New Beginnings (Chakrit/Anne T.)


sarNie Hatchling
Chpt 8

Chakrit was surprised to see a slight female figure waiting for him in the courtyard. Wow, I didn't actually think she'd come but maybe this will be easier that I thought, he thought happily.

But his eyes widened as he realized that it was it was a nun waiting for him, not Anne.

"Hello, Mr. Yagharat, I assume", Sister Miriam began.

Chakrit figeted nervously, nuns and most religious persons were the few people in the world who could make him nervous. He had been put in a rigorous catholic school in his younger days and the sight of a habit still brought back bad memories of failed algebra tests and detention.

"Yes, sister", he whispered respectfully.

"I expect that you are here to see Anne", Sister Miriam began. Chakrit's eyes widened. Damn but the little minx played dirty. She's hiding behid a sister. I can't even get mad properly or I'll be damned to hell, he though furiously.

"You don't understand sister...Anne is my wife. I'm just here to bring her back as is accordance with holy matrimony", Chakrit said piously.

Sister Miriam smiled. "I appreciate your efforts, Khun Yagharat. I understand your impatience to see your wife but...I recommend that you try a more gentle method. I don't know what happened, Anne has been very mum about it but when Anne came here, she was....broken. It took months for her to smile, laugh, open up. I think you should get to know your wife."

"Did she send you?", Chakrit began starting to feel his anger rising. Why did everyone in the world think they knew his wife better than him?

"No, Anne doesn't even know I came to talk to you. She wouldn't want to put me or the orphanage in such a situation. She really is a wonderful, thoughtful woman. She is teaching class right now", the sister continued serenely.

"Class?", Chakrit asked surprised.

"There appears to be a lot you don't know about your wife. Perhaps, you should find ways to rectify that", she counseled.

"Yes, sister", Chakrit replied glumly. A sorry state his love life was when nuns were lecturing him on his game, Chakrit thought with a glimmer of humor. He turned to leave, conceding that this particular battle had been lost but the war had still yet to be won.

"Oh, and Khun Yaharat...could you please not commit carnal acts on the premise. The children were all in a titter over that display of affection took hours to explain that married people often kiss", Sister Miriam asked with a smile.

This really is the worst day, thought Chakrit as he nodded and headed to his car.


Anne was half expecting an explosion all day long. She knew that not being in the courtyard at 10 was an open declaration of war and wondered if Chakrit would storm into a classroom and physically haul her out. If she truly honest, she was a bit disappointed that nothing happened. Something must have come up. After all, I have always come after business, food, friends, greenhouse gases, animal rights, shit on the street in his priorities, she thought bitterly.



sarNie Hatchling
chpt 9

Business took Chakrit away for a few days and he took this time to mull over Sister Miriam's advice. Maybe, he should try romancing his wife. This new Anne was practically a stranger and the thought of the challenge she presented excited him.

Beset with toys and sweets, along with a truck following behind with new books, clothes, equipment etc., Chakrit arrived at the orphanage. After a short exchange with Sister Miriam where thanks were exchanged, he set off with his new troupe of ardent admirers to find his conquest.

"So what kind of teacher is Mrs. Yagharat?", Chakrit smiled at the group of children tagging after him.

"Mrs Yagharat? oh...Ms. Itawat...she's wonderful!...", a child piped up but Chakrit wasn't listening. Ms. Itawat, huh? Its seems that you've forgetten that you're married, darling. Good thing I'm here to remind you, Chakrit thought ominously as he felt a familiar rage build.

But alas he didn't even finish counting to ten when he found his recalcitrant wife ...wrapped in the arms of some strange man. He didn't notice the Twister game board underneath their feet or the group of children cheering around them. All he saw was Anne's smiling face sparkling flirtatiously up at the stranger and the stranger's arms tightened around her waist.

It was an action scene that would have done the most hardcore Hollywood stuntman proud. Chakrit moved lightening fast to whip the stranger's hands off and twisted him around. Then Chakrit slugged his square in the face so that when the stranger fell to the ground, Chakrit's foot was positioned squarely on his carotid.

"OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD", Anne shouted. "What are you doing?". She tried to pull Chakrit off but it was like moving a stone. Her incessant pushing finally gained Chakrit's attention. He drew her wrists in an iron grip.

"Who the hell is he? Why the hell was he groping you?", Chakrit demanded roughly.

"He's a co-worker, a teacher...we were just showing the kids a game...I tripped, he caught me...I swear. Please let him go, please.", Anne pleaded.

Her words barely penetrated Chakrit's red fog of rage. But he saw the children's horrified faces and Anne's tears, so he removed his foot. But he didn't relinquish his hold on Anne's hands as he dragged her into the car.


Anne looked at the familiar riverbank and shoke her head. What? Is this our meeting spot now?, she thought angrily.

"What the hell were you doing back there?", she demanded angrily. Shock was now being rapidly replaced with anger. Anne had never thought calm cool Chakrit of the starched prada suits and demure business meetings could be so...violent, so haphazard.

Chakrit regarded her coolly before he took long strides over and caught her in an embrace.

"What the hell..?", Anne sputtered.

"I might have overreacted. I just saw some man with his arms around you. I thought...i thought you might be involved so I just reacted. I'll make it up to him and the kids...anything they want...a whole damn new building if that's what is needed", he murmured into the top of her head. He finally felt at peace with her in his arms. This was were she belonged, with him.

"What if we are involved?", Anne questioned coolly. He was as arrogant and spoiled as ever! He came in and wrecked havoc, almost killing Tom and scarring the children. He didn't ask any questions, dragged her like she was some toy, an object that belonged to him. Fuck him, I don't belong to him or anyone else. I belong to myself and I deserve respect, Anne thought furiosuly.

Chakrit loosened his hold to look into her eyes. "What?", he muttered.

"Khun Tom and I are not currently involved but that might change when the divorce comes through. He is a great guy", Anne replied unruffled.

"The divorce will not be coming through and I don't care if this guy is Mother Teresa", Chakrit interrupted with a cold edge to his voice, "you belong to me. Me!"

"I belong to noone especially not you! Stop trying to win me because of your damaged ego or need to play games. I want to be happy! I want to meet a nice guy like Tom, date a while, fall in love, marry in a little church on the hill, have a little girl and a boy, buy a house on the seashore to retire. Leave me alone, please!", Anne seethed.

"We can do those things! I'll buy you an island if you want, build as many houses as you want! Two children, we can have 10!", Chakrit shouted.

"I don't want to do those things with you!", she screamed, "you're not sincere. just a spoiled brat with too much money and not enough heart. What will it take for you to leave me alone?"

Chakrit's mind and heart raced together. How could he win her? "One night", he whispered.

"What?", Anne asked.

"Spend one night with me. After that, if you still want, the divorce will go through", he promised.


sarNie Hatchling
chpt 10

Silence stretched between them, two bodies frozen as if in a movie still.

"I'm sorry...what did you say?", Anne asked tremulously.

"One night. You spend one night with me and if you want a divorce after that, then I'll sign the papers", Chakrit replied. All his life, women and love had come easily to him. His incredible good looks coupled with wealth were more than a draw. Any stubborn conquests were soon bowled over by his charm and humor. To be resisted, and by all people, his wife was a shock. If all else failed, he would just have to seduce her. A couple of orgasms should tie her to him, he thought satisfied.

" pervert!", Anne screamed looking for something to throw. She finally settled on a nearby rock and flung for his head. The bastard! Bartering with her like some prostitute.

Chakrit easily moved out of the way. "Now, nice", he purred,"I'm willing to compromise. Of course, if you're afraid you'll never want to leave after one night, whose fault would that be?". He grinned, assured of his victory.

Anne itched to slap his grin off. "Fine, stay married to me! Precious difference it will make to me. A couple of years down the line and no heir, it will be your ass on the line. Coupled with my mom's incessant harping, you'll probably end up in the loony bin. Don't worry, I'll come and visit you.", she snapped back.

"If my life stall, so does yours baby. No dating, no wedding, no little house by the sea, nothing", Chakrit replied smartly.

"Whatever, I can live with that. People in America have relationships and babies without marriage. When I turn up pregnant with Khun Tom's child, let's see if you still want to be married", she smirked back.

Anne's eyes widened as she saw anger suffuse Chakrit's face and he took long steps toward her. The idea of another man touching her, much less impregnating her made Chakrit see red. He would kill that bastard and gladly go to jail!

Chakrit trapped a fleeing Anne in his arms. "Brave aren't we now?", he growled into her cheek, "fine, what about your precious orphange?".

"What? what about the orphange?", Anne questioned.

"Well,I had thought to buy the land as a peace offering but now with all this talk about divorce, I could sell the orphanage land for a tidy profit", he replied.

"But that land belongs to the church", Anne stuttered.

"It did but when priests got caught with little boys a couple of years ago, the church had to get liquidity fast and heavily mortgaged the land.", Chakrit answered, "don't worry, the kids will just be split into different orphanages all over the country. I'm sure you could visit them all in a year or two".

Anne's eyes darkened. She was trapped and she knew it. She could agree to this hideous bargain or betray the people who had given her a second chance at life.

"Fine", Anne whispered, her voice trembling and filled with tears. Chakrit's heart twisted, he hadn't wanted her defeated and weak. He wanted to always keep that smile in her face and fiesty sparkle in her eye. Damn, but she made me play hardball!, Chakrit thought regretfully.

"But remember this, you'll only be getting my body that night. I will only hate you for this", she continued.


sarNie Egg
This is such an addictive read're doing a fab job. Can't wait to see how it all unfolds... :p


Professional Lakorn Watcher
I finally got caught up. Very good so far.. I'm so happy that Anne is able to break free from her ruthless family. I hope Anne doesn't lose her guards yet when it comes to her so-called husband.

Update soon!