Mark-Kim World


Mrs James Ma
You are really my teammate cos I posted the same pic on TRRR thread  :highfive:
peace said:
such a beautiful romantic poster :heart: throw back tpo ton ruk rim rua
cr team.kimmy


sarNie Tombstone
one of my favorite pic from photoshoot beautiful happy couple 

wooow sexy eyes both of them 


sarNie Tombstone
the lady in  white worked with MK in TRRR i wonder what she said i hope if someone translate for us  :scratchhead2:


sarNie Juvenile
thaiCH2 never say good thing about mk,especially these 2 and another male this vdo they were talking about mk's relationship,insinuated the cheating news when TRRR I don't want mk won any jin pool things from CH2,its just give them a chance to bashing mk


Mrs James Ma
I know about that male host. He hates MK. He said MK is fake and asked for proof also on the show. I was happy for the poll cos it was jin. 3 hosts say they are another famous koo jin's fc always. They made MK lose all polls but its first time they won so I'm happy for that :yes:


sarNie Tombstone
this still my favorite event of them :heart: :heart: :heart:


sarNie Tombstone
wooooooooooooooow wooooooooooooooooow i didn't see this particular pic back to ARO days that's sooo hooootttt and sexyyyyy :spicy: :spicy: :drools: 