh boy, the honeymoon was tomorrow and things were going to get worse, Ploy knew. Wondering what would happen, Ploy continued thinking about Bie’s fake smile and what Bie said. Frowning, she stared at the ceiling which was painted lime green.]

Next Day -- Honeymoon
Ploy’s Mom: “Honey, are you ready yet?”
[Ploy’s Mom asked leaning in on Ploy’s door. Ploy had been packing since last night and was close to finish. Scanning through her room, she looked to see if she forgot anything.]

Ploy: “Coming.”
[Ploy yelled in a dragging tone. Opening the door, Ploy’s Mom stood there with a huge smile that covered the main portion of her face.
Walking over to the stairs, Ploy’s Mom wrapped her arm around her daughter’s shoulders.]

Ploy’s Mom: “Everything will be fine and if not, call me. I’ll listen to anything you want to say. Remember, smile.”

Ploy: “Smile? I can do anything you tell me to do but I can’t smile knowing that my groom doesn’t actually care for me.”
[Ploy’s Mom shuddered as if Ploy’s words were fire burning. Walking down the stairs, Ploy’s Dad was waiting for them at the bottom of the steps.]

Ploy’s Dad: “Ready, darling?”
[Ploy nodded and walked away from her parents and out the door.
Walking outside, she noticed a figure, back faced to her, by a car.]

Ploy: “Excuse me.”
[The figure turned around once Ploy had said that and revealed himself.
It was indeed, Bie.]

Bie: “Rise and shine.”

Ploy: “Sorry for the long wait.”
[Ploy walked over to the car as Bie took her suitcase and put it into the back seat.]

Bie: “Even if you took years, I’ll still…wait.”
[Ploy, shocked, looked at Bie with a strange look. He was acting as if they were actually a loving couple. Bie just responded with a smile.]

Ploy’s Mom: “Have fun!”
[Ploy then suddenly realized that Bie was just doing an “act” at this very moment.
When her parents leave, Bie will just go back to being a meanie, Ploy thought.
Bie opened the passenger door for Ploy as she crawled into the seat. Bie closed her door and then walked over to the driver seat and sat down.]

Bie: “We’ll have fun.”
[Bie spoke in a weird tone that even Ploy couldn’t figure what he meant.
Driving out of the driveway and onto the road, Bie drove the car to the side of the road.
Ploy remained calm trying not to bother him. She could feel his eyes staring at her.]
“Get out.”

[Ploy turned and faced him.]

Ploy: “You know? My house is right there, right? I can just walk home.”
[Bie shook his head.]

Bie: “Not that, sit in the back with your suitcase.”
[Ploy, not saying anything, got out of the car and sat into the back seat with her fat suitcase.]
“Now don’t say a word when my girl comes.”

Ploy: “Girl? What do you mean?”
[Ploy asked confused. She was alright with sitting in the back seat but what did he mean by girl.
From his tone, she could tell that this honeymoon was going to be like a horror movie.]

Ploy: “Mom, I want to come home.”
[Ploy spoke whimpering into her cell phone. Tears streamed from her eyes as her hand shook.]
Bie: “Are you excited to go to the beach?”
[Bie asked the girl sitting in the passenger seat. Ploy didn’t know the girl’s name but all she knew is that the girl seemed like one of Bie’s girlfriends.]
Bie: “Stay out here.”
Ploy: “But it’s about to rain.”
Bie: “You must follow my every command and not argue.”
Ploy: “Somehow my heart beats so fast when I’m near him…..”
[Ploy stated putting her hand onto her chest where she could feel her heat beating.]

Aww,,bie and ploy are so CUTE!!!!!
but Bie is just faking :( hope bie really falls for ploy in the middle of the story :D
like it so far..please write more and update me :D
I agree. Hopefully, he will ?
Sure, I'll update you.
Don't worry, I'll write more.

awhiess;it's SO good!
I'm so blind!i saw losing you but i didn't see your name.SORRY for reading so LATE.
tehe.omg.LOVE it.Fang is so mean:/BTW,'s so mean,but i can imagine that cutie.
It's just an act...Write more HJK and Yoopeurtur,i love both of your writing/stories;]

Geesh, Dua, calm down.
LMAO, it's alright. You're not late.
You're early, lmao. Agreeed. But you'll find out soon what the reason Fang left is for....

ugh fang is so mean...hope bie falls for ploy soon
Agreeed, soon you'll find out why Fang really left.
Hopefully, maybe...?


sarNie Adult
Aww,,bie is so mean,,feel bad for Ploy :(
but i think i know Fang left,,just wondering if what I'm thinking is true..well,,i'll wait till the end,
then i'll see if what I'm thinking is true :D
btw,,Love it so far!!!


beautiful poster :D
now 2 the story. Bie & Ploy make an adorable couple :wub:
but ugh...he is such a meanie to her.
by any chance is Fang gonna try to get him back??? just wondering keke...
so far so good. thanks for keeping me updated, i'm lagging off on all the awesome fics.


sarNie Adult
Oiee;Bie...that meanie..
awhiee,i feel bad for ploy very much.
Bie and his "acting."So sad...anywaysss;
i thought that Fang is already with this other dudde?
omg,questions are popping out so much in my head now.
Update soon Rina!!


- Marina ♥
Part 4
[The entire ride was silent except for the fact that Bie continuously whistled a happy tune. Ploy was getting annoyed but ignored his whistling by staring out the window. She didn’t recognize her surroundings.
The car stopped.]

Ploy: “Who are we waiting for?”
[Ploy asked questionably hoping there was an answer.]

Bie: “Someone very special.”
[He said in a tone with a high happy pitch. Ploy didn’t respond.
A minute later, the passenger door opened and in came a lady. She was a slender girl with tan skin. Her hair was put up into a nice bun which was topped with a pink fat bow. Her dress was the color pink matching her bow. There was a huge smile on her face accompanied by glittering eye shadow on her eyelids.]

Bie: “Are you excited to go to the beach?”
[Bie asked the girl sitting in the passenger seat. Ploy didn’t know the girl’s name but all she knew is that the girl seemed like one of Bie’s girlfriends.]

(Girl): “Of course.”
[She simply answered. Ploy recognized that her voice was high pitched but very soothing.
The girl turned around to face Ploy with a smirk.]

(Girl): “Hi, my name is Shelli. I’ll be going with you guys to the beach.”

Ploy: “Oh, that’ll be fine. This honeymoon isn’t that special anyways.”

Shelli: “Honeymoon? What does she mean, Bie?”

Bie: “Nothing. She’s just kidding, right, Ploy?”
[Ploy sighed then responded to his question.]

Ploy: “Of course, I’m kidding.”
[Ploy lied. Shelli turned back around in her seat. The car clock read 11:36am.
Feeling strange inside, Ploy stared back and forth between Bie and Shelli.
Bie started the car as soon as Shelli got herself situated.]

Bie: “How’s your mom?”

Shelli: “Mom’s fine. She’ll be coming home tomorrow.”
[From Shelli’s tone, it seemed like her mom had undergone some accident.]

Ploy: “May I ask what happened?”

Shelli: “Oh, my mom-”
[Bie cutted Shelli off.]

Bie: “Stay quiet.”
[Bie put his pointer finger up to his lips signaling for her to be quiet. Ploy rolled her eyes staying put.
The whole ride was basically Bie and Shelli talking about how they were excited for the beach and other things that Ploy had no clue about.
It was 12:40pm when they reached the beach.
Stepping out of the car, Ploy yawned stretching out her arms. She gazed over to the sand and the water and smiled.
The last time Ploy was at the beach was years ago. She remembered how fun it had been with her and her parents.]

Shelli: “We’re finally here. I thought I was going to die in that car.”
[Shelli got out of the car swinging her arms around. Bie walked over to Shelli pulling her close. He put his hands on her hips holding her closely.]

Bie: “Now we’re here. What do you want to do?”
[Shelli’s face showed that she was uncomfortable with what Bie was doing. After a second or two, she smiled.]

Shelli: “Let’s go walk alongside the ocean.”
[Ploy took out her suitcase holding it close to her. She walked over to the two.]

Ploy: “I’ll be unpacking.”

Bie: “Sure, do whatever. I don’t care. Shelli and I have our own thing to do.”
[Without a word, Ploy walked over to the house. Shelli looked at Bie with a unsure look. Bie let go of Shelli immediately when Ploy was out of sight.]

Shelli: “Now tell me why you’re doing this, Bie.”
[Bie crossed his arms.]

Bie: “I never agreed to marry her. You know I love Fang.”

Shelli: “I’m not comfortable pretending to be your girlfriend. Plus, is this your honeymoon?”

Bie: “Do you think I want to spend time with that girl?”

Shelli: “I pity her.”
[Bie unfolded his arms and looked at Shelli.]

Bie: “But I don’t. Please just go along with this “act.”

Shelli: “Act? What am I supposed to do next? I know that I’m a very close friend of yours although I feel so uncomfortable.”

Bie: “Sorry, really sorry. I’ll pay you back, okay?”
[Shelli rolled her eyes getting sick of the idea. Although, if it was for a friend in need, she couldn’t refuse.]

Shelli: “Fine. What now?”
[Bie smirked.]

Inside House
Ploy walked into the main room finding that the house was as big as her house. The walls were painted by a shade of tan and the furniture made the environment very warm and peaceful. Smiling to herself, she could stay here her whole life.
Ploy set down her fat suitcase walking over to a photo where a little boy was building a sand castle. Recognizing the boy’s face, she knew immediately that it was Bie.

Ploy: “He was so cute, but now look at him, he’s so rude.”
[She walked over to some doors and opened revealing the gentle ocean which was topped off by a blue sky and birds flying.
Then she saw two figures, Bie and Shelli. They were walking closely to each other as Shelli and Bie were holding hands.
From the corner of Bie’s eye, he could see that Ploy was watching them.
He smiled pulling Shelli closer and put his arm around her shoulders.]

“Get off my boyfriend!”
[Ploy thought to scream.
Then she thought again….boyfriend? Bie wasn’t her boyfriend. How come it seemed like he…was….
She could feel her insides start to ache and she could no longer hold the pain inside. Ploy went further into the room and sat herself down on the lime green sofa taking her cell phone out of her purse.]

Ploy: “Mom, I want to come home.”
[Ploy spoke whimpering into her cell phone. Tears streamed from her eyes as her hand shook.]

Ploy’s Mom: “Why are you cry-”
[Before Ploy’s mom could say something else, someone took the cell phone away from Ploy’s hand.
She turned to look at the person. Bie.]

Ploy: “Give me back my phone!”
[Ploy demanded. Bie just stood there with a smirk.]

Bie: “Are you crying?”
[Bie asked strangely as he put his finger over a tear on her face. Feeling that her cheeks were wet, he frowned.]

Ploy: “No.”

Bie: “You can’t lie to me. I can see that you’re crying!”
[From his rising tone, you could tell that he was getting angry.]

Ploy: “Anyways, where’s your girlfriend?”

Bie: “She had some…business.”

Ploy: “Great. Now we’re…alone.”
[Bie put Ploy’s phone onto the table nearby and sat down beside Ploy. The sky outside was turning dark signaling that it was about to rain.]

Bie: “So…are you ready?”
[Bie asked looking at Ploy up and down. She frowned scooting away a bit.]

Ploy: “Don’t think like that! How about this? If you and I dislike each other, we’ll just…ignore each other. Then I won’t have to deal with a pervert.”

Bie: “Aren’t you the one who wanted to get married with me?”

Ploy: “Even if you were the last guy on Earth, I would never marry you.”

Bie: “Why?”
[Sighing to herself, Ploy could feel something in her that was telling her to stop insulting Bie. But she ignored that feeling and continued.
On the outside, Bie was looking fine, but on the inside, he was firing up. In his whole life, he had never been insulted by anyone. Everyone always admired him for being a good person.]

Ploy: “First of all, you’re rude. Second of all, you lie to people. Third of all, you think everything is just a game. Fourth, you-”
[She said all while counting with her fingers.]

Bie: “Stop!”
[Bie spoke putting down her fingers.]

Ploy: “What!? I can continue if I want. Also, you probably never had a love life with anyone since you’re so heartless!”

Bie: “That’s it.”
[Bie remarked. He grasped Ploy by the arm and lead her out the door of the house as Ploy yelled for him to let go the whole time. He put her by a palm tree.
The palm tree was located near the ocean which was rushing back and forth on the sand.]

Bie: “Stay out here.”

Ploy: “But it’s about to rain.”

Bie: “You must follow my every command and not argue.”

Ploy: “I’d rather stay out here than come in with you.”
[Bie ripped a strip of his shirt then tied Ploy’s hands around the palm tree tightly, so tight that her wrists were probably going to turn purple.]

Bie: “Great.”
[The thunder was growing louder and the raindrops were increasing.
Bie took one last look at her then ran inside the house.
Raindrops dripped onto Ploy’s face and all of a sudden, she could feel herself getting cold and wet.
Tears streamed from her eyes and then she thought….
It’s great to cry in the rain…..then no one can see your tears….]

Ploy: “Somehow my heart beats so fast when I’m near him…..”
[Ploy stated putting her hand onto her chest where she could feel her heat beating.]

Bie: “There’s no point to live anymore without Fang.”

Ploy: “How could you!? Out of all the rude things you have done to me…this is the worst.”

Bie: “Let’s….forget about what problems we have with each other…”


- Marina ♥

@TheGurlo22 :
Send me a message. I wanna know what you're thinking.
Although, I probably won't tell you what happens. You'll have to find out ;)
Thanks. I'm also loving this FF.

@jeeja :
Agreed, I love the poster. It's pretty ^^
IKR. Crapp, I always make Bie a meanie.
Don't worry, he'll be pretty nice and cute in Fading Memories of Love ;)
Let's see what Fang's gonna do. ;)

@awesomedua :
Me, too TT.TT
Fang IS with another dude, Bie just can't accept the fact that she left him.

To All Readers:
Thanks for reading. Really appreciate that your using valuable time to read my sister & my fanfic. We, thank you, a lot.
**Look out for my upcoming fanfic, "Fading Memories of Love" starring Bie and Best. Woow, I gotta start writing that.

Fading Memories of Love - MY Preview:
[These are the exact words coming out of my mouth now.]
"Okay...uhhh...Okay....well, currently I'm chewing gum and it's gross. [laugh]
I gotta spit it out. Well, back to the fanfic, FMOL. I'm planning to make this fanfic all kingdom-like.
There are 3 kingdoms. There's no specific evil or good kingdom. They're [giggle] Bie and Best meet only once when they're younger, although Bie opened a...I guess you can say, new world for Best.
View is Bie's close childhood friend. View and Bie had undergoed every situation together such as getting beat up by View's mother and arriving in a new home.
The first chapters are sad. They made me cry even thinking about it.
There are 4 couples. They all connect in some way."

^^^Will give more Previews Later ;) ^^^


sarNie Adult
Aww, Bie is sooo MEAN :D Well, Love the story so far :D
&& can't wait for the next fanfic too <3 I'll be sure to message you, although I don't think it'll be what I think
it'll be because of what you said to Dua..that FANG is already with another dude..:D
please update me more,,love this story sooo much!!


You're Average Person :)
I agree with everyone...Bie is a meanie...and yea...I think Fang is with another dude too....

poor Ploy


sarNie Adult
it's so good HJK<3
i freaking love it alot!
tehe;Fanfic Fever!!Can't wait dude!
BTW;FMOL looks so awesome,cant wait to read.


i pity Ploy :cry1: Bie is a *BEEP* :rolleyes1: LOL
can't believe he'll leave her under the rain and in tears T_T
thanks for the update. can't wait for FMOL


- Marina ♥
Part 5.1

[Bie walked carelessly into the house shivering from the coldness outside. He was about to shut the door until he stopped and turned around. He peered over at where he had tied Ploy by the tree. Ploy was still sitting up and crossing her arms to try to get warmer. Bie didn’t care. He just walked into the house closing the door behind him.
Then a minute later, he opened the door again, peering out at Ploy. He noticed that she was still sitting up and shivering. From where he was, he could see her shaking. Thunder roared and startled Bie a bit. He closed the door again.]

Ploy: “Mom…dad…why is he so mean?”
[Ploy cried out loud. Tears and raindrops rolled down her face and trickled off her chin. She hugged herself tighter wishing that she had wore thicker clothing. All she had on was a silky top and shorts.]

[Again, he opened the door minutes later. Peering over at the tree, Ploy wasn’t sitting up anymore. Instead, she was drooping down. Her hands tied to the tree kept her up while her head drooped down.]

Bie: “Hey, you!”
[Bie said walking outside into the rain. He walked over to Ploy shoving her to make her wake up. It didn’t work. Instead, he carefully held her head in his hands staring at her pale face.]

Bie: “Ploy?…”
[He immediately noticed that she wasn’t responding so he untied her and carried her into the house.]

Inside the House
[Setting her onto her own bed, he was already soaking wet. He stared at her white face and panicked on what to do next. He put his finger up to her nose and could still feel the warm breath. She was still alive but unconscious.]

Bie: “It’s not good if I leave her wearing this wet outfit.”
[Bie said staring at Ploy’s soaking outfit. He wasn’t sure about what to do. If he left her in this condition, she would get sick.
Ripping a piece of his shirt, he covered his eyes with it.]

Bie: “This isn’t my fault. I’m just doing this for your health and….I’m covering my eyes….so I won’t see anything.”
[Bie spoke. He reached down to her shirt not seeing anything. Slowly pulling her shirt off, he was starting to wonder if she would think of the wrong idea. Then, he crept his hand over to her shorts trying to find the button. It was a little struggle at first although he could feel the button. Unbuttoning the pants, he pulled it off of her and threw it on the ground behind him.]

Bie: “Finally..”
[Bie said. He reached to the side of her in search of a blanket to cover her so that when he opened his eyes, nothing would reveal. Not finding anything, he slipped on something that must have been Ploy’s shirt or pants.
Falling forward, he landed over Ploy.
The shirt strip that he had tied onto his eyes had fell off, not being tied tight enough.
Soon enough, his eyes met with Ploy’s closed eyes. His lip was just inches away from Ploy’s. He looked down noticing her tank top then looked back up shocked.]

Bie: “What have I done?”
[Bie saw the blanket and immediately put it on Ploy. Standing back up, he stared down at her recognizing her kind side.
Then he thought, why was I always mean to her? Since the last two days we met, it seems like I’ve known her forever.
What is this supposed to mean?
Love, a voice echoed in his head.]

Bie: “Is this….really….love?”


- Marina ♥
Agreeeed. Thanks for loving this story ^^
Aha, your guess was actually really close ;)

Agreed, poor Ploy.
Bie's a meanie leaving her out in the rain TT.TT

Thanks, Dua ^^
FF fever, aha xD
FMOL will come soon !!!!!

I pity her too TT.TT
Thanks ;)


sarNie Adult
OMG..I love this story..They're finally getting together :D
aww,,this is so funny,,undressing Ploy?? haha..Love this story!!! AMAZING,,MARVELOUS!!!!! <3