sarNie Adult
Yes I agree. At least it's bearable for my eyes. What I like so far is that it moves pretty fast, like it's not just at one place. We are seeing alot of characters surrounding our leads. We are getting close to the baddie but then at the same time, we are not there yet. Like I said, if there are no dead people, it won't be a lakorn after all. Once you start seeing a few people die, that's when we will really get to the bottom of this. I am hoping they will give us some make up scenes of our leadHAHA too funny! Yes, at times I like to watch or listen to spoilers if I can find any hehe. Yes, still so much more to be known. The all reasons behind it. AT least it's not an annoying plot that just goes in circle?
I do agree that Chorprae is tough. She wont give up without a fight. Trying to stay sane hehe. If it does end next week, they have to tie all things together well and fast. Right now, nothing but reruns so, this lakorn is doing well? Yup, I want more scene of pr'nangs))