sarNie OldFart
Chario/ChadaOh/Marida is my CRACK….I NEED them hahaha…so I been re-reading some romance novel and is borrowing from that premises and the same. I couldn’t find a better title. Basically n’k is p’k lil sister BFF type of story.
(I’m not creative w/last names -.- I suck really bad hahaha)
Slow Burn
Porche Saran, Sammie Cowell, [SIZE=9.5pt]Gun-Jae-Sal[/SIZE][SIZE=9.5pt], James Ma, [/SIZE]
Mario – Colt Maurer (30 yrs old, middle brother)
Mint – Rainie Chalida (25 yrs old, only child)
Porche Saran 30 years old (Colt BF)
Push Maurer (31 yrs old, Eldest Brother)
Sammie Maurer (25 yrs old, youngest)
Gun – Mia Cowell (25 yrs old, only child 1 of Rainie BF)
James Maurer (22 years old, youngest brother)
Chario/ChadaOh/Marida is my CRACK….I NEED them hahaha…so I been re-reading some romance novel and is borrowing from that premises and the same. I couldn’t find a better title. Basically n’k is p’k lil sister BFF type of story.
(I’m not creative w/last names -.- I suck really bad hahaha)
Slow Burn
Porche Saran, Sammie Cowell, [SIZE=9.5pt]Gun-Jae-Sal[/SIZE][SIZE=9.5pt], James Ma, [/SIZE]
Mario – Colt Maurer (30 yrs old, middle brother)
Mint – Rainie Chalida (25 yrs old, only child)
Porche Saran 30 years old (Colt BF)
Push Maurer (31 yrs old, Eldest Brother)
Sammie Maurer (25 yrs old, youngest)
Gun – Mia Cowell (25 yrs old, only child 1 of Rainie BF)
James Maurer (22 years old, youngest brother)
We all met twenty years ago at the South Street school playground. It was the first day of Kindergarten. Rainie Chalida ended up tackling a boy that was picking on a classmate. He was pulling her hair and teasing her. Rainie told him to knock it off but he continued to bully the girl and then herself. The next thing she knew, she had him on the ground. He end up running off crying like a baby.
“Are you ok?” asked Rainie
“Yes thank you.” Replied the girl
“Are you girls ok? I told the teacher.” Asked another girl as she ran towards them.
“I’m Rainie Chalida.”
“I’m Sammie Maurer.” Replied the girl that was bully.
“And I’m Mia Cowell, let’s all be friends.”
From that day on they became the best of friends. Sammie had two older brothers, but they never really meet them. They were off in boarding school. James Maurer was the youngest brother and closest to their age so they saw him more. Colt and Push were closer in age and five to six years older than them so they barely saw them much.
6 years later – The girls are 11 years old- Colt 16 years old
Honk! Honk!
“Who’s that?” asked Rainie and Mia simultaneously
“That’s Colt, my middle brother remember.” Replied Sammie
“Hurry up Sammie, I don’t have all day to be yours and your friends taxi!” yelled Colt
“We’re coming, Jeezus!” she yelled back
The girls hurried to the car as it began to rain.
“Ugh, it’s raining.” Complained Colt
“huh? You talking to me?” Rainie asked, she thought he called her name.
“What?” Colt ask confuse as Sammie giggle
“Her name is Rainie.” Sammie Chime in.
“You’re the friend with the weird name.” He can see her in the rearview mirror raising an eyebrow to him.
“Where’s Push? I thought he was supposed to pick us up?” Sammie asked
“He had to do something and I owe him a favor to pick up you three monkey’s. Why is your face all dirty?”
“We were playing football with the boys.” Replied Mia
“And we kick their asses!” exclaimed Sammie
“They never had a chance.” Rainie proudly made that statement
“What kind of name is Rainie anyways?”
“Mine.” She replied with an air of confidences with her arms crossed and fire in her eyes. He shook his head at her and laugh. She will be one hellion when she’s older and god help him with the three of them together.
[SIZE=12pt]Chapter One[/SIZE]
13 years later
Girls – 25 yrs old , Colt (Mario) 30 years old
Colt and Porche are childhood bestfriends. They were at boarding school together and end up going to the same college. His sister Sammie is the only girl and she pretty much get what she wanted. Their brother James is the youngest and is just as spoiled. It was Friday night and he is being dragged out to the bar by his siblings. His brother James had a gig at the Bar singing.
“Porche, Where’s Sammie? She wanted us to come soo bad and she’s not even here?” He was exhausted just getting back from overseas five hours ago.
“How the hell should I know, don’t get annoyed with me” laugh Porche
Colt scan the room in search for his sister and found his eyes on a particular person. She looked very familiar but he couldn’t quite figure who she is. He gave her a subtle admiring look. James gave her a hug as he found his way on the stage.
“Why are you staring at Rainie like that?”
“Haha, Dude your staring at her ass!? As far as asses goes, hers are pretty top notch”
“Little annoying Rainie?”
“Not so little anymore, she’s quite grown up with a nice body.” He laughed as he lean over to get a better view of her. “Just the right amount of curve and look like it would be nice and soft…”
“SHUT UP! Don’t talk about any part of her body please and stop looking at her like that!”
Porche gave him a smirk and just chuckled at his reaction.
“Hey, glad you guys can make it. What can I get you guys?” Rainie asked when she reach their table
“When the fuck did you start working at the bar and what the hell are you wearing!?” Blurted out Colt
“It’s nice to see you again too Colt.” She gave him a hellish smile in a sarcastic tone. Porche grin and almost spit out his beer.
“Excuse me Colt, I didn’t realize you’re my “father”. If I remember correctly I had only one and he died two years ago.” She spat out as sweetly as possible. “Porche, another beer? When you Mr. Colt Maurer are ready to stop being an ass and order wave me over.” She told them as she sashay away.
“I haven’t been gone that long? She’s wearing a fucking tight as dress with fuck me Heels. Rainie who rolls around in the mud. Fucking Ryan is making her wear it while working here?!"
“I’m surprise she didn’t deck you for those comments.”
“Where’s the rest of the girl band?” Colt was asking just as Mia walked through the door. Mia is the more girly girl of the three so it didn’t surprise him when he saw her all dolled up. She beam at them as she came to join them.
“Colt! You’re Back!” she greeted as she gave him a nice big hug.
He’s been oversea working with merging with another company for over a year. She then went over to greet Porche in the same manner. Just as she got settle Rainie came over to greet her.
“The usual?” She asked Mai and she grin in reply. “Colt?”
“I’ll have a rum and coke.”
“Shit, Sammie is in trouble.” Mia exclaimed as she looked up from her phone.
“What happen?” The rest asked in unison.
“She has a flat tire on the other side of town, locked herself out of her car but luckily she was able to borrow someone phone.”
“Where is she? I’ll go get her.” Said both of the guys
“Its ok man, I got her. You just got back not long ago and must be exhausted.” Said Porche
“Do you want me to come?” asked Mia but Porche nodded no. “I got this, you enjoy the night. There’s no need for the two of us. I’ll talk to everyone later.” He said as he finish his beer and got up to leave.
James started his set and they can hear him singing in the background. Rainie left to put their drink order in. She brought back their orders a little later. Mia took her drink and excused herself to listen to James more closely.
“How are you getting home tonight?” Colt asked and she raised her eyebrows at him. No sooner that he ask that question a Busty women sat down at the vacant seat.
“Colt Maurer, When did you get back into town?” She lean towards him with her breast exposed. Rainie rolled her eyes.
“Not long, how are you doing Kim?”
“Good, so are you doing anything after?”
“I’m Rainie ride tonight.”
“I have a ride home tonight, Colton.”
“I know. ME.” She gave him a deadly glare. “You either come with me nicely or I’ll carry you out and make a scene in front of all the crowds.”
She lean in towards him and he can smell her sweet scent and it went straight to his groin. Heaven help him but this hellion is doing things to his body.
“Remember what happened the last time you threaten me?” she raised her eyebrow at him.
Oh he did, she took him by surprise. It was their freshman year of college and the three stooges were at a frat party. Some guys were harassing them and he, Porche and Push went to save them and told the girls to leave and she assaulted his babies. He turn towards her and their face were mere centimeters apart. Challenge accepted. Their eyes pierced at each other with intensity. Kim huffed and left in anger from being disregarded.
“Try Me Rainie and we’ll make a scene right now.” Just as he finish his sentence her knee went up towards his groin but he blocked it in time. “Nice try.”
She yelp as he threw her over his shoulder and began exiting the bar. She was shocked and mortified, luckily for her most of the people were paying attentions to James to notice them. He threw her into his passenger seat.
“Don’t you dare try to get out.” He said as he slam the door closed.
“Are you fucking nuts!” she screamed at him as he sat down in the driver seat. He lean over and buckled her seatbelt for her. “Your NOT my KEEPER!”
The car ride was pretty silence. Winter was settling in and she shivers as she exited his car. He follows her to her apartment. “You can leave now.” She said as she unlocked the doors. He of course disregard her request and push into her apartment.
“What the hell Rainie?” he exclaimed as he turn on the lights and saw the sad state of her apartment. It looked like a hurricane went through it.
“I been working a lot and haven’t have time to tidy up, it’s an organized clutter.” She didn’t know why she had to explain anything to him but she did. He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Are you in some kind of trouble?”
“Do you need money? I can give you some?”
“I DON’T need a knight in shining armour! I can take care of myself!” she was raging mad now. “Who the hell do you think you are to butt in my life like this?”
“Your cute when your angry.” He said to her with a pantying melting grin.
There is no way he was flirting with her. He is so infuriating. She was so dumbfounded she didn’t know how to respond and then he winked at her. She must be in the twilight zone. She know him for most her life and their interaction has always been limited and frustrating. She is sure he does it on purpose because he finds it entertaining and she got him back good a few time as well. He was always such an outrageous flirt anyways.
“Your annoying.” She finally spat out. “Stop bugging me”
“Oh but it’s ever so fun sweet cheeks.” He said as he pinch her cheeks. Ugh she hates that nickname he gave her and surely he says it only to annoy her even more.
(I’m not creative w/last names -.- I suck really bad hahaha)
Slow Burn
Porche Saran, Sammie Cowell, [SIZE=9.5pt]Gun-Jae-Sal[/SIZE][SIZE=9.5pt], James Ma, [/SIZE]
Mario – Colt Maurer (30 yrs old, middle brother)
Mint – Rainie Chalida (25 yrs old, only child)
Porche Saran 30 years old (Colt BF)
Push Maurer (31 yrs old, Eldest Brother)
Sammie Maurer (25 yrs old, youngest)
Gun – Mia Cowell (25 yrs old, only child 1 of Rainie BF)
James Maurer (22 years old, youngest brother)
Chario/ChadaOh/Marida is my CRACK….I NEED them hahaha…so I been re-reading some romance novel and is borrowing from that premises and the same. I couldn’t find a better title. Basically n’k is p’k lil sister BFF type of story.
(I’m not creative w/last names -.- I suck really bad hahaha)
Slow Burn
Porche Saran, Sammie Cowell, [SIZE=9.5pt]Gun-Jae-Sal[/SIZE][SIZE=9.5pt], James Ma, [/SIZE]
Mario – Colt Maurer (30 yrs old, middle brother)
Mint – Rainie Chalida (25 yrs old, only child)
Porche Saran 30 years old (Colt BF)
Push Maurer (31 yrs old, Eldest Brother)
Sammie Maurer (25 yrs old, youngest)
Gun – Mia Cowell (25 yrs old, only child 1 of Rainie BF)
James Maurer (22 years old, youngest brother)
We all met twenty years ago at the South Street school playground. It was the first day of Kindergarten. Rainie Chalida ended up tackling a boy that was picking on a classmate. He was pulling her hair and teasing her. Rainie told him to knock it off but he continued to bully the girl and then herself. The next thing she knew, she had him on the ground. He end up running off crying like a baby.
“Are you ok?” asked Rainie
“Yes thank you.” Replied the girl
“Are you girls ok? I told the teacher.” Asked another girl as she ran towards them.
“I’m Rainie Chalida.”
“I’m Sammie Maurer.” Replied the girl that was bully.
“And I’m Mia Cowell, let’s all be friends.”
From that day on they became the best of friends. Sammie had two older brothers, but they never really meet them. They were off in boarding school. James Maurer was the youngest brother and closest to their age so they saw him more. Colt and Push were closer in age and five to six years older than them so they barely saw them much.
6 years later – The girls are 11 years old- Colt 16 years old
Honk! Honk!
“Who’s that?” asked Rainie and Mia simultaneously
“That’s Colt, my middle brother remember.” Replied Sammie
“Hurry up Sammie, I don’t have all day to be yours and your friends taxi!” yelled Colt
“We’re coming, Jeezus!” she yelled back
The girls hurried to the car as it began to rain.
“Ugh, it’s raining.” Complained Colt
“huh? You talking to me?” Rainie asked, she thought he called her name.
“What?” Colt ask confuse as Sammie giggle
“Her name is Rainie.” Sammie Chime in.
“You’re the friend with the weird name.” He can see her in the rearview mirror raising an eyebrow to him.
“Where’s Push? I thought he was supposed to pick us up?” Sammie asked
“He had to do something and I owe him a favor to pick up you three monkey’s. Why is your face all dirty?”
“We were playing football with the boys.” Replied Mia
“And we kick their asses!” exclaimed Sammie
“They never had a chance.” Rainie proudly made that statement
“What kind of name is Rainie anyways?”
“Mine.” She replied with an air of confidences with her arms crossed and fire in her eyes. He shook his head at her and laugh. She will be one hellion when she’s older and god help him with the three of them together.
[SIZE=12pt]Chapter One[/SIZE]
13 years later
Girls – 25 yrs old , Colt (Mario) 30 years old
Colt and Porche are childhood bestfriends. They were at boarding school together and end up going to the same college. His sister Sammie is the only girl and she pretty much get what she wanted. Their brother James is the youngest and is just as spoiled. It was Friday night and he is being dragged out to the bar by his siblings. His brother James had a gig at the Bar singing.
“Porche, Where’s Sammie? She wanted us to come soo bad and she’s not even here?” He was exhausted just getting back from overseas five hours ago.
“How the hell should I know, don’t get annoyed with me” laugh Porche
Colt scan the room in search for his sister and found his eyes on a particular person. She looked very familiar but he couldn’t quite figure who she is. He gave her a subtle admiring look. James gave her a hug as he found his way on the stage.
“Why are you staring at Rainie like that?”
“Haha, Dude your staring at her ass!? As far as asses goes, hers are pretty top notch”
“Little annoying Rainie?”
“Not so little anymore, she’s quite grown up with a nice body.” He laughed as he lean over to get a better view of her. “Just the right amount of curve and look like it would be nice and soft…”
“SHUT UP! Don’t talk about any part of her body please and stop looking at her like that!”
Porche gave him a smirk and just chuckled at his reaction.
“Hey, glad you guys can make it. What can I get you guys?” Rainie asked when she reach their table
“When the fuck did you start working at the bar and what the hell are you wearing!?” Blurted out Colt
“It’s nice to see you again too Colt.” She gave him a hellish smile in a sarcastic tone. Porche grin and almost spit out his beer.
“Excuse me Colt, I didn’t realize you’re my “father”. If I remember correctly I had only one and he died two years ago.” She spat out as sweetly as possible. “Porche, another beer? When you Mr. Colt Maurer are ready to stop being an ass and order wave me over.” She told them as she sashay away.
“I haven’t been gone that long? She’s wearing a fucking tight as dress with fuck me Heels. Rainie who rolls around in the mud. Fucking Ryan is making her wear it while working here?!"
“I’m surprise she didn’t deck you for those comments.”
“Where’s the rest of the girl band?” Colt was asking just as Mia walked through the door. Mia is the more girly girl of the three so it didn’t surprise him when he saw her all dolled up. She beam at them as she came to join them.
“Colt! You’re Back!” she greeted as she gave him a nice big hug.
He’s been oversea working with merging with another company for over a year. She then went over to greet Porche in the same manner. Just as she got settle Rainie came over to greet her.
“The usual?” She asked Mai and she grin in reply. “Colt?”
“I’ll have a rum and coke.”
“Shit, Sammie is in trouble.” Mia exclaimed as she looked up from her phone.
“What happen?” The rest asked in unison.
“She has a flat tire on the other side of town, locked herself out of her car but luckily she was able to borrow someone phone.”
“Where is she? I’ll go get her.” Said both of the guys
“Its ok man, I got her. You just got back not long ago and must be exhausted.” Said Porche
“Do you want me to come?” asked Mia but Porche nodded no. “I got this, you enjoy the night. There’s no need for the two of us. I’ll talk to everyone later.” He said as he finish his beer and got up to leave.
James started his set and they can hear him singing in the background. Rainie left to put their drink order in. She brought back their orders a little later. Mia took her drink and excused herself to listen to James more closely.
“How are you getting home tonight?” Colt asked and she raised her eyebrows at him. No sooner that he ask that question a Busty women sat down at the vacant seat.
“Colt Maurer, When did you get back into town?” She lean towards him with her breast exposed. Rainie rolled her eyes.
“Not long, how are you doing Kim?”
“Good, so are you doing anything after?”
“I’m Rainie ride tonight.”
“I have a ride home tonight, Colton.”
“I know. ME.” She gave him a deadly glare. “You either come with me nicely or I’ll carry you out and make a scene in front of all the crowds.”
She lean in towards him and he can smell her sweet scent and it went straight to his groin. Heaven help him but this hellion is doing things to his body.
“Remember what happened the last time you threaten me?” she raised her eyebrow at him.
Oh he did, she took him by surprise. It was their freshman year of college and the three stooges were at a frat party. Some guys were harassing them and he, Porche and Push went to save them and told the girls to leave and she assaulted his babies. He turn towards her and their face were mere centimeters apart. Challenge accepted. Their eyes pierced at each other with intensity. Kim huffed and left in anger from being disregarded.
“Try Me Rainie and we’ll make a scene right now.” Just as he finish his sentence her knee went up towards his groin but he blocked it in time. “Nice try.”
She yelp as he threw her over his shoulder and began exiting the bar. She was shocked and mortified, luckily for her most of the people were paying attentions to James to notice them. He threw her into his passenger seat.
“Don’t you dare try to get out.” He said as he slam the door closed.
“Are you fucking nuts!” she screamed at him as he sat down in the driver seat. He lean over and buckled her seatbelt for her. “Your NOT my KEEPER!”
The car ride was pretty silence. Winter was settling in and she shivers as she exited his car. He follows her to her apartment. “You can leave now.” She said as she unlocked the doors. He of course disregard her request and push into her apartment.
“What the hell Rainie?” he exclaimed as he turn on the lights and saw the sad state of her apartment. It looked like a hurricane went through it.
“I been working a lot and haven’t have time to tidy up, it’s an organized clutter.” She didn’t know why she had to explain anything to him but she did. He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Are you in some kind of trouble?”
“Do you need money? I can give you some?”
“I DON’T need a knight in shining armour! I can take care of myself!” she was raging mad now. “Who the hell do you think you are to butt in my life like this?”
“Your cute when your angry.” He said to her with a pantying melting grin.
There is no way he was flirting with her. He is so infuriating. She was so dumbfounded she didn’t know how to respond and then he winked at her. She must be in the twilight zone. She know him for most her life and their interaction has always been limited and frustrating. She is sure he does it on purpose because he finds it entertaining and she got him back good a few time as well. He was always such an outrageous flirt anyways.
“Your annoying.” She finally spat out. “Stop bugging me”
“Oh but it’s ever so fun sweet cheeks.” He said as he pinch her cheeks. Ugh she hates that nickname he gave her and surely he says it only to annoy her even more.