Hua Jai Sila


sarNie Juvenile
yer i cant wait for this... yay bie again in another lakorn where he will get angry...
ang has grown on me since the that buang ruk with pepper...
and when i fisrt watched roy adeed hang ruk i thiought it was her now im glad that they are together in this one ...


Staff member
when they say revenge lakorn its always scary =x because I always think damn revenge (Leh Pumeres. Ruk Nai Roy Kaen. Game Ruk Payabard(Aom and Captain). So hopefully this isn't like that =x


sarNie Granny
Ooooo Bie
~ i need somebody~
i like revenge lakorn cuz it usually have those cruel intention atmosphere :drool: and it tend to have heart break ...innocent lost and stuff stuff lolzz ...I want to see Bie all mean and aggressive hahaha i like his wild kitten look :blush:


sarNie Adult
*bursts out laughing*

'wild kitten look' :lol:!!!!!!

never thought of that before.. hahahaha.. so true, though! he does have the wild kitten look.


Staff member
Man bie >.O aish makes me miss Mew .. but I've missed Fang also .. so I don't mind .. I just hope someday Mew comes back and star with Bie once more in a lakorn as good as Roy Adeed Haeng Ruk


SarNie Adult
anyone know the summary to this lakorn yet...i would really like to know...thanks in advance for those who is willing to share....


sarNie Adult
wow...Fang looks extrodinary GORGEOUS!!! awww...why can't it be Puri...ahaha...I love him..oh well..the main dude seems okay..gotta see him first...fang looks beautiful!!!


sarNie Adult
i dun think it is a revenge lakorn if it is then it is not Bie revenging on Fang. It is best if he gets revenge on Fang.


sarNie Adult
Any more news on this lakron? I'm simply love Fang. I love her as Rut in "SS" opposite Chakrit. She's so cute and adorable.


sarNie Granny
when is this going to get on air i can't wait any longer it seems such like its such a good one...omg... can't wait at all... love fang and especially bie........... :wub:


sarNie Adult
I hope it's true. I can't get enough of Fang. I like her now....she's so good now.


sarNie Juvenile
i think lookade is taller then bie but i guess it's how they take da's probably da angle how they took it so i guess tat's why bie looks taller........hehehehe bie might be da same height as lookade 2..........but i don't know..........hehehee............


SarNie Adult
for real it will be on air after saeng soon....that would be so great...i am so in love with fang now...she is so gorgeous in saeng soon...


Natty's #1 FAN!
Here is the teaser!!!

Thanks to Anonymousblue2001

Looks good....Fang has long hair....cute..and Bie :spin:

:baby-scene-pop-corn: Lots of :slapandkissse3: Lakorn.... :dude: :dude:

I hope Bie isn't kissing his thumb again when he kisses FANG...but it look like it :angry: