
sarNie Oldmaid
i'm sure it's not blue dvd but don't know the name of this company. just know they are in cambodia, kompong sam...


sarNie Hatchling
^^ Thanks for the confirmation. These guys sucks!!! They can't even pronounced Kavee or Narin right.


sarNie Egg
actually i like Ntry because they usually pronounce the names the way they say it in Thai..In thai Narin is pronouned Nalin and Kavee is pronounced Nawee..I just sometimes prefer Ntry over Mayura just because they are faster and some of the dubbing is more correct as far as translation goes..


sarNie Egg
Hi, do any of you guys know when "badarn jai" or badal jet will be dubbed by ntry?? i'm really looking forward to see this lakorn! and i notice the website ntrytv.com doesn't exist anymore. I don't know why...


Their domain expired! I hope they get back up. Badan Jai isn't over yet is it? It only takes Ntry two weeks to release.


sarNie Egg
Yeah "Badarn jai" was finished last week on thai tv..really ntry only takes two weeks to release it? i hope soon, it's been one week so far...


sarNie Egg
Badarn Jai
Ngao Asoke out this week
Really??!! badarn jai is out this week? what is the khmer title of it? can we find it in the video stores b/c i don't think the site ntytv.com update their listing yet. How did you know by the way? thank you for the info!!


sarNie Hatchling
:D the best always come last, I think I'll wait for Mayura I can't watch any of those production may be Ntry....they ok I watch Tesakar Sneaha with their voice I think they ok....but I have to go back and watch Mayura dubbed :D