Gnuern Rissaya (PauJinJong/HM)


sarNie Hatchling
this one sound interesting, currently downloading this lakorn, so I can't wait to watch it...thanks for the information.


sarNie Adult
aiiiiiiiish.. they cut out a few scenes.. i wanted to watch that.. ...."scarf nuzzle" scene..:wub: hahaha..


sarNie Hatchling
is Off's death for reals or is it fake? I really want to know since there are a few scenes in the opening credits that i didn't see yet or may it might have been cut off. anyways does anyone have any idea when this lakorn will end?


sarNie Oldmaid
Jib and Glom couple was cute. but i was disappointed that there were so little scenes of them, well they are not the main leading couple. but they are consider second couple, but why have so little scenes especially sweet scenes together ,so little. compare to other la korn the second couple has more scenes than them. that sucks!!! but their end scene was cute. they should let him kiss her cheek. darn it! i would be screaming if he did. but instead he get to kiss her hand. well, still cute.oh i hope they would get to pair up again and this time hope they get to play as the main leading couple. they make a cute couple. i like Glom from this la korn. he play his character very cute.i'm a fan of Jib so which ever actor she pair up with i eventually will like anyways. hehe :rolleyes:


this lakorn has a typical thai lakorn ending. i love it nonetheless though. I just thought it was way cute and touching when off was trying to kill both of them but their love conquered all. overall i like this lakorn alot and would rewatch it if i have the time to. :D


sarNie Adult
i think this lakon kinda slacked off towards the end. i'm so mad at the beach scene.. haha they cut out my scarf nuzzle scene just to show Big's (the doctor .. i think his real name is Big) pointless music video looking scene? :-\ bummer. they also cut the horseback riding scene. you kinda see it during the preview; Yai and Charlie rides on the horse together. i wanted to see that scene too.

eh.. some parts (eg. her true identity being solved) were rushed.. and some parts (eg. poisoning) dragged so much... it's ridiculous. lol

but anyway... i still like this lakon..and the ending was sweet (some dialogues were vomiticious, btw. haha). :p


sarNie Juvenile
Such a dramatic ending! Off came back more psycho than ever! How did he not die, but after watching Talay Rissaya, people not dying shouldn't surprise me. Yea, glad it had a happy ending! :rolleyes: