song in "ntej ntws tsi rov qab"


sarNie Hatchling
umm i was wondering if anyone knew the song in there...its actually in part 3 where i think they are riding the motorcycle to go play or sumthing...i noe for sure its an old song and the girl part is tshaus hawj but iono about they goes sumthing like this...

"tsi thas hais tias kuv hlub koj npaum li cas
muab tag rhov txoj sia los yeej taus"....

ahhaha...i like it so much! can someone help me with this song...its a duet....thanks so much!


sarNie Adult
oh that songs, well it's not sing from Tshaus Hawj. it was sing by Keeb Thoj and Ntsias Lis but too bad that i don't have it and maybe you should contact Them