I shared the two photos where Chalida uploaded on her IG, the "doublemint" and also the one where Mark was standing behind her and where Dom
commented "Wow." However, has anyone noticed Mark also uploaded this picture?
Mark uploaded the photo to his personal instagram on January 24th. I remember on this particular day, many pics were being released by insiders from the set of Khun Chai Ronnapi. I think this must have stimulated Mark and he chose a pic where he was basically the star and center of the photo whilst James is in the background. Even Dom and Kan had at least some presence in the photo but James is so obscure and overshadowed behind Mark there. Mark tagged Dom and Kan then basically referred to himself as "captain."
Do you think M&M are so angelic and that all these are just "coincidences"? 55~
I think Mark and James see each other in the set of Khun Chai Ronnapi more than sometimes but I don't think we've ever seen them interacted. So I always wonder how they are when they see each other hahaha. In the Sj Premium, James mentioned Nadech and Mario as actors he likes/admires but he did not mention Mark. I just find it interesting because Mark is James' senior in K'Ae's management just like Mario and Nadech. Besides, Mark is guest-starring in KCR.
I was watching a fan clip from V'Day 2011 and made a tiny discovery. I don't think anyone has noticed this before.
Look at Chalida being her usual carefree self. She whispered something to Porshe and he immediately glanced at a certain someone.... 5555~~~~~
He must have sensed the death glares :loool: :loool: :loool:
Zoomed in. 55555555555555555555555555
Stuff we've seen before but I think it doesn't hurt to post again. Besides....if this is an online school like Fun said, it's a history course on MTEAM and this is a chapter review on Mark's jealousy...... 555555555. Learning is about repetition xD.
I think most of us know Mark's possessive tendencies and have a seen a bit from Chalida in Star Chat. Otherwise, Chalida doesn't show as much. But just saying. No matter how they flirt around, we don't see them displaying jealousy or possessiveness towards anyone except for each other.
The first one that I think we all know since 2011 haha. Mark was smiling when they talked about Mint slamming the basin on Pope's head but the precise moment they switched the topic to Pope-Mint's peck on the cheek scene, he immediately tensed up, became stiff,and clenched his hands. His hands were clenched the entire time they were discussing the flirty scene but once they switched the topic, he also immediately released his clench hands. (Of course, Mark's face is obvious too 55555~)
Mark just can't help but butt in when Pope talked about the love scenes 555. His reaction was so suspicious a FC whispered:
"Mak is blushing."
Chalida also took a moment to glance at her man. 555555
Jimieyoushie, I don't think you mind me sharing this one lol.
Anyone noticed when Mark's expression and posture suddenly changed the moment Jack told Nadech to go sit at the end of the table? And who is at the end of the table but someone's girl hmm? 5555~ Someone's always so possessive. Prior to Jack's instruction, Mark was chatting nonchalantly with the others.
You know, for both times when Mark visited the set of Khun Chai Ronnapi in December and February, it was after Chalida had posted intimate looking pictures of herself with James.
In December, when Mark asked "Is James flirting with you?" This was only two days before he visited the set. Coincidence?
In February, Chalida uploaded a photo of her leaning on James shoulder and the next day we see the boys visiting the set of KCR again: "Wait first na Pienglwan." Coincidence? 555555 I'm using this word too much.
kimsaj said:
Banmark.. oh.. <_< .. I know what u mean . LOL
I even unliked that page coz the admins there OBVIOUSLY don't like MC.
oh well.. :weee:
thanks for the info btw.
now i know.
Anyone who claims to be a Mark fan but hates Chalida doesn't really love Mark. Likewise, anyone who claims to be a Chalida fan but hates Mark isn't a real Chalida fan. Hahahahahaha But that's just me.
But anyway, did anyone noticed Mark uploaded this picture with his FC 4 weeks ago? I think this was his first time and if you are familiar with the people here, they are Prinfanclub members not Banmark. They are also people who all love Chalida and a few prominent members are also Chalidaclub members. I personally think Mark genuinely appreciates his fans who also love Chalida.
fun said:
How much will the history book of Mteam cost? Haha.
A thousand "I :heart: yous." 555555555