I'm a little late into the game, but just finished watching the first subbed episode and I'm liking it a lot. Like the majority of you guys here, I'm loving Mussaya. So strong, this girl. But Lek though

and the fact that Mik is playing him makes it even better. I forgot how charming he is lol. I love his tone of voice, he's one of those soft spoken men. Similar to Weir, but softer

I'm not sure if I'm making any sense here lol. Love the height differences between the two, which is something I came to love about Mik and all his n'eks hahaha. Chemistry is definitely there, but for now it's subtle but still really cute. I love the part where he challenges her to a game of slingshot and purposely lose to make her happy. It was cute. Lek's fake actions were adorable.
I truly wish Mik will do more romance lakorn because he's just so good at the romance part, you know hahaha. I mean he's good in action too but action lakorns just bored me to death, minus KLKNNHJ, even though I think it's more romantic than actions packed.
This is the first time I've seen anything of Mookda, and I think she's doing an amazing job portraying Mussaya. Strong and stubborn but yet not annoying. I do get annoyed at n'eks who are overly stubborn if not portrayed well. She seems so natural with her acting without trying to look pretty or cutesy which I appreciated.