[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Adult
Может, кто-нибудь сказать что говорила Маюми после похорон и что говорил Рю, когда приехал с ней поговорить?


⭐Live Love Laugh⭐
:thanks: na MrsChum for the update on this pic
Yaaaayyyy!!! Finally :phew: RFTD is just round the corner :dance3: OMG!! I'm becoming restless now, can't wait any longer    :cloud9:  :rofl:  :clap2:
Haven't watched the finale of RRHLT yet but going by the reviews above, my heart goes out to Seiko...
I hope to watch loads and loads of cute scenes of Ryu-Mayumi in RFTD.. Already in the   :cloud9: 














sarNie Hatchling
I liked how they used first half of episode 11 to end RRHLT and the other half to introduce some of the casts for RFTD.  We got a happy ending for RRHLT, so I hope we will also get the same for RFTD.  Less than 20 hours to go and counting down.  Can't wait.


sarNie Adult
preciouskj said:
Sorry my question will be stupid but i want to know what you want to say when you say FIN and JIN .... Bc i dont understand....
I think she meant something to fantasize and feel good about.

Del Rey

sarNie Hatchling
Happy Birthday Falada
Hope you have a great day and for the days later on!!! ENJOY!


sarNie Adult
Happy Happy Happy Birthday Dear Fahlada! May all your wishes & dreams come true na!!!

Awe i had to spoiled it for myself to see that part even tho theres no sub. So sad!!! Got a bit teary for Mayami! She looked happy to be there with Ryu. I am so excited! Its finally here!!!!

The Icebucket challenged is so funny!
I thought the purpose of this was to donate or be cold & do the icebucket (meaning no donating) Lol all & all it was funny to see Yadech do theirs. Nadech practically did a whole large bucket! Haha

Does anyone know if the last ep. has been subbed yet?

Thank you very much ladies for keeping us posted ❤❤❤


The Dahlia Goddess
How many years did it pass by for Ryu to see Takeshi again? I sorta ff through ep 11 of part 1 so i didnt catch it.