i found this recent interview of mark hilarious:
05:04 - his explanation is soo funny - plus the way he keeps looking around while talking makes it seem like he's reciting some text
05:23 - "other things that have nothing to do with me don't concern me" - for someone who's supposedly courting vill he sure doesn't care much about possible threats (son/tono). :scratchhead2: Soo not jealous at all. Same goes to his "i can't tell you and also don't know" - shouldn't he be more informed than that o.0
05:46 - answer to "does it effect your feelings?" is "rao yang bpen peuan gan" o.o o.0 not a "no of course not - i'm not concerned about rumors since I know most of them are not true" or even a "yes"??? he sounds like he wants to say "honestly I don't even care, why do you even ask me that???"
06:09 - 06:14 mark's "yang, yang, yang!!!" just lol, it seems to me the reporters found it hilarious too and don't take him serious at all, like they know something's off about what he's saying...
06:50 his standard excuse "I don't know how the future will be"
07:03 now he's using "bpen peuan gan" 555 and I love 07:18: "riaak wa jeep mai?? yang bpen peuan gan dee gwa" - yep, that's what I thought the truth is...
and 07:21: "bpen peuan thee peua nai anakot ja bpen yang euun mai?" - "arghhhhh I really can't tell you" - 555555 love his arghhh, boy is annoyed :coverlaf:
07:27: "do you talk to each other often?" - "no blablabla
peuan gor mee laai khon" 555555
"single krap" yeepppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07:42: "do you like her" "do I like her? do I like her?" - and then a sooo not enthusiastic answer... I'm loving what he said afterwards: "
Is she my type? Maybe not 100% yet. For now I wan't to concentrate on work" - this is really funny 555555
at 08:00: they're asking about vill's "I miss you" on IG - Mark: "I don't know who she meant, you'll have to ask her bla bla ... back then I probably wasn't curious about that message at all since I was out of the country" - I'm sure you weren't interested, and it's not because of "out of country" :coverlaf:
and now after 08:35 minutes, finally about Neua Mek!!!! seriously the way he answers the questions now seems sooo much more sincere, he looks interested to answer correctly looks happy
10:02 funny part, suddenly someone starts to dry his face with a small towel 555
credit: Tookie PRvariety