Have you ever...


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Ha, ha. Weirdo. Who'd do that? LOLs.

Have you ever flushed your clothes down
the toilet and then it stopped working?
(Or when you were a baby?)


Lakornaddict ;)
lol i dunno im jus makin these things up hahaha.

uhmmm not dat i remembered hahaha

Have you ever flushed ur dead goldfishie down the toilet?


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Nope. Never had a pet before. LOLs. Poor me.

Toilets are the topic now, eh? LOLs.

Have you ever broken something and blamed
it on someone else and got away with it?


Save World Save Life
nope never broken anything and if i did i wouldnt get away with it haha

have you ever sleep walk and was in a middle of a street


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Yes. Yum!!

Have you ever disliked Spring Rolls?


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
What if they forced themselves? I've never forced
anyone to eat my cooking. It's their choice.
*Shakes head.

Have you ever felt like telling someone to go away
but then you know you'll feel bad for saying it
because that person has only been nice to you?


Lakornaddict ;)
lol. . .
yes ive felt that way before.

Have you eva talked to someone
and they were talkin n u pretended dat u listen to every word
they said?


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Yeah. But I don't feel guilty. They were
talking about worthless crap anyways.

Have you ever went to the movies and
not buy popcorn? LOLs. Very random.


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Shamefully, yes - too many times, might I add. LOLs.

Have you ever gotten scared because you broke
something, only to find out in the end that it didn't
even break at all and you panicked for nothing?


sarNie Egg
Yes...my stuff, such as pictures or hello kitty stuff. Scared it was broken but no it's NOT!

Have you ever broke up with someone and regret it years later?


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Nope. Though I 'pretended' to date someone who I regret
because I now feel guilty for lying about dating him.

Have you everstarted writing a fanfic, quit writing it after a
long while, and then continued it a long time afterwards?


kinda...sorta..but never went back and finish writing it..lol

have you ever cried so much that you thought you would never stop crying?


sarNie Egg
Yeah...when I got drunk and I was crying like crazy....my husband thought that someone died or something horrible happened!!! :ph34r: Thank god no one was there to witness it besides my hubby!

Have you ever been so embarassed on a date that you never met with that person ever again?


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Nope. But my brother went fishing once and his hook caught
onto a log down at the bottom of the lake. His fishing pole
was a two-piece that connects together. The top part got
disconnected and fell off. LOLs.

Have you ever had to wash the dishes every other thirty
minutes all day long?


haha..yep..gosh..why can't they wash their own dishes??lol lazy butt!! hehe

have you ever wish something for someone else??