Okay I"m finally watching episode 1 from start to finish. Here's my initial RANT
"Mussaya," also known as, "The young woman who is the subject of redemption for one old lady who claims to love her adopted son so much that she couldn't bear to watch him live a fulfilled loving relationship with a woman of a different ethnicity, and cut ties with her adopted son+family until the day came when this old lady felt guilty, or bored, enough to play around with the young woman's life by claiming to love her so much that she'll lure said young woman away from her home to be dolled up and insulted every day, making the old lady love her even more, so much so that she won't be able to bear watching this young granddaughter live a fulfilled loving relationship with the old lady's grandson, whom she also claims to love very much." Eck.
When Lak and his mom were talking to Mussaya's grandfather, I was snapping those Z formations all over the place at all the truths that grandpa was speaking, about how Mussaya may be an orphan but she isn't worthless, she isn't abandoned, she's basically a PRINCESS right where she is, and the only reason granny wants her back is to pacify her own guilt for being cruel in the past. And DAYUM when the guy cousin got called out for his trash talk, gramps went and called out the whole Rathanamahasan clan for being oh so good at looking down on people.
End rant.
Lak told her she can't speak her mother's language?? Mussaya has nothing to prove to these folks. They would benefit from some bilingualism. I wish gramps had made Lak stay to prove his family's sincerity instead of sending Mussaya away. Whooooo, THAT would be fun to watch. And a lot less creepy than being tricked into going to Granny's house and "becoming one of them the moment she stepped into the house." 0.0 Is that how it happened in the old version?
It's going to be such a trial watching this lakorn. I think I'll just skip around to watch the cute scenes, and because it looks like Mussaya has a touch of Nakee blood in her 555. Homegirl is so darn sassy! I'm imagining a Girl Gang in my head made up of Kamkaew, Mussaya, Princess Risa, Miss G, and a few other choice heroines.