

sarNie Egg
btw, i think i have the book u guys are talking about: THE PRINCESS.
I'll check out the author's name 4 u when I get home tonight.
The titles of the other books mentioned are pretty interesting. Thanks for throwing out the when I have time I can check those books out!


sarNie Egg
hi once again,
the author of PRINCESS is Jean P. Sasson.
I haven't gotten around to reading it, but heard it's really sad & somewhat misleading bout islam.


charm said:
hi once again,
the author of PRINCESS is Jean P. Sasson.
I haven't gotten around to reading it, but heard it's really sad & somewhat misleading bout islam.
can post a small summary about the book? im not surprised that it misleads Islam in some way. most book written like that mislead in some shape or form.

and ur right about the muslims who are born into Islam. they dont no much about it until it actually hits them in the head. for reverts, they are so profoundly changed from the drastic reversion that they seek to learn about Islam.

the muslimas at my college? most of them do not even cover talkin about the hijab or jilbab or abaya, ye no. sure....they wear long sleeves and pants but..whats the use of wearing it when it is so skin tight????? am i right?

the word HIJAB means in arabic: protection and cover/screen. this word is commonly mistaken to meaning the head scarf that muslimas wear on their head. when one understand the meaning of this word, the TRUE meaning, one wouldnt be wearing skin tight clothes and skirts that goes to ur knees. beauty is meant to be screened from the eyes of strange people...more likely the mens' eyes. another significance of the hijab is to protect a woman's ego so that she does not spend her time doing makeup, hair, nails, and whatnot.

May Allah subhana wa ta'ala bring the light upon all muslims. ameen.'s nice to meet u, sister :)


sarNie Egg
hey nice to meet u too Amira! i'm just so awed by ur story of reverting & ur knowledge...

I'm at school right now, so I'll post the summary from the back of the book up tonight or maybe tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have time to read it over winter break.

As for the Muslims at my school, I know there are many of them whom u can't tell whether they're muslims or not, eg, no hijab, lots of make-up, wearing shorts...etc. But I don't judge them by that tho, b/c it's not my place to judge them. BUT there are also muslims who are very covered up--"modest", & there are those in there are varieties of different muslims on my campus!

Ur explanations reminded me of a lecture I helped put up last year about women's rights in Islam...& the speaker was talking about the meaning of hijab too (among other things). It was a good lecture, I learned a few new things (remember I said I have been attempting to strengthen my faith?).

Well, u'll hear from me soon! :)


sarNie Hatchling
I'm one of them fellow Muslim girls that doesn't cover up. You can't tell whether if I am Muslim or not but you can tell by my name though. I dislike those type of people who preach about being all covered up and following the religion but behind people's back they don't. I am in the process of strengthing my faith and trying to be a better Muslim.


sarNie Egg
Well, Misszaky, I think no one should be able to judge anyone because we all have our own flaws :) I guess in the end God will be the one who'll judge us. But I agree w/ u tho, I know a few people who say one thing but does the other's a lil frustrating sometimes when someone makes u do something but they themselves do not do. But u should be proud of urself for caring enough to want to strengthen ur faith & be a better muslim :D I have Muslims friends who don't really "cover up" and friends who are very religious (I'm in between :p ...and I get along w/ them just fine...

To Amira: here is the summary from the back of the book, PRINCESS:

"Because she is a woman, she is considered worthless--a slave to the whims of her male masters. She has watched sisters, cousins and friends sold into marriage as young girls to men five times their age, and brutally murdered for the slightest transgression, in accordance with cruel and ancient religious law. Now bestselling author Jean P. Sasson offers a shocking glimpse into a world of opulent splendor and horrific oppression--and presents the real-life story of a courageous modern Saudi princess...who has risked her very life so that the truth may finally be told."

That is word for word from back of the book. When I read it, I was a lil shocked to see that the author was saying that the cruelty was due to the religion. When people think about Islam, they think about oppression & inhumane treatment (mostly from stories from the Middle East)...but that's just the culture--the people who did it, not the religion...the religion does not tell them to do all that nor does it promotes those kind of treatments. Well, the author did say that the story was from the princess's, but it's his(her?) words. I can't say much about this book yet tho, I'd have to read it first..


to misszakky: i know what u mean. i get that message at school. after i reverted, my muslima sister friends (they dont cover) tells me that ive done the right thing and preaching to me...i was glad that they were tellin me but....ionno y theyre not following that. ye no? doesnt make sense that theyre doing that. AND im glad that u are trying to improve ur iman. that tells alot that u care for Islam. alhamdulillah sister!

to charm: thanx for posting the summary. yea the author, obviously, doesnt know the real deal with Islam. she sees what her eyes see and her ears hear but doesnt comprehend well. ignorants, i tell u. thats how the damn media portrays Islam/Muslims. we're just a buncha terrorist to them. us women are just oppressed who cant speak for themselves. makes me mad, come to think of it. ugh.


sarNie Hatchling
yes, i totally hate it when people give me this crazy look when they find out im a muslim. because they the people who has never been around a muslim person before assume we are terrorists or crazy evil people. im like whatever. about the book. the author needs to get their facts straight. we muslim women are not oppressed and so forth. its the culture that needs to be blame.