[Ch7] Roy Ruk Raeng Kaen (Samun Karn Lakorn)


sarNie Granny
Whoa, I'm behind on eps. ,been busy but dang that scene/position look yummy HAHAHA having idea . still no like man whore


sarNie OldFart
‘โบว์’ถูกสั่งห้ามดู‘รอยรักแรงแค้น’เหตุ‘ไมค์’หวั่นถูกหึง “โบว์”เผยถูก“ไมค์”สั่งห้ามดูรอยรักแรงแค้นเพราะกลัวสาวโบว์โกรธยันไม่ได้ตั้งใจจะจับผิดฝ่ายชายเพราะไม่ใช่คนคิดมากอยากดูการแสดงของนักแสดงรวมถึงเนื้อเรื่องชวนติดตาม
This koo jin is too much. She didn't even have to put much thought into her answers but the details she gave about being jealous or not shows that they're dating and she wants people to know. 
Pooklook and Mike at Teeneemochit.


sarNie OldFart
I think Mike is no good for her. She's too young. If he has to tell her not to watch this because he's scared that she'll get mad at him or that it's too inappropriate, he's up to no good. Lol.


sarNie OldFart
But like Mike said, she doesn't stay mad for long and is cute. Perhaps she's his Mookrin in real life. Lol

I think they're dating but she's too young and it's too early to say anything. But a lot of the relationships that begin too early end up sadly.

Whatever it is, I think they're really cute together too, so the best to them.


sarNie OldFart
I have a feeling they'll end up dating for the longest time...for her it might be young love and really in love.   I think they are cute but Mike seemed to have that slyness about him.


sarNie OldFart
Just watched Episodes 9 and 10.
Wow. Pak is crazy. When she shot at Mook, she shot multiple times, but missed and still continued. Normally, the majority of nang'rais would shoot once and once they hear the gun go off, they wake up and realize what they're doing and retreat but here, Pak was really going to kill Mook and sad thing is, she would have totally gotten away with it with her dad's power and wealth just like how she got away with shooting Kim.
It's Kim's fault for involving Pak in the beginning but Pak would have eventually involved herself with Kim one way or another knowing how strong she feels about Kim. I honestly dislike people like Pak. She didn't even flinch when she shot at Mook and she didn't even feel remorseful after Kim was shot. Pak tightened up the leash on Kim afterwards and continued to suffocate him even more. I don't think anyone can love Pak. She's like Lenny. She holds the person she loves so tight that they suffocate and die if they can't escape.
I applaud Kim for marrying Pak to protect Mook. At least he did it not for revenge anymore, but survival.
Poor Mook though, just when things looked bright with Kim, everything turned sour.
The words Kim said to Pak were point on. Haha. How delusional can Pak get? She still expects Kim to love her? It's funny how Pak asks Kim how long she has to endure an unloving and cold husband? Kim was like you don't have to anymore because I'm out. Please go ahead and hug the marriage certificate by yourself, you'll still be considered my wife. Hahahah. It was funny too when Kim told her that her dad said he can marry her without loving her.
Anyway, the truth may hurt but a crazy person like Pak, perhaps death is the best option. She's so crazy and unreasonable. Even if Kim genuinely loved her, she's so insecure and delusional, it would still drive him insane. I can only understand Pak to a certain degree. Once she starts killing people with no remorse, she has to go. She feels like she has an entitlement to kill and intrude into people's lives like how she treats Parob, people like that can go straight to hell. There's no more understanding or sympathy from me. She deserves what she receives and that is death and no love. She needs to die off and stop creating misery to the people around her. You can't go killing off the people you dislike and think should get out of your way. Life doesn't work like that. People like Pak and her dad have huge egos and power trips they need to get off their high horses. It's funny how no one can kill them but themselves. What a pity. People like Pak who were born with everything are cripled in the heart. There is no cure for that. There are no excuses for her rotten behavior. Yes, even if Kim used her as a weapon against Mook, even if Kim and Mook had an affair behind her back, Pak is still the rotten person that she is, faking to be friends with Mook, taking the chance to steal Kim, and then killing people off. I don't feel sorry for her, not one bit. She had every opportunity to turn back and start over. She had more opportunities and resources than anyone else in this lakorn to end up happily if only she could accept the truth and not be lost in her own delusions. She needs to go. Lol Because of Pak, I wish Kim and Mook has a happy ending. Kim and Mook need to be happy to show Pak that she lost even in death. Hahah.
Mook has no one else but Parob but yeah, why make the character divorced so many times with children?
Oh gosh, everyone is preggo, Pak, Mook, and Dao. Lol


sarNie OldFart
Hahah, Kim calling every girl his wife.

Bo is as good as Pook in here. I love their contrasting energy. Bo should definitely take on more roles like this. She shines more spicier.


sarNie OldFart
Well, this lakorn is pretty good because it depicts the book well. I didn't read the book but I'm sure it goes something along this line. Tua is doing a good job with producing, directing, and writing the script. He just chose a lousy book to remake because the plot is disgusting. You want a raeng lakorn, you got it. Lol. 


sarNie OldFart
Things are wrapping up quite beautifully ever since Episode 8. The story is progressing, tragically and complicatedly, but it's going. The acting is getting better as each character is unleashing their full emotions. I'm really enjoying it. I'm now a Pooklook and Bo fan. I already adored Mike from his lakorn with Bow, so wow! I'm glad, I have new actresses to support at Ch. 7.